
Thursday 23 December 2010

Merrry Christmas to all residents

As we approach Christmas I would like to take the opportunity to wish all the residents of West Shoebury a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

For me politically, it has been a fantastic year as you the residents gave me a massive endorsement at the local elections in May. I will be forever grateful for the 1,400 plus majority that you gave me.

I was also at 32 the youngest ever councillor to be appointed the cabinet on Southend Borough Council. This has opened my eyes to wider scale issues other than the general day to day ward issues that I have dealt with. The leader has said, rightly, that during these difficult times he will trim his cabinet by one in the next Civic Year. I would like to think that I have done enough to impress him over the past year to continue in the cabinet.

Since I started this blog at the beginning of the year I have tried to give a different angle to workings of the council and tried to break stories that the local media choose to ignore.

Whilst I am looking forward to spending Christmas with my family and my daughter who will understand her first Christmas blogging will be light for the next couple of weeks.

I want to end the year how I started with an unbelieveable story given to me by a young wippersnapper on the Southend Older Peoples Assembley.

From time to time, councillors are asked to contribute articles to their newsletters. In issue 7, Shoeburyness Independent Party councillor wrote a thought provoking piece here on page 2.

After receiving praise for this piece, it would seem that that Cllr Assenheim owes them an apology. In the anonamous communication from an Assembley it appears that Cllr Assenheim has recited an historical piece of BNP propoganda from YouTube. If you look closely at the article and the YouTube clip here Remembering Great Britain, posted on YouTube in March 2009 it is word for word.

It is bad enough plagarising somebody elses work but BNP propoganda? I think at the very least Cllr Assenheim should apologise but also confirm that he isn't a BNP supporter or sympathiser. Shoeburyness would like to know

Truly World Class

I have just been informed that European, World and Commonwealth diving champion has described the new diving facility at Garons Park as awsome. I couldn't agree more. If you haven't had the chance to go I suggest you make it new years resolution.

Let us hope that the Olympic Diving squad will use Garons as it's base!

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Higher charges for Car Parking? Yes if you are the Independent Party

In an unreported debate at the last full council, the Independent Party's latest way of helping hard pressed residents was to increase car parking charges for the town's commuters.

Southend Council has recently increased the parking facility behind Leigh Station and undertaken some environmental improvements and has imposed a charge for all day parking of £1.00 per day to offset these costs.

Prior to these improvements there was no charge, however, cars parked all over the place and along the narrow road making it dangerous for pedestrians and access was difficult.

There is a large station car park operated by a national chain but the charges there are so high that many commuters cannot afford to park in that car park.

The idea that all commuters have vastly well paid City jobs is ridiculous, many do not even go as far as London and I would not want to deter them from using the train or working.

Given the increasingly high cost of train travel before 9.30 adding another £25 a week to local residents costs simply does not encourage train travel or working up the line in low to medium paid work.

I do not approve of squeezing the motorist and tax payer for every last penny, they pay their road taxes, their national taxes and their council tax, why should they be ‘taxed’ yet again for parking to get to work?

Yes we are in difficult economic times and yes all councils including Southend are having to look very closely at budgets, but before we start adding to the cost of getting work let’s at least consider what happens when that cost gets too high resulting in the commuter either moving away or giving up work- as that cost could be far greater to economic prosperity of Southend.

Labour Manifesto Called for Housing Benefit Reform

Earlier this month Red Ed Milliband piously called on the Lib Dems to block the implementation of the Housing Benefit Reform policy, claiming, “That is not what they came into politics for. I hope they will vote with their consciences.”

Intrestingly, the other day I was looking through the three main parties general election manifesto's. Upon further reading of the Labour manifesto was this snippet:

‘Housing Benefit will be reformed so we do not subsidise people to live in private sector accommodation on rents working families couldn’t afford’

The quote is taken from the Labour Party manifesto, written by one Red Ed Miliband…

James Purnell when he was at the DWP said he wanted to ensure “people on benefits do not end up getting subsidies for rents that those who work could never afford”

I would agree, £20,000 a year in rent is of course way beyond what the majority of us can afford!

I just find the barefaced hypocrisy from Labour breathtaking...

Clegg's Sneaky Coffers Liner

Nick Clegg is responsible for guiding the AV bill through Parliament, he backs it, as does his party.

I have been handed some latest Lib Dem leaflet artwork that has been given to all Lib Dem branches for the start of the Yes campaign, but rather sneakily and possibly illegally, the LibDems are pulling a clever little ruse:

On the fundraising form that is not just for LibDem members, but the whole Yes to AV campaign, it clearly asks people to make out cheques to the “Liberal Democrats”, not to the official pro-AV campaign.

Not only is it completely inappropriate for the Deputy Prime Minister to be attempting to fund-raise for his party on the back of a piece of legislation that he is responsible for, the form is completely deceptive.

The forms are also definitely for use before the Bill has gone through the House as they talk about the referendum “next year”. Sneaky.

I wonder how many people will fall for their trick of pretending to give money to the Yes to AV campaign when they will actually be lining the LibDem coffers. Dishonesty on a LibDem leaflet? Surely not…

The Return Flight

It was interesting to see in the latest list of nominated peers that the name of Howard Flight appeared.

You may recall that former Tory MP Howard Flight was secretly recorded discussing plans for cuts in the run up to the 2005 election.

What he suggested has been completely eclipsed just five years later and fell far short of even what Labour proposed at the last election. Michael Howard, in a last-ditch bid to look like a strong leader in the waning election campaign, summoned the TV cameras to his home and fired Flight live on air.

His treatment was a textbook example of when being ruthless was unnecessary. Nick Herbert, now the policing Minister took his safe seat and seemingly ended the career of the experienced former MP.

I'm sure he will get on famously with his fellow red-bencher Lord Howard…

Monday 11 October 2010

Anne Chalk Exposed...

You may recall yesterday that I exposed serial Shoeburyness Ward Independent Party Candidate Comrade Anne Chalk's nasyness in wanting homes in West Shoebury to be exposed to flooding and putting a badget sett at risk, it seems Comrade Chalk has gone to some lengths to hide this latest gaffe on her website.

As part of her news and views, this article appears on the front page:

Not content with this, the rolling ticker-tape latest news has this:

When you click onto the link it leads you to Comrade Chalk's readers letter from last week. What is clear is that Shoebury councillors have been kept regularly updated and can only assume that Cllr Assenheim is forwarding this information to Anne.

What also is interesting and need answering is does Cllr Assenheim also share these views. I ask as he is being associated with these views quite clearly by Anne Chalk on her website but interestingly he had this to say about the flood defence works in the Southend Echo on the 30th September.

Mike, it's time to publicly disassociate yourself with these comments or this could be another East Beach moment for you having been exposed as having more than one view on this issue.

Sunday 10 October 2010

In Thursday's Echo, 7th October 2010, you may have noticed a factually incorrect readers letter for serial Shoeburyness Ward local election candidate Comrade Anne Chalk, relating to Bund Works and Badger resettlements in Gunners Park.

Whilst I welcome Anne Chalk’s acknowledgement that I and the West Shoebury local councillors work hard and continuously keep residents informed with good quality local literature, Comrade Chalks comments in the local press are ill-informed, misguided and mischievious.

Anne Chalk’s suggestion that West Shoebury councillors should leaflet their residents asking them for their objections to the bund work is frankly daft as well
as dangerous.

The need for a bund was recognised back in 1998 as part of the defence work to protect Shoebury residents from flooding. I’m sure residents wouldn’t like a repeat of 1953 which these works will help resolve.

The Environment Agency have recently stepped up their demands for this work to be completed quickly.

Fellow West Shoebury Ward Councillor Derek Jarvis the Cabinet member responsible for Parks and Chairman of the Bio Diversity Working Party reassured himself that this essential work on the bund will take account of the needs of the wildlife and in particular the family of Badgers which have to be relocated.

Ecologists from Natural England will undertake this work. Once the vegetation was removed from the bund it became obvious that the number of Badgers in this sett exceeded 40 which called for a large area to be identified remote from the bund where they could be relocated.

Natural England selected a suitable site and all six Ward Councillors were informed of this location in an e mail on 17th September and that the work was about to start and needed to be complete by the end of November.

It was never intended that this information should be widely broadcast due to the sensitive nature of Natural England’s work which needs to be undertaken with the minimum of interference.

In Shoeburyness Ward there are no houses in the Garrison overlooking the bund or the new location of the Badger sett. In West Shoebury Ward, there are only a small number of properties which are affected by the bund works and all received a letter from the Council advisingthem that the work was about to start.

In addition and in order to keep local residents informed, West Shoebury councillors have personally visited these residents keeping them informed of the latest developments and have spoken with dog walkers and other park users who have an interest.

Due to the sensitivity of the relocation of the Badgers, the time of year and the unfortunate reality that some wish harm on the animals, the discreet work of Natural England is ongoing to resettle the family. We hope you will understand the sensitive manner in which this work is being progressed.

Let's just hope that Comrade Chalk’s needless and irresponsible comments will not place these animals at significant risk. Another own goal by the Independent Party in Shoeburyness.

5 Things Should Know About New Shaddow Justice Minister

Sadiq Khan has somewhat controversially been made the Shadow Justice Secretary by Red Ed. He was also put in charge of constitutional and political reform, which is ironic. A relative unknown before his promotion there are all sorts of mysteries about the man that I feel need some light shedding on them…

1. Did you know that Khan has been exposed three times for fiddling his expenses, even after the public outcry last year? Using a thief to catch thief?

2. Did you know that five members of Khan’s family and various clients belonged to fundamentalist group Hizb ut-Tahrir? Something he called “irrelevant” and “trivial” Well they must be proud of his line of work…

3. Did you know Khan got the bent copper Ali Dizaei off the hook. He was later jailed in Wandsworth Prison, in Khan’s own constituency.

4. Did you know Khan tried to join the defence team of Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person convicted of the 9/11 attacks. The US government refused him clearance. As they did over a Guantanamo suspect’s trial. What do the Americans know about Khan?

5. Did you know Khan voted for post office closures at 7pm in Parliament and spoke out against closures at 8pm in a public meeting in his constituency? What was that about two faced liars…

Thursday 30 September 2010

Blears: Labour Are The Nasty Party

On the daily politics show during the Labour Conference Andrew Neil questioned Hazel Blears regarding her remarks at a fringe meeting where she said that some of Labour's policies during the last Government were nasty.

Blears, live on air, had the bare faced cheek to say she was talking about the Conservative Party. The following day, a recording of the fringe meeting was passed to Neil who exposed it yesterday.

You can see the clip here

Unless I don't know something and Hazel Blears has joined the Conservative Party I would say she is a liar!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Red Ed's First Speech in full...

“Comrades, I am not Red Ed. I am a nice boy, the son of immigrants who escaped the Nazis. I might have had an unusual childhood growing up in a house full of passionate lefties, but my elder brother, David, is a good guy. But I am in charge now.

"In Government, Labour got a lot right: the minimum wage, the New Deal, better schools and hospitals, civil partnerships, devolution. But we also got a lot wrong and that is why we lost the election. We must not blame the electorate for not voting for us.

"So, without batting an eyelid, I am quite happy to trash much of Labour's record. The party was wrong on the Iraq war, bank regulation, mass immigration, civil liberties, and tuition fees. I will brush over the fact that I was part of the government that made these mistakes. I was a Gordon Brown protege, but he was wrong to claim that.

So, I will do things differently. I am the new generation even if I am a similar age to the prime minister. I will be a responsible leader. I will back the coalition on some issues: Ken Clarke's plans for shorter prison sentences, Theresa May's review of stop and search, and even Iain Duncan Smith's plans to reform welfare. I will speak for the mainstream majority. But I will shape the centre ground of politics, not occupy it.

"Oh, and by the way, I spent much of my campaign slagging off the Liberal Democrats but I will vote yes for AV, an elected Lords, stronger civil liberties, more freedom for local authorities and no more Iraq-style wars. Just in case we might need to work with Nick Clegg and he kind of likes these things too.

"I want to try to work out a credible policy on the economy. I want to cut the deficit. It is patriotic to do so. So, cutting the deficit by half over four years is a good starting point. But we must not cut at a pace and a scale that endangers the recovery. So that's a hint I will cut spending more slowly but I will not tell you today what that means in practice.

"I think Dave Cameroon is onto something with his "big society" riff so I will support this too. I too, you see, believe in the good society and community, the importance of post office, pub and family. But government must play a big role in shaping this, I mean, the state can itself be a "vested interest" and impede the good society. So I might not a "big state" man, whatever my critics say.

"Now, I might have won the leadership election on the back of union votes when I wasn’t the real winner (Get over it brother) but I want to tackle the idea that I am in their pocket. So, brothers, you must be responsible. There must be no irresponsible strikes in the face of cuts. That would alienate the public against us. I won't support irresponsible strikes. But don't worry, I haven't gone all Tory on you. I still support a living wage, I want to tax the banks and the country to the hilt but my answer to immigration is not a cap but less flexible labour markets and stronger workers' rights.

"So, look, I am the new kid on the block right, I am not like that bonkers awkward Scottish bloke who came before me. And I am an optimist. This is my new dividing line with the Tories. David Cameron is a miserable pessimist who believes that biggest issue facing the country is the deficit. I am an optimist who will cut spending but don’t know how. I am an optimist who can lead Labour's new, new left wing generation to second place at the next election.

"And yes, I am not Forrest Gump. I do not believe that life is like a box of chocolates..."

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Official: Comrade Anne is back!

Not content with getting another good kicking by the electorate once again in Shoeburyness in May, it seems that the failed Comrade Anne is making her upteenth attempt to get elected in Shoeburyness in the May 2011 local elections.

It appears that she still hasn't learn't her lesson of thinking that she can say what she likes without any scrutiny. Over at her shoeburynews website Comrade Anne is leading the campaign for the trees in Eagle Way to be pruned back.

Noble you may ask, but back in January when trees were hard pruned in North Shoebury Road, in the Yellow Advertiser she posed as a neighbouring West Shoebury councillor campaigning about the un-necessary chopping down of trees!

When will she ever learn?

No " AV....I wonder if Red Ed supports

Labour Mp Tom Harris on his blog displays this poster which is arguably the best rebuttal to the AV voting system that I have seen to date

Intrestingly though, there is no mention of the use of AV to elect Red ED as the Labour party leader. I wonder which way Red Ed will vote on 5th May?

Friday 24 September 2010

Big Brother's Little Brother? You Decide

You can't help but feel that David Milliband is sat their today rueing the day that he diddn't stab Gordon in the back when he had the chance.

Suddenly the race to be the next Labour leader got interesting. The late-in-the-game switch to Ed as favourite has been aided in no small part by the fact it was left-wing Red Ken beating right-wing Blarite Oona for the Labour Mayoral Candidate - a miniature version of the national race.

This morning the Guardian is reporting that Jim Murphy, one of David Miliband’s two campaign managers, attended a meeting with members of the Ed Milband camp to map out how they would handle Saturday’s leadership result in the event of Red Ed winning.

Red Ken and Red Ed? Looks like Labour are going to bypass Hague and have their IDS moment in Opposition!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Labour Binges....Then Their Councillors Run Away

As one of their departing ministers accurately put it - there is no more money left. As the previous Government went on its spending binge nearly puuting the country into ruin it seems that all local councils the lenght and bredth of the country will be feeling the squeeze in the next round of local government funding.

We are approaching the stage where local authorities are starting to put their budgets together and Southend is no different.

Over the years opposition councillors very rarely get involved in the budget process, preferring to oppose budgets without offering any alternatives.

This year a number of member workshops have been planned for all councillors to have their input into having a good look at what the council does, should we still be doing it, can we do things in a different way and where can savings be made.

Sadly, but predictably, the Labour group have declined to participate but there dicision has been heavily criticised in the local press. As the party responsible for potentially savage cuts all around the country, they owe it to the residents of Southend to play their part in ensuring that any cuts are as painless as possible.

Instead they have chosen to bury their heads in the sand and try to blame all the cuts on those nasty tories. Well this time it won't wash. Their decision has effectively left Victoria Ward without no representation a fact that I am sure will not be lost on May 5 2011.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Quiet Time During the Summer? Not in West Shoebury...

Whilst the summer recess may seem a quiet period for many councillors, work has been continuing in West Shoebury. Here is an update of some of the work that has been happening:

Shoebury Common

I attended an on-site meeting with the ward councillors to look at some of the issues regarding Shoebury Common Beach. Already, new flags have been placed by the entrance and further works are planned and will keep you posted.

Bench on Corner of Watson Close

Finally, I have been able to have this removed permanently which became a magnet for youths to congregate late at night. The bench is in storage whilst a more suitable location can be found.

Improved Street Lights

During my election campaign, I pressed the council for improved street lighting in some of the most poorly lit areas. Good news: New lighting and lamp posts have been installed in Waterloo Road

No Drinking Zone

This has now gone live in the 4 Rivers and surrounding areas on the 31st August. I am also pleased that this is a year round measure.

Turpins Tyres Site

A planning application for a smart block of flats have been agreed by the council’s planning department for this site. It is anticipated that work will start in the spring.

Street Surgery

The popular street surgery was back during the summer and was well attended by local residents. Further dates will be announced shortly.


The popular Shoebury News was delivered to over 4,000 homes informing residents of the latest news across Shoebury. We will also be launching our annual residents survey this Saturday.

Friday 27 August 2010

If you are a council facing cutbacks what do you do?...Give £32,950 of public money to the Labour Party

All local councils the length and bredth of Britain are bracing themselves for having to make savage spending reductions, although this does not appear to be the case at Knowsley Council.

This week Knowsley have come under fire as it was revealed that are planning to have an exibitors stall at the Labour Party conference this Autumn.

Back in January 2007 Knowsley Council had spent £47,000 on exhibiting at the Labour conference over the previous four years. At the time the council said that, “Knowsley does not attend any other party political conference, it attends the Labour Party Annual Conference as the party in power.”

However, the council is exhibiting at this autumn’s Labour conference even though the party is not in power. Moreover, it is not exhibiting at either the Conservative or Liberal Democrat conferences.

Knowsley Council first started paying to appear at Labour Party conferences in 1998 and in the four years 2002-2006 spent £47,243 on this. In the three years 2007-2009 it spent a further £137,509, taking the total to £184,752. Figures for 1998-2001 are not available from the council, but assuming a similar rate of spend as in 2002-2006, this would bring the total to over £230,000. A further £32,950 is expected to be spent for this autumn’s Labour conference.

I'm sure the good folk of Knowsley are delighted that their money is being used wisely

Thursday 22 July 2010

No to AV Voting System

It is unlike me to wait and consider the facts but after giving the matter serious consideration I will be campaigning for a no vote in a referendum on using the Alternative Vote for future General Elections.

The reason why I gave this a lot of thought is that I think there is a lot of scope in both electoral reform. For instance, I believe that the West Lothian question needs addressing, the House of Lords should be an elected Upper Chamber, voting age should be lowered to 16 and there is argument to expriement holding elections on weekends - but the AV voting system is a retrograde step as it is not full PR and a miss mash to appease 'reformers'. I whilst I accept the First Past the Post System isn't perfect it is the best of a bad bunch.

I have received this amusing picture from a friend of mine who is staunchly opposed to AV which I thought I would share:

The Beautiful Game

Most footballers complain that the close season seems to get shorter and shorter for most football fans the weekends between May and August can get rather depressing without their weekly fix of their favourite football team.

This year the close season was only effectively four days as the World Cup kept us occupied until the 11th July and then on the 15th July Motherwell kicked off their season with a Europa League qualifying game against Breidablik (It finished 1-0 to Motherwell for those of you that are interested).

This edition of the World Cup was a disappointment on the whole and certainly not up to the standards of Italy 1990 and France 1998. This could possibly be down to the beach ball used in the competition or perhaps England’s poor performance when optimism was genuinely high following the excellent qualifying campaign. For me, Spain, the best team won but the most exciting team, Germany, finished third.

What the World Cup really showed was how poor, technically, the Premier League is. Even the foreign players who represented nations in the latter stages of the competition were very disappointing. Technically poor the Premier League may be but exciting it certainly is.

As the fallout continues following England’s disastrous performances and limp exit, one body I wouldn’t have expected to jump on the bandwagon is parliament.

In the week following England’s exit no less than six Early Day Motion’s (EDM’s) were tabled. For those who do not know what an EDM is, it is a daily petition which MP’s can register their support to a particular cause. In most cases EDM’s are never debated and are nothing more than Parliamentary graffiti. In 2005, it was estimated that each EDM actually costs the taxpayer £250.00 – at least £1,500.00 wasted!

Upon looking at the EDM’s it more detail it is surprising that signatories to most of these EDM’s come from Southend West MP David Amess and Mike Hancock, Liberal Democrat member for Portsmouth South.

I say I am surprised because they have never once criticized the poor financial state Southend United and Portsmouth are in – clubs in or near their constituencies through an EDM.

Surely for them this has to be more important than the state of the Football Association, English Football and urging FIFA to introduce goal-line technology

Tuesday 29 June 2010

No Drinking to Whale & Dolphin Watching

It has been a busy last few weeks as I begin my new portfolio position and have had to hit the ground running somewhat.

I have a few papers which were in the last cabinet cycle and are waiting for the challenge when they are debated by scrutiny and full council. These include a no drinking zone for the Four Rivers Estate and surrounding roads, the removal of an area designed to stop more drinking establishments in an area around the town centre and the new city beach area and climate change action plan.

Locally much has been done including cleaning the piece of beach owned by the MoD off Shoebury Common Beach, introduction of street cleaning in the Garrison for unadpted roads, pot holes repaired in Waterloo Road, Graffiti removed from Maplin Way bridge and Thorpedene Library and also the exciting introduction of some new play areas.

On top of this I have had a couple of family holidays to Tunisia a few weeks back and also a small cruise to Bilbao. It was an excellent experience seeeing the whales and dolphins in the Bay of Biscay and also an excellent trip to the Guggenheim Museum, a must do for anybody holidaying in the South of France or visiting Bilbao.

Sunday 6 June 2010

No Drining Zone - Update

You may have noticed that signs have been erected on the Four Rivers Estate advising people that they have 15 days to respond to tne consultation for the no drinking zone.

One of my first acts as portfolio holder for waste and public protection was to get the area extended from just the Four Rivers, West Road and Ness Road to also include a small part of St Andrews Road, Seaview Road, Trafalgar Road and Waterloo Road.

Discussions are currently underway as to the fine that will be imposed. Watch this space.

New Play Equipment for Shoebury Parks

Yesterday I spent the morning with the playbuilding team as they were out consulting with young people at four different Shoebury play areas to see what they want.

It was a very positive event and it is good subsidary play areas in Jena Close, Delaware Road and Wicklow Walk receiving attention.

There were also impressive plans for a revamped skate park in Shoeburyness Park which was particularly well received. It is intresting that just a month after the local elections Conservatives are already delivering major schemes in Shoeburyness.

Wednesday 2 June 2010

A change is as good as the rest

After having a well deserved holiday in Tunisia with Mrs and Miss Cox it was interesting to see upon my return that a number of changes are to happen immediately in local government following an announcement by the new government this week.

Gone is Comprehensive Area Assessment the scoring system used to rak how good Local Authorities are performing. This is a shame in some ways as Southend was on the verge of a 4* rating but on the whole it needed to go.

Having a plan with local targets is clearly part of good governance and Southend can now look to local needs and aspirations to set its own sensible targets and objectives.

The Conservative Party promised a raft of changes and we are beginning to get them, along with the demise of the Audit Commission, out will go:

- The removal of The Regional Planning System along with its requirements to provide gypsy and traveller pitches in Southend,

- A specified number of new dwellings, which can now be determined locally to meet local needs,

- The removal of imposed affordable housing targets, again now to be determined locally.

It’s early days yet and clearly the Council will have to consider carefully how it can amend its policies to reflect local need rather than imposed targets across all the services it offers. It is intresting times for local government.

Sunday 16 May 2010

Happy Birthday's All Round!

It seems that the months of April and May are a time of celebration. In April it was the birthday's of my mother and mother in law and also that of Miss Cox who turned one, oh and by the way, Mrs Cox in the end made the most fantastic birthday cake after much ribbing from me.

It was my own birthday on 5th May which now makes me the ripe ald age of 32, and my father in law also clebrated his birthday on the 13th May. It is not the end of the celebrations as my sister in law to be also celebrates her birthday at the end of the month - we are just waiting for Sam to set the date and make an honest woman of her.

It is also interesting to note that there are a couple of important birthdays around Shoebury. Firstly, the Shoebury residents asociation has just celebrated it's 60th birhday but what you may not be aware of is that the Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay Baptist Church celebrate their Centenary Year. Based in Caulfield Road the church does a huge amount work within the community and Shoeburyness High School which shouldn't be forgotten. I look forward to their next hundred years.

So happy birthday's all round! Cheers

Thank You West Shoebury

My apologies to all the followers of this blog on the light content over the past couple of weeks. It has been a hectic time and would like to thank all the residents of West Shoebury who voted for me and gave me a overwhelming mandate to contine my work in making sure that West Shoebury remain a fantasic place to live. The full result for West Shoebury can be found here.

There are a few personal thank you's that I would like to mention as without their help and support wouldn't have made the result possible. Firstly, Mrs Cox who has been a rock throughout my entire campaign and worked relentlessly on polling day. Secondly, Cllr Roger Hadley, my agent and now good friend who was there to keep me going throughout the hard and low points of the campaign.

I now at times it has been a nasty campaign and some candidates acroos the town have fought campaigns from the gutter but I want to say a few words about Independent Party candidate Evelyn Assenheim. At the count on the 7th May Mike here husband and Independent Party ward councillor in neighbouring Shoeburyness ward said that if Evelyn's dad had been alive he would have been so pround as se was always the quiet one of the family.

With that in mind I congratulate Evelyn on having the courage to stand. James Moyies the UKIP Party candidate also fought a hard campaign but had the dubious honour of loosing two elections in two days. In 2004 I had the misfortune of losing two elections in the same day. I lost Kursaal Ward by 4 votes and was also a list candidate for the London GLA elections and lost that too.

Things have also moved on since election day and I have been asked to join the cabinet to look after the portfolio for Public Protection and Waste which I have accepted and should be ratified on Thursday.

This now means that Shoeburyness has three councillors in the top jobs which can only be a good thing in helping attract funding and investment. I will keep you posted on all developments.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Mrs Assenheim Emails - The shocking Truth

Followers of this blog will remember a previous post which revealed that West Shoebury Independent Party Candidate Evely Assenheim believes that the resdents of West Shoebury are cranks and that no Indpendent can get anything done.

Today, I can reveal the full shocking email exchange here.

Friday 9 April 2010

Shoebury Independent Party foot in mouth Part 2

It has been an election campaign to forget for the hapless Independent Party candidate in West Shoebury. Earlier in the campaign she admitted that no Independent can anything done on their own, called the residents of West Shoebury cranks and nutters and claimed she would only see residents with concerns if they provided Government forms of ID and a chaperone.

In her latest attempt to woo the residents she has gone down the lines of her party candidates in other wards by trying to run nasty smear campaigns against Conservative candidates.

Independent Lie 1 - I have never been a supporter of the PCT Health Centre in the Garrison as this would mean the loss of Shoebury House, The GP's in Shoebury Health Centre and Dee Jay's pharmacy. I believe we could get better primary care by modernising existing buildings and only a fraction of the cost to the taxpayer. Intrestingly, what Mrs Assenheim won't tell you is that back in 2008 she stood side by side with her husband campaigning aginst the closure of Shoebury House and the PCT proposals! Now is she in favour of the new Health Centre, when over 70% residents don't want it, local GP's don't want it and neither do Dee Jay Pharmacy.

Independent Lie 2 - Accuses me of destroying Gunners park when she wants to build a new Health Centre over it as well as leaving 5 buildings across Shoebury derelict.

Independent Lie 3 - Accuses Conservatives of bypassing planning laws when £350,000 was spent on improving the layout of East Beach which included segregating cars, providing picnic areas and childrens play equipment. Famously her husband supported the scheme and then clamed that the existing car park was better where boy racers wheelspined and children played in the same area. Mike Assenheim is Health & Safety Champion for the borough!

Independent Lie 3 - Mrs Assenheim implies that I do not stick up for swimmers in the town as Sports Champion because I support the closure of Warrior Square swiming pool. What she won't tell you is that I have supported a brand new swimming and diving facility at Garons Park which replaces Warriors Square as well as free swimming for the U16's and Over 65's.

Independent Lie 4 - I have been accused of not fighting against the demise of Southend Sports Council. Like me, Mrs Assenheim's husband sat on the Sports Council an independent body but funded through a grant allocation by SBC. Due to lack of interest by clubs across the town there were only two members. In an effort to keep the fledging organisation up and running a crisis meeting was established but Cllr Assenheim didn't bother to attend. As Sports Champion though, I have managed to ensure that the Southend Sports Personality Awards are retained as well as the small grants allocation to clubs and talented athletes.

With just under a month left to polling surely residents can not be subjected to much more crap, sleaze and slurs from the Independent Party in Shoeburyness.

Happy Birthday...but where has my baby gone?

On the 28th of this month it is hard to believe that Miss Cox will be one. It has been one of the best experiences of my life watching a little baby develop into a toddler.

For her birthday Mrs C is adament that she is going to bake a cake for little uns birthday party. Whilst it has been a little amusing watch my wife turn mumsey and little ribbing from me it seems Mrs C is determined to do the perfect cake.

Over the past few weeks I have had cake coming out of my ears as Mrs C tries her different recepies. Yes, my wife is no Delia, but, some of them have been rather tasty and am very proud that she has stuck to her guns.

The only problem is I am so sick of the sight of cake I do not want to be put of sponge cake on Miss Cox birthday. If anybody has a sweet tooth and loves sponge please give me a mail where a sponge made by Mrs C can be yours

The Runners & Riders for West Shoebury have been announced

It has been a while since I have had the chance to do a spot of blogging as the campaign has really intensified.

Over the Easter weekend, some 5,000 leaflets were delivered to residents of Shoebury. At noon yesterday the nominations closed and the candidates for West Shoebury are as follows:

Evelyn Assenheim - Independent Party
Mark Cohen - Liberal Democrats
Tony Cox - Conservative
Joyce Mapp - Labour
James Moyies - UKIP
Russell Spiller - BNP

Friday 19 March 2010

Social Media & Elections

I attended an excellent training session yesterday evening on the topic of safegarding children. It was during my time of being a councillor one of the most enjoyable and thought provoking sessions that I have attended.

One particular issue that was heavily debated was the use of social media and how this may have consequences for child protection.

As it is currently topical the role of social networking sites like facebook was heavily discussed. The facilitator took the view that as soon as this site was banned the better.

As a user of sites like facebook and twitter I asked the question if there have been any studies which has produced evidence that sites like facebook and twitter have made children less safe. Intrestingly, the facilator said no there had not.

I do believe that banning such sites is a knee-jerk reaction. There can be some good from these sites e.g. it prevented the X-Factor winner from gaining number 1 spot last Christmas, helped save a young man's life when 14,000 people donated a rare type of blood to keep him alive and has got the nation communicating. All positive aspects which never get reported.

Children get bulllied by email, text messaging and sadly on occasions in schools, but in todays age would anybody suggest banning these? I thought not.

The use of social networking sites has actually seen an increase in young people becoming politically active that is why all parties embrace it and will change the way in which future elections will be conducted.

Every death of a child is one death to many and rightly everything that can be done to protect children needs to be explored.

I also made the point that it was impossible and wrong for the authorities to police the internet in such a way we can only access information which they deem fit.

It needs greater parential responsibility to ensure that controls are placed on websites which they do not want their children to access.

I guess some people may come to the view that social networking sites should be banned but it seems that Cllr Assenheim sensing a passing bandwagon though my views were of a nature that I should resign as Chairman of Children & Lifelong Learning.

In short my answer: Get a grip and dream on!

Thursday 18 March 2010

Independents....Don't Agree with Political Opponents? Just Threaten Them With Violence

Oh dear, a new low today it seems from the Independents. Cllr Ron Woodley has got a bit above his station this afternoon as he has taken offence for some reason to my earlier post this week on vote Independent get Lib Dem.

In a nasty telephone call earlier, Cllr Woodley threatens to do me serious damage if I come near him after reading my post. Whilst I can assure readers that I haven't yet pooed my pants over his threat, the amusing part is that all calls to my work telephone are all recorded! Stupid, stupid man.

Whilst I am treating this a case of sticks and stones and all that as I do not believe in the Standards Board or plod getting involved in politiking it is shame that Cllr Woodley had to committ such cowardly and threatening behaviour and not speak to me face to face on the matter in a professional way.

Why is he so annoyed at the post? I can only presume he is angry for some strange reason me mentioning that his daughter has joined the Lib Dems.

I personally can not see why as I think that this is a fantastic thing that young people are getting involved it just might persuade other youngsters to get involved...surely a good thing?

It maybe even just a case of the Independent Party's cosy relationship with the Lib Dems hit a raw nerve? Who know's with them!

Update 19/03/10: In an upleasant exchange of emails from the Independent Party, Cllr Woodley now accuses me of Child Abuse! Whatever low will they now stoop to.

Time to think before you vote

You might have read in the paper, heard on the radio or seen a leaflet coming through your door from someone who says you should vote for them on May 6 as they are an ‘Independent candidate.’

That might seem like a good idea – somebody who thinks and acts totally on their own and in your best interests - but just think about it for a moment.

Actually, the Independent councillors in Southend are just as much members of a political party as any Conservative, Labour or Lib Dem.

Let’s examine the evidence...

If the Independent councillors are all independent from each other, then why do they are all share the same website?

If the Independent councillors are all independent from each other, then why are they making identical election statements in their leaflets and on their websites?

If the Independent councillors are all independent from each other, then why do they vote as group at Council and release joint statements?

If the Independent councillors are all independent from each other, then why is there an Independent group leader? And why is he taking a leadership allowance of over £4,000 a year?

If the Independent councillors are all so independent, then why are at least five of them claiming travel expenses?

Why have the Independent councillors confirmed in the local press that they ARE a political party and will form a coalition with Labour and the Lib Dems if no party wins overall control of the council?

What’s so independent about that?

Nothing at all....

OK. Now, think about this.

You are going to buy a car, and it’s such an important decision as you will be 100% relying on this car to live your day to day life and run your business successfully.

Will you buy a vehicle that you know everything about – when it was serviced, how many miles are on the clock, how fast it can run, what its fuel efficiency is like? You can make an informed decision about buying this car as you know exactly what you are getting.

Or will you buy a car that you know absolutely nothing about; but that somebody tells you they think it will be really good for you? They cannot tell you how anything will work, they will need to wait and see what happens as time goes on – and you will just have to hope that the car goes the way you want it to.

Obviously you would pick the car that you know everything about – the one that you can rely on because you know up front exactly what it will do. There is no way you would want to buy the mysterious car that might end up not being what you want, or need.

Well that’s exactly the same as voting for an Independent councillor.

The so-called Independent candidates’ claim you should vote for them as they don’t have a party line to follow and so can make their own decisions as matters arise. But with no policies, how do you know what they decide is going to be what you want?

You might not like what the Conservatives, Labour or the Lib Dems are promising you, but at least they are telling you what they are going to do. They have clear policies they are setting out for you to make your May 6 decision by. The Independents aren’t doing that.

With an Independent, all they are promising right now is to personally deliver extra pink and white bags to older or disabled residents who are not able to get them. For your schools, crime, healthcare and transport issues, well then you will just have to wait and see what decision they make on those issues when the time comes – and you will just have to keep your fingers crossed they do what you agree with.

Do you want to take that risk? Wouldn’t you rather buy the car that does exactly what it says it will do, than taking the mystery ride in something that claims to be a car (but as we’ve seen, actually isn’t) and hoping for the best?

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Independent Party in East Beach Climb Down

An intresting piece in todays Echo has revealed further splits in the Independent Party camp in Shoebury as residents have confirmed,as suspected, that anti social behaviour has been reduced but more importantly the Boy Racers have disappeared - even Cllr Assenheim had to admit this in the article!

If Cllr Assenheim finally gets it, it begs the question as to why Comrade Chalk continues to put drivel like this on her website?

Still, maybe it makes her feel special.

Vote Independent Party, Get Lib Dem?

My colleague Cllr Anna Waite has made an interesting observation on her blog seasidenews regarding the cosy little 'relationship' developing between the Independent Party and the Lib Dems in the run up to the elections.

Following on from Anna's observations we also had Independent Party leader Cllr Terrry saying that he will work in a coalition and Cllr Assenheim proposing Lib Dem Cllr Ric Morgan for Vice Chairman at the last Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny.

However, a little yellow bird tells me that the relationship has taken a new twist with Independent Party councillor Ron Woodley's daughter having now joined the Lib Dems.

Hmmmm More Soon.....

No Support For Camp Cuckoo

An interesting poll on councilbust has revealed that over 60% of responders said that they didn't support Camp Cuckoo.

From talking to residents on the doorstep I have found that the only issue people have with the Cuckoo Corner scheme is when will the police remove these trespassers. One resident even said that had this been the scouts they wouldn't have been allowed to occupy the land for so long.

I know my Independent Comrade Anne Chalk has some sympathy with Camp Cuckoo, so I will be checking to see how she even tries to manipulate these figures considering her track record.

Monday 15 March 2010


With the local elections and expected General Election now less than two months away I have been hard on the campaign trail. My belief is that a politicians re-election campaign starts the day after you were elected with all the work undertaken in the four years in between counting double vefore the start of any formal election campaign.

Due to the task ahead blogging has been light recently but I am on track to have hit my aim of every road in West Shoebury being canvassed, all supporters receiving a personalised letter and 5 pieces of literature going to every home.

There has also been a lul in council activity with only the 'tree huggers' at camp cukoo providing the entertainment before plod respectfully tell them to move on.
In fact the news has been so slow that our dear friend Comrade Chalk has again plucked figures from the air to have a sad little rant about East Beach

On to some more positive news, as well as planning for the elections, me and Mrs C are also preparing for the little bambinos 1st birthday. As she is animal mad I think I'm sure the voters will excuse me a day off the campaign trail so we can take Miss C to Colchester Zoo.

Monday 1 March 2010

Members Travel Expenses

Last Thursday at the lengthy Full Council meeting, a motion was presented to the council from Cllr's Woodley and Longley urging the council to remove in borough travel expenses and issue all councillors with a bus pass.

Whilst the issue wasn't discussed at this full council, it will, no doubt, be heavily discussed at the next Economic & Environmental Scrutiny.

Over the past year some £7,000 was claimed in both in and outer borough travel expenses. Over the past four years I have claimed for both in and outer borough travel expenses.

In my first year and a half as a councillor I didn't claim a penny in travel expenses and found myself at times out of pocket.

During the past year and a half I have been claiming for travel expenses but have found for me, that it is actually pointless. As all travel expenses are liable for tax, I am taxed at 40% on all travel expenses and for the £10/20 a month that I have received on occasions felt it wasn't worth the effort to complete a claims form!

I do believe that some members are wrong for claiming for travel reimbursement for attending mayor functions or for sitting in meetings which they are not members for like Cllr Assenheim for instance.

I believe that clearer guidance needs to be issued to all members as to what they can and can not claim for. The problem with the current motion is that issuing bus passes to all members solves nothing.

Sometimes confidential information is given to councillors and I believe that there is a stronger chance of this type of information going astray on public transport. Also, after a certain time at night buses don't run so how are you supposed to get home?

But the biggest question is how much this has cost the council by launching an investigation into this matter. My hunch is that it has cost more than the £7,000 members claimed in expenses!

An Independent With A Sore Head

Following Cllr Assenheim being exposed last week for putting party politics ahead of his residents, this weekend, Cllr Assenheim has gone for the jugular by accusing Shoebury councillors of not caring for local children through his favourite mouthpiece Comrade Chalk's

Last Friday, all Shoebury councillors were invited to the Creative Dance Association Festival, organised by the school sports partnership. Whilst not wishing to answer for my colleagues, my apologies were given as I had a long standing meeting in Chelmsford of the Essex Sports Delivery Group which I attend in my capacity as the borough Sports Champion.

In the afternoon sadly I had to put a shift in at work to provide for my family. Whilst I would like to be a man of leisure like Cllr Assenheim and attend every council meeting to claim the mileage or attend events for the free lunch sadly some councillors like myself also have to hold down a regular full time job.

I feel that holding a full time job as well as being councillor actually helps me in my council duties as it provides a sense of realism and a grasp of the issues that ordinary folk experience.

Friday 26 February 2010

It runs in the Family

Anything my wife can do I can do better was Cllr Assenheim's outlook this week. Not content with his wife getting in a spot of bother with the email system Mike also had to get in on the act as well.

On Tuesday was the NAP meeting with Police and local residents which Mike normally attends. On this particular evening Cllr Assenheim and Walter Mitty Comrade Chalk had given their apologies.

Whilst doing some work for a resident I noticed that the Independent Party had their party meeting also at 19:30 that evening. Putting two and two together I posted on my twitter site that Mike and Walter had decided to put their party before the residents.

Upon returning home a rather snooty email from Cllr Assenheim appeared in my inbox confirming this to be the case asking if I had nothing better to do. Well no I don't actually. I will always find time to expose the Independent Party, Cllr Assenheim and Walter Mitty Comrade Chalk - my favourite bunch of hypocrites.

If the electorate don't agree with you...just insult them?

This past week has been busy as I finish off delivering my latest newsletter in West Shoebury. Whilst on the subject of leaflets, Evelyn Assenheim my Independent Party opponent has got herself in a spot of bother when a West Shoebury resident questioned poor Evelyn on her latest Independent Views.

In a leaked chain of emails from a furious resident, Evelyn Assenheim described the residents of West Shoebury as 'cranks' as the resident pressed her on what she is going to do for the residents of West Shoebury.

In a further exchange, policy lite Evelyn then admits that no one single person can get anything done leaving the puzzled resident asking why she is standing as an Independent?

Trying to wriggle out of the deep hole she has no dug for herself, Evelyn suggests to the resident that they should meet up. A good idea you may think, but Evelyn said she was only willing to do this if the resident brought along a chaperone and appropriate ID!

Not lying down, the resident then emails party leader Cllr Martin Terry showing disgust. Incredibley Cllr Terry ignores the residents pleas and goes onto ignore the allegations and tells the resident what an excellent candidate Mrs Assenheim would be?

The Independent Party just don't get party political campaigningl

Tuesday 16 February 2010

That Piers 'Moron' Morgan interview

After a busy weekend camapigning, bleary eyed, I stayed up to watch the Gordon 'is an alright bloke' interview.

Full credit to Big Bad Al Campbell for his coaching in the lead up to the interview because at least he was laughing and grinning in the right places this time.

Many commentators wonder if this interview has swung momentum back to Brown. If the figures released are to be believed then it has to be a rousanding no. The graph below suggests that out of all the guests on Morgan's show only Boris Becker attracted less viewers:

There were some parts of the interview that made uncomfortable viewing. It reminded me of when David Cameron appeared on the Johnathon Ross show. For me, leaders of political parties should not be doing these type of stunt interviews.

What it didn't do however was dispel the rumour that Brown is bonkers. 'Moron' Morgan asked the question what is the strangest gift you have received as PM? Brown's response was a roasted pig from a Middle Eastern country. As most of the middle east countries have Islamic faith a roasted pig would be seen as an insult and I doubt that Israel gave this as a gift.

It is also interesting to note that upon checking the items declared to the UK as gifts there is nothing mentioned about a roasted pig.

One thing that can be guaranteed is that given the choice beetween telling a porkie and the truth we all know what Gordon will choose...and pigs might fly!


Many councillors and MP's have realised the campaigning value of using social networking sites like facebook and twitter and having informative uptodate blogs.

I have found myself that many residents have found me via these routes than the traditional leaflet on the doormat.

Whilst these sites are important campaigning tools caution must be exercised in the language used. It seems this week we could actually see the first ministerial casualty of twitter as Labour whip David Wright tweeted that Conservatives are scum-sucking pigs.

To put David Wright's claim that his account was tinkered with beyond doubt you only need to look at the FAQ section on the twitter help pages:

Can I edit a tweet once I post it?
Nope. Once it is there you can't edit it.
You can delete an update by clicking
the trash icon on the right end of the
update, but you can't make changes.

Had David Wright just apologised this would have all blown over yet however he has tried to lie through his back teeth instead.

Because of his porkies, Conservative Party Chairman Eric Pickles has written to David Wright accusing him of breaking the ministerial code.

What a twat or is it a tweet?

Thursday 11 February 2010

The Independent Party around town

Today, I was given a copy of the latest newsletter from the Independent Party candidate for Belfairs ward.

It has probably got to be one of the most unpleasant leaflets that I have seen in a long time making the leaflets from Mr & Mrs Assenheim and Walter Mitty Comrade Ann Chalk in Shoeburyness look mild.

The leaflet from Garry Sheen implies that current Conservative Cllr Fay Evans 'bottled it' over the vote to extend the runway at Southend Airport.

Intrestingly, Mr Sheen says he not anti-airport, the classic Lib Dem trick of trying to be all things to all men, but doesn't state how he would have voted.

The leaflet implies he would have voted against the runway extension but it is interesting to note that both Independent Party councillors Mike Assenheim and Ron Woodley both voted for the extension which was also missing from his shameful piece.

Since analysing all of the Independent Party literature since the beginning of the year some interesting themes are beginning to emerge:

1. They have only three policies:
  • To answer all emails within 24 hours and letters within 7 days
  • To be an accessable councillor
  • Personally deliver pink and white sacks to the elderly and disabled

That is it! No mention what they will do in their wards or what visio they have for the town.

2. They always try and claim credit for other councillors work or dismiss their achievements

3. They are very negative and personal against their opponents.

In fact here in Southend there is pretty much no underhand tactic the Independent Party will not use. They lie, cheat, decieve and use unpleasant smear campaigns.

As we start to analyse and unpick the Independent Party they are a complete mystery. They are a vacuum round a void inside a hole. No one can describe a distinctive feature of the Independent Party they have just become a receptacle for dustbin votes.

A week is a long time in politics

It has not been the best of starts to the week as we all said our goodbyes to Ann Robertson at her funeral on Monday.

Ann and her husband Ian were the first two people to welcome me into the local Conservative party and were also guests of me and Mrs C wedding nearly two years ago. I also had the pleasure of serving as Vice Chairman to Ann on the Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny committee for the past two years.

I recall getting a nice congratulations card from Ann when I was elected in 2006 which I still have with all the press clippings from that election.

I have decided that this election campaign in West Shoebury will be in honour of Ann Robertson. As difficult as it has been to motivate myself since Monday the show still has to go on. This week, I have been delivering the latest newsletter and campaigning for better Street Lighting in Delaware Crescent and Bunters Avenue which was very positive.

There were a couple of issues which came out of the exercise which I am currently dealing with to the delight of residents.

Monday 8 February 2010

Comrade Anne Back for Revenge

Comrade Anne has been a little quiet recently which led me to believe that she may have turned the other cheek.

Sadly not. It seems that our favourite Comrade has had a few Walter Mitty moments in recent weeks in her attempts to dig the dirt.

Not content with falsely reporting the reasons why I thought the Lib Dems should have been prevented from voting on the Airport runway extension planning application and her relapse into thinking she was a West Shoebury councillor, her latest irrational outburst comes from the Essex Police crime figures.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have been concerned for sometime with the rising crime stats for West Shoebury.

The latest police figures show that there is another 5.6% increase for the period October, November & December 2009 compared to the same period a year previously.
Yet Comrade Anne in one of her Walter Mitty moments suggests that I have falsified the figures.

Unbelieveably still, a quick check and Comrade Walter would have known that there is a perminant link to the police crime figures for both Shoeburyness and West Shoebury wards on the Shoebury Conservatives website.

There's Only One...Kieran Alleyne?

Today for you interested politicos was the date for the Shoebury Conservatives AGM. Normally each year I attend but this year it clashed with a Christmas present for Mrs C. It was also nice to take a little breather from the campaigning fo the local/national elections which has intensified.

The big Michael Jackson fans that we are I had booked a trip to see Thriller Live at the Lyric Theatre in London.

It was in essence a tribute act charting Michael Jackson's life in music but very cleverly done. The star of the show undoubtedly was Kieran Alleyne who played Michael Jackon in his Jackson 5 days. When he sung me and Mrs C got goose pimples all over our body - he is a star in the making and I'm sure we will be hearing a lot more of this name.

Sunday 7 February 2010

On the verge of stopping

Cars parking on grass verges is something that really me as a councillor as it isn't an issue that can be easily be resolved.

Many of the grass verges in West Shoebury do not have yellow lines which means a PCN can not issued to the driver.

The police are also powerless to stop this unless in the unlikely event that they catch the vehicle actually driving onto the pavement.

The good news is that this little annoyance may soon be resolved. From the 1st April new legislation means that any parking on the grass verges with or without yellow lines will mean that vehicles will be issued with a PCN.

Delaware Road will be piloting the new legislation and if successful will be rolled out across the borough.

Sunday 31 January 2010

An Open Letter to all West Shoebury residents

In an article in last weeks Yellow Advertiser, Cllr Mike Assenheim, in neighbouring Shoeburyness Ward, tried to politicise routine maintenance works in North Shoebury Road which is, incidentally, in West Shoebury ward.

The Independent Party in Shoeburyness took camapigning to a new low when Cllr Assenheim shamefully got his wife Evelyn to imposonate as a West Shoebury councillor when in fact she is only the Independent party candidate in West Shoebury. I would like to reassure residents that Cllr Liz Day, Cllr Derek Jarvis and myself are the elected councillors in West Shoebury.

If this isn't bad enough, in a recent leaflet, the Independent Party candidate asks residents to question what I have been up to personally. Bringing my personal life into the political arena smacks of dirty tricks and gutter politics of the extreme. This type of campaigning only helps to alienate people from the political process and drive them to extremist parties.

However, for Mrs Assenheim's benefit, since being elected in 2006, the last four years have been the happiest of my life, representing the residents of West Shoebury, meeting my now wife Michele and witnessing the birth of our beautiful daughter Grace.

I will never indulge in this type of campaigning as the election will not be decided by any candidates private life but by my record of delivery and action in helping deliver a new Youth Centre, refurbishments to Shoebury Leisure Centre, locally listing the former cinema in Ness Road and a no Drinking Zone in the Four Rivers Estate to name a few.

Thursday 28 January 2010

Do I now Own Newcastle United

Catching up with the news, I was a little surprised that Northern Rock had agreed a new £10 Million sponsporship deal with Newcastle United especially as the bank was one of the first and continues to be bailed out by the taxpayers.

Does this mean that you and I now own a part of Newcastle United?

Milenium Clock - Cllr Longley Forgets Time

This week Southend Council decided to put into storage the Milenium Clock in Southend High Street as it has failed to work for years.

'Milenium Mayor' Dim Leb, sorry Lib Dem current leader has criticised the council for not producing a design which is waterproof.

An important point I hear you say but the problem with this was that Cllr Longley was leader of the council from 1994-2000 when the clock was comissioned.

To try and blame the Conservatives for his past failures is disgusting opportunism and quite frankly is a bare faced cheek. It is these actions which makes all us politicians

Friday 22 January 2010

Lies, dammed lies and the Independent Party

It must be relatively easy being leader of collection of political misfits with no moral compass as you can practically say and do what you like without ever being scrutinised.

I know I have exposed the Independent Party for saying one thing and doing another on this blog but I have unearthed a porkie of massive proportions.

You may recall reading in the echo in November that Southend council issued all zone parking permits to all councillors to save costs to the council.

Prior to this scheme, members could only park for free at the Civic Centre and any other expenses for car parking accured by memembers whilst on official council business could claim it back on expenses.

This was a very expensive way to administer these expenses when the issuing of an all area parking permit to each councillor only cost £5 a time. In a grubby bid to get a headline, no only did he smile nicely whilst paying for a ticket in a photoshoot, but Independent Party Leader Cllr Martin Terry made the following claim:

“I do not think councillors should be getting free perks like this in the current economic climate, and with feelings running high about expenses as a whole.
“As a group, we think it is unacceptable and will all be sending them back and making it clear we think this is not the right thing to be doing.”

Last week under a freedom of information request I had asked the council to provide details of all the councillors who have returned their All Zone pass.

Despite Cllr Terry's pledge that his party will be handing their passes back, only ONE Independent Party member had. I bet this was Cllr Terry I hear you cry but no, it was Cllr Ron Woodley.

What do I make of this? I find it staggering to say the least that the leader hasn't shown the way at the very least and seems like a case of do as I say and not as I do.

With his credability shot to pieces, a phrase used by Tony Blair before the 1997 general election springs to mind for Cllr Terry: At least Nigel Holdcroft leads my party unlike Cllr Terry who follows his!

Friday 15 January 2010

A Cast Iron Campaign Pledge

An online poll has been running on for the past five months, asking local residents if they feel that there are too many takeaways in Shoeburyness.

Over 300 people responded and a massive 96% of residents polled said that there were far too many takeaways in Shoeburyness, in particular West Road and Ness Road.

Due to the high response rate, I have given a cast iron guarantee campaign pledge not to support any new takeaway planning appications for West Shoebury ward.

I believe that the public need to be clear on what I will be fighting the local elections on and nearer the time every household in West Shoebury will receive a contract between me and the residents and what I pledge to do.

If elected, it will be on these pledges that I will be asked to be judged upon. As this document is in its planning stage I am asking residents what other issues, campaigns or policy areas that they would you like me to focus my campaign on and put in my pledge contract.

Today's the day for lots of ward work

Sometimes there are occasions when a number of different ward issues force me to use some Annual Leave from my main work.

I always new today was going to be busy as I was delighted to be invited to the official opening of the re-furbished Shoebury Leisure Centre.

13:00 - Nice converstion with Michele Archer at the Echo wanting to do a piece on why I have publicly decided to decare that one of my campaign pledges will be not to support any more new takeaways in Shoebury.

14:00 - Preperation for a huge canvassing session with James Duddridge tomorrow afternoon.

15:00 - Official opening of the refurbished Shoebury Leisure Centre

16:00 - Another nice chat with the Echo regarding the airport planning application

16:30 - Had a glimpse of this evenings newspaper where the Echo report that my hard work in getting a no drinking zone implemented for the Four Rivers estate was agreed by Southend Council.

17:00 - Spending some precious time with my family before Miss C stays with Nanny and Granddad this weekend

Tuesday 12 January 2010

A brave, principled and decent man - but I don't like his politics

Over Christmas, I was dissapointed this evening to hear that Peter Tatchell has stood down as the Green candidate for Oxford East, where most political commentators gave him half a chance of winning.

His withdrawal is a consequence of brain injuries he received back in 2001, when he was the only person in western Europe to stand up to Robert Mugabe’s vile regime in Zimbabwe.

He tried to arrest Mugabe on a visit to Brussels and got his head kicked in (literally) by Mugabe’s goons. Two years ago he was beaten up again by neo-Nazis while campaigning in Moscow.
He had hoped the injuries might abate with time and allow him to campaign in Oxford, but there was a slight relapse in the summer and he simply isn’t up to it.

I do not share many of Tatchell’s politics but for me he is one of the most brave, principled and decent men in the country.

He has been absolutely steadfast and relentless in standing up for freedom of speech, freedom of conscience and in fighting persecution wherever it occurs.

This has lost him many, many friends on the left, when he has been campaigning against Muslim preachers or misogynist and homophobic rap artists, whom he believes we should not lionise. His commitment to the principle of freedom of speech is absolute and unyielding.

Tatchell deserves the utmost respect for the way he conducted himself in the 1983 Bermondsey by-election.

Tatchell was the Labour candidate in this safe Labour seat but was defeated by a scurrilous and vicious homophobic hate campaign which was, at the least, sanctioned by the victorious Liberal candidate, Simon Hughes.

Oh, the irony. And yet, even then, Tatchell did not raise the question of Hughes’ own sexuality, not once over the intervening 25 years. Hughes recently apologised to Tatchell, shortly after the Lib Dem MP had admitted, at last, to his own bisexuality; Tatchell accepted the apology graciously and said nothing more about the matter.

It almost goes without saying that the strongest condemnation of the convictions of seven Muslim protestors for shouting nasty things at returning British soldiers would have been by Tatchell himself.

It matters not to Tatchell that these men would, if they found themselves in government, immediately chop his head off, or flay him to death. Freedom of speech is unconditional.