
Monday 15 March 2010


With the local elections and expected General Election now less than two months away I have been hard on the campaign trail. My belief is that a politicians re-election campaign starts the day after you were elected with all the work undertaken in the four years in between counting double vefore the start of any formal election campaign.

Due to the task ahead blogging has been light recently but I am on track to have hit my aim of every road in West Shoebury being canvassed, all supporters receiving a personalised letter and 5 pieces of literature going to every home.

There has also been a lul in council activity with only the 'tree huggers' at camp cukoo providing the entertainment before plod respectfully tell them to move on.
In fact the news has been so slow that our dear friend Comrade Chalk has again plucked figures from the air to have a sad little rant about East Beach

On to some more positive news, as well as planning for the elections, me and Mrs C are also preparing for the little bambinos 1st birthday. As she is animal mad I think I'm sure the voters will excuse me a day off the campaign trail so we can take Miss C to Colchester Zoo.

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