
Thursday 11 February 2010

A week is a long time in politics

It has not been the best of starts to the week as we all said our goodbyes to Ann Robertson at her funeral on Monday.

Ann and her husband Ian were the first two people to welcome me into the local Conservative party and were also guests of me and Mrs C wedding nearly two years ago. I also had the pleasure of serving as Vice Chairman to Ann on the Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny committee for the past two years.

I recall getting a nice congratulations card from Ann when I was elected in 2006 which I still have with all the press clippings from that election.

I have decided that this election campaign in West Shoebury will be in honour of Ann Robertson. As difficult as it has been to motivate myself since Monday the show still has to go on. This week, I have been delivering the latest newsletter and campaigning for better Street Lighting in Delaware Crescent and Bunters Avenue which was very positive.

There were a couple of issues which came out of the exercise which I am currently dealing with to the delight of residents.

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