
Tuesday 30 November 2010

Clegg's Sneaky Coffers Liner

Nick Clegg is responsible for guiding the AV bill through Parliament, he backs it, as does his party.

I have been handed some latest Lib Dem leaflet artwork that has been given to all Lib Dem branches for the start of the Yes campaign, but rather sneakily and possibly illegally, the LibDems are pulling a clever little ruse:

On the fundraising form that is not just for LibDem members, but the whole Yes to AV campaign, it clearly asks people to make out cheques to the “Liberal Democrats”, not to the official pro-AV campaign.

Not only is it completely inappropriate for the Deputy Prime Minister to be attempting to fund-raise for his party on the back of a piece of legislation that he is responsible for, the form is completely deceptive.

The forms are also definitely for use before the Bill has gone through the House as they talk about the referendum “next year”. Sneaky.

I wonder how many people will fall for their trick of pretending to give money to the Yes to AV campaign when they will actually be lining the LibDem coffers. Dishonesty on a LibDem leaflet? Surely not…

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