
Friday 22 January 2010

Lies, dammed lies and the Independent Party

It must be relatively easy being leader of collection of political misfits with no moral compass as you can practically say and do what you like without ever being scrutinised.

I know I have exposed the Independent Party for saying one thing and doing another on this blog but I have unearthed a porkie of massive proportions.

You may recall reading in the echo in November that Southend council issued all zone parking permits to all councillors to save costs to the council.

Prior to this scheme, members could only park for free at the Civic Centre and any other expenses for car parking accured by memembers whilst on official council business could claim it back on expenses.

This was a very expensive way to administer these expenses when the issuing of an all area parking permit to each councillor only cost £5 a time. In a grubby bid to get a headline, no only did he smile nicely whilst paying for a ticket in a photoshoot, but Independent Party Leader Cllr Martin Terry made the following claim:

“I do not think councillors should be getting free perks like this in the current economic climate, and with feelings running high about expenses as a whole.
“As a group, we think it is unacceptable and will all be sending them back and making it clear we think this is not the right thing to be doing.”

Last week under a freedom of information request I had asked the council to provide details of all the councillors who have returned their All Zone pass.

Despite Cllr Terry's pledge that his party will be handing their passes back, only ONE Independent Party member had. I bet this was Cllr Terry I hear you cry but no, it was Cllr Ron Woodley.

What do I make of this? I find it staggering to say the least that the leader hasn't shown the way at the very least and seems like a case of do as I say and not as I do.

With his credability shot to pieces, a phrase used by Tony Blair before the 1997 general election springs to mind for Cllr Terry: At least Nigel Holdcroft leads my party unlike Cllr Terry who follows his!

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