
Monday 8 February 2010

Comrade Anne Back for Revenge

Comrade Anne has been a little quiet recently which led me to believe that she may have turned the other cheek.

Sadly not. It seems that our favourite Comrade has had a few Walter Mitty moments in recent weeks in her attempts to dig the dirt.

Not content with falsely reporting the reasons why I thought the Lib Dems should have been prevented from voting on the Airport runway extension planning application and her relapse into thinking she was a West Shoebury councillor, her latest irrational outburst comes from the Essex Police crime figures.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I have been concerned for sometime with the rising crime stats for West Shoebury.

The latest police figures show that there is another 5.6% increase for the period October, November & December 2009 compared to the same period a year previously.
Yet Comrade Anne in one of her Walter Mitty moments suggests that I have falsified the figures.

Unbelieveably still, a quick check and Comrade Walter would have known that there is a perminant link to the police crime figures for both Shoeburyness and West Shoebury wards on the Shoebury Conservatives website.

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