
Friday 18 December 2009

A Tribute to Sue Murphy

On Tuesday night Shoeburyness High School put on a tribute to former Head Teacher Sue Murphy who sadly passed away earlier this year.

I was delighted to be invited to the event at the Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay Baptist Church for what can be described as a celebrtion of her life. Those who participated, pupils, staff and former pupils were absolutely fantastic and certainly did the life of Sue Murphy proud.

The next head has a hard act to follow as it is was down to Sue's energy and persistance which got local councillors involved in the affairs of the school and achieved the results it has.

Monday 14 December 2009

Lib Dems just Plane Stupid?

An interesting motion was put up by the Lib Dems at the last full council suggesting that Full Council should have the final say on the Airport planning application to extend the runway.

It seems very democratic to suggest this but in reality it is a non starter as there is a specialised Development & Control committee which is highly equiped and had specilist training on planning applications.

Due to crazy government rules no councillor which will have a direct infulence on the eventual outcome of a planning application should predjudice the result by speaking out either for or against an application prior to the meeting.

After full council a resident sent me the following link from the Echo website in May this year. It seems from this article, which is correct as there hasn't been a printed retraction, suggests that the 11 strong Lib Dem group will oppose the extension of the runway at Southend Airport in line with National Party Policy.

For me, a simple lad who grew up on a council estate in Tottenham, seems to be clear pre determination and therefore all 11 Lib Dems should be prevented from passing judgement on the planning application at the Development & Control committee.

What concers me is that some of the reader comments also pick up on this fact. My fear is that should any Lib Dem councillor sit on Development & Control and pass judgement on this planing application then it could lead to a judicial review of the decision or at worst instigate a complaint to the Standards Board for bring the council into disrupte.

Lib Dem leader Graham Lonley is no fool but I can't believe that he would make such a comment because of the problems that it can cause.
If Cllr Longley was a principled, if not responsible, leader then he should publicly announce that none of his 11 strong group will sit on Development & Control because of the iportance of this planning application..
Just in case as I suspect this isn't forthcoming, I have asked the Brough Solicitor to provide judgement on this matter.

No slowing down in the run up to Christmas

The slogan 'working all year round' has pretty much been true. With the wet weather hampering delivery of our winter In Touch in West Shoebury, catching up with family that we haven't seen for a long time and preparing for Miss Cox's first Christmas it has been a busy few weeks.

I was also busy last week preparing for the meeting of full council last Thursday. I was delighted to be able to hand in the petition for the Four Rivers Estate on behalf of the residents but my work didn't finish there.

Since the last Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny I have been conducting some research into the use of biometric data in Schools across the UK.

I had decided that strong opposition to the use of biometric data in Southend schools was needed but was disappointed that only two other councillors spoke out aginst this practice. I am pleased that the Echo have recognised the imporance of this issue by reporting the debate in today's issue.

My full speach in the debate can be found here

Monday 7 December 2009

What Does Disneyworld and Swindon have in Common? Answer: Magic

An amusing story announced earlier today was that Walt Disney World was to twinned with the glamourous location of.....Swindon.

Swindon is an unremarkable place and the only thing magic about the place is its magic roundabout opened in 1972 and 7th most feared junction in the England.

As some of you may know Southend is twinned with Sopot in Poland and many moons ago with Calais. I am still unsure of the benefits that twinning with with other places although I have used Sopot as examples of how inovative European seaside locations.

Still, I suppose Disney World will make a nice little jolly for someone each year.

150 Days to go before Gordon leaves

Sunday the 6th December you would think normally is an unremarable day to launch a General Election campaign but for James Duddridge it had more significance than you think.

It was exactly four years to the day since David Cameron became leader of the party but also it marked 150 days to go before the widely expected General Election date of 6th May.

The campaign launch was widely attended by local Conservatives but it was pleasing that James chose Shoeburyness as the venue for his campaign launch.

I was asked to do a short uplifting speech to raise the spirits of party activists. It seemed to go down well in the hall and some did congratulate me afterwoods. The full version of my speech can be found here.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Britannia Rules the Waves - Not According to the BNP

The BNP have always claimed that they are true party of the British people, never giving away Britain's rights....except if you live in Gibraltar.

An interesting story from the Gibraltar Chronicle claims thatin a sop to Spanish Facists it would hand over Gibraltar and it's 30,000 inhabitants to Spain.

So much for standing up for Britons, the Gibraltans are more patrotic than many on the mainland! What next, the falklands back to Argentina? Who knows with Nick Griffin.

I'm still here

Blogging has been a bit thin recently as all my energies recently have been put into campaigning in West Shoebury but also for the general Election.

There are a good set of candidates for the local elections this time round and I have never been more optimistic about elections here in Southend.

The latest West Shoebury newsletter has been well received with lots of positive comments and feedback. Canvassing returns have also looked very good on the national election front as well.

Wednesday 25 November 2009

The unecessary Creep of Data Collection

About four years ago I left my employment with RBS due to a disagreement that I had with their policy of using thumb print recognition to log onto company computers.

At one of their flagship sites in Scotland, RBS were also asking staff on a 'voluntary' basis to have their iris recognition taken all in the name of improved site security. Needless to say I refused to enter that building during my employment.

I have never been a supporter of the national ID card or the retention of DNA by police from suspects that have either been released charged or been proven through the courts not guilty and am a passionate supporter of civil liberties.

On Monday evening travelling from work to the Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny committee meeting there was an alarming item featured on the news where a child from Chase School was denied from joining in the school Christmas meal because his parents refused to let the school take his thumb print.

This item was raised at the scrutiny committee but I do not think that it is enough to have a 'reassurance' that the scheme is 'voluntary' and no child would be discriminated against should it not participate.

I'm pleased that isn't the case as I wouldn't send my daughter to any school which has a policy of show me your finger print or starve.

It appears that four schools in Southend use thumb print technology for the purposes of either obtaining a book from the library or a school meal.

Whilst it is disgusting enough to finger print children in the same cold manner that we do to criminals, it seems that Governing bodies can introduce such intrusive measures as they have overall control of the school and not the local authority.

I have serious profound concerns as to who has access to this data, if the technology is secure, will the data still be retained once the pupil has left school as well as the rights of parents and children. I also question how much information was given to parents who gave consent to this practice.

Let's be absolutely clear, these systems are an intrusive waste of public money where the money could be better spent on books, equipment or teacher salaries

I personally feel that collecting biometrics of Children and dismissing parents concerns by the Governing bodies concerned is nothing short of wierd behaviour.

Schools should be about places of learning not another government body obtaining biometric data retained for the life of the subjects, probably in defiance of EU law, and being passed on to be added to larger and larger databases, without the subjects knowledge or control or freedom to opt out.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Our Friends In The North

There was an interesting article in the evening echo from the leader of Southend Council Nigel Holdcroft claiming that Southend was likely to losse out in Sea Change funding for the regeneration of the Pier as the funding was likely to be channeled into constituencies in the North of England.

Cllr Holdcroft is right to make these assertions but what was interesting is that only Margate has a Conservative MP (Roger Gale who represents Thanet North covers Margate).

This the only recent Government allocation of funding which has gone dispraportionately to Labour constituencies. Recently the Government controlled Network Rail earmarked £50 million to upgrade or redevelop railway stations. The luck winners were as follows:

Manchester Victoria – Tony Lloyd LABOUR
Clapham Junction – Martin Linton LABOUR
Barking – Margaret Hodge LABOUR
Warrington Bank Quay – Helen Southworth LABOUR
Preston – Mark Hendrick LABOUR
Wigan North Western – Neil Turner LABOUR
Luton - Margaret Moran LABOUR
Liverpool Central – Louise Ellman LABOUR
Stockport – Ann Coffey LABOUR
Crewe – Edward Timpson CONSERVATIVE

Again, the token Conservative constituency on this occasion is Crewe. This Government is now so brazen it will resort to using taxpayers money to try and buy votes at the next General Election. Sadly for Gordon, after 13 years the public have become wise to these games.

Time to stop drink flowing on the Four Rivers

Yesterday evening I attended the regular anti-social behaviour meeting of the Four Rivers estate. They are a fantastic bunch on the Four Rivers estate but have persistantly suffered because of the actions of a mindless few.

I have over the past couple of years supported the efforts of local residents in getting a no drinking zone established for the Four Rivers Estate and surrounding areas. Last night a petition was started by local residents and I have also added by backing to this petition and have also re-created the petition online for the residents.

If you would like to add your weight to the cause then please sign the petition here

Update: Over 200 hundred signatures have been collected to date and I will be handing in the petition to the December Full Council

Friday 13 November 2009

Election 2010

As more and more of the cqandidates for the 2010 local elections start to unveil I couldn't help but notice the biography of the Labour candidate for Milton ward Simon Milton on a recent Labour Rose newsletter.

There is nothing of any significance to note about Simon, although he was trounced as the Labour candidate in Blenheim in 2008, but it was his job as a Management Consultant boasting that he works on projects within Southend which took my eye.

Over the past few years the Labour Group has relentlessly criticised the council for employing consultants although it is a requirement that certain Goverment funded projects were reliant upon the use of consultants.

Does this now mean that Labour has changed policy on the use of consultants.

Thursday 12 November 2009

The honourable member for?

This week has seen the latest batch of members training. An excellent presentation on Treasury Management was given to us on Tuesday and left all members that attended under no illusions of the financial mess that the country is in.

Yesterday though, members were given an update on the preparations for the 2011 census. This again is a very important subject as it was estimated that Southend's poulation was miss councted by some 16,000 during the last census in 2001 costing the council £85 million!

At the end of the update a short presentation was given on the Southend Together Partnership. The facilitator was giving members some useful information on how the data is collected and used.

One of the members that attended last night was Cllr Mike Stafford, Independent Party member for Thorpe ward.

Since Mike's election nearly two years ago, Mike has said little and hardly contributed much to important debates. Whilst I have a lot of time for Mike in the sense that he is the only 'Independent' who has never stood or belonged to a political party.

I have wondered if Mike's heart is really in it or he did not expect the role of a councillor to be what it is but an intresting episode happened last night to make me think again.

The facilitator was giving some stats on Thorpe ward when this happened:

Facilitator: Are there any members here from Thorpe Ward as I want to reassure them that I am not picking on them.

(Long pause)

Conservative Councillor: Mike you represent Thorpe ward don't you?

Cllr Mike Stafford: Er um well yes do I?

After being a councillor for nearly two years, yes, Cllr Mike Stafford didn't know what ward he represented! As a quick reminder for Mike on census day in 2011:

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Lib Dem Councillor demands truth about Hampshire UFO base

In the weird and wonderful world of local government an amusing piece appeared in the Hampshire Chronicle claiming that Lib Dem councillor Adrian Hicks demands to know the truth about Hampshires UFO base.

It appears that Cllr Hicks also met a alien in his local shopping centre - she was apparently wearing a tutu!
The bizzare announcements were also made in a series of You Tube videos which can be found here. If you still haven't finished the ridicule and laughter Cllr Hicks also has his own website.

Monday 9 November 2009

Shoebury Remembers

This Sunday saw me on wreath laying duties at the Shoebury Cenotaph. Ever since being a councillor, I have always chosen to attend this event rather than the main council gathering in Southend.

Shoebury is a proud historic Garrison town and the history that Shoeburyness has in the armed forces will always be remembered. For as long as I am an elected councillor in Shoebury I will always fulfill my public duties at the Shoebury Cenotaph

The service was wonderfully conducted by Rev Frank Smith and fantastically organised by The Royal british Legion. I was also pleased by the large crowd and especially youngsters attended the event.

Soon, it will be left to these generations to keep the tradition of Rememberance Sunday alive as the number of ex servicemen from WW2 attending get smaller and smaller each year.

Up The Abbey

Last week, Mrs C and I decided that we would watch my brother in law play football on Saturday. My brother in law is a budding young (21) goalkeeper who has broken into the Waltham Abbey first team this season.

Waltham Abbey play in the Ryman Premier which is three divisions below Coca Cola League 2 in the football pyramid.
This week Waltham Abbey were away to Canvey Island a short journey for us. Occupying one of the four relegation spots before the start of play Abbey earn't an excellent 3-2 win after being 2-0 down to move them out of the bottom four in front of a crowd of 286.

Joe, my brother in law, had a fine game making several fine saves one a point blank save from just three yards. It was the first time I had seen Joe play and I don't think his family know just how good a keeper he is.

I wouldn't question if he actually went and played league football as I believe he is that good. Looking forward though to the trip to Horsham next week.

Foul Mouthed Full Council

Having needed the weekend to finally digest the marathon full council last Thursday night I am still in shock at the behaviour of some members.

You may recall that I received half a page coverage in the Echo for having the 'cheek' to suggest that Katie Price might be telling porkies about the alledged celebrity rape on my twitter page. One resident has a hissy fit and it becomes a scandle.

Having been on the lookout early on this morning for the coverage of Full Council I was surprised that no mention was made of some appaling comments.

First up was Cllr Terry, not content to referring to a fellow member as a dictator (disgusting considering that Rememberance Sunday was just upon us) and stupid he even had the nerve to question the integrity of the Chief Executive as to why he closed York Road market claiming that no report was comissioned.

Maybe as Health & Safety Champion of the borough Cllr Assenheim should slap down his leader, sorry, 'spokesman' over this. Cllr Assenheim has been very quiet on this issue.

Cllr Terry wasn't alone and Lib Dem leader Cllr Longley also got in on the act as some questioned whether he was making homophobic gestures.

I always make it a rule that you never question the handling of Full Council by the Mayor or the Town Clerk but on this occasion it stepped way over that mark and hopefully tempers may have calmed a little in time for next full council.

Thursday 5 November 2009

The great re-write of history

A rather bizzare letter appeared in yesterdays Southend Echo from Independent Party Shoeburyness ward councillor Mike Assenheim. Either Mike has bouts of amnesia or history wasn't wasn't one of his strong points at school.

For Cllr Assenheim's benefit, in 2005 Cllr's Terry and Velmurugan formed the political party Alliance Southend along with two fellow sitting Conservative councillors at the time. It was a legitimate political party as it was registered with the electoral commission, had Cllr Terry as leader and had its own logo.

In the 2006 local elections Mike Asssenheim, Ron Woodley and Tania Painton all stood as candidates for Alliance Southend. All three have subsequently been elected as councillors. Following mounting criticism they decided to drop being a formal political party and now call themselves the Independent Group.

This group now consists of seven councillors. Had Cllr Assenheim read my blog post carefully I said that six of whom who have eith stood or belonged to a political party. This Independent group incidently still has Cllr Terry as its leader and is one of four councillors who receive a leaders salary.

I defy anybody to tell me what the difference is between Alliance Southend the political party and the relics of what remain of the 'Independent Group.

Cllr Assenheim made the dubious claim that Cllr Terry is a spokesman not a leader and all councillors get a spokesmans salary. No, that isn't true is it Mike. All councillors receive a basic allowance but the leaders of the four groups (Conservative, Lib Dem Independent and Labour) receive an extra allowance.

Squirming, Cllr Assenheim also claimed that he welcomes scrutiny on him. Maybe then he can explain why he had four different positions on the East Beach Improvements and has wasted nearly £4,000 of taxpayers money refering six Conservative councillors to the Standards Board for hurting his feelings.

Maybe Cllr Assenheim could have developed some feelings when over a £1,000 of that total was spent on reporting a Shoeburyness councillor to the Standards Board when he had terminal cancer and then appealed the decision when he only had days to live despite being asked to drop the claim when told of the news by a fellow Shoeburyness Ward councillor.

Its also worth noting that Cllr Assenheim still believes that old chesnut of party politicians follow a party line. Maybe he can explain why it was only the Independents who followed their leader like sheep and voted the same way on the issue of dog control orders.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

key Question Anne Has to Answer

Having previously been a Labour party member and Labour Shoeburyness Ward candidate, Comrade Anne I'm sure thought that joining the Independent Party/Group (delete as appropriate) would pose few problems in her quest for power.

The politico that I am sees me keep a copy of all literature from opposition parties across the two Shoeburyness wards. Following pressure by Mrs C to clean the old toot from the loft I came across a few Anne Chalk leaflets.

Apart from the cheesy smiles with the Rochford & Southend East parlaimentry candidate there was very little of interest except for one small item in Comrade Anne's Labour Summer 2007 leaflet for Shoeburyness.

In a small piece Anne claims that Shoeburyness has been let down by the Independents. As Comrade Anne prepares to stand for the Indies in May I wonder if she now believes this statement was wrong.

But I suppose like all those who just want a sniff of power I'm sure Anne will always put power before principles.

Thursday 29 October 2009

Experiences of talking to people who vote for the BNP

We sadly have a real problem with political debate when elected politicians, political journalists or politicos refuse to accept that others may disagree with their views and resort to accusations that are just silly and immature.

For example, an article appeared on Liberal Conspiracy that Boris Johnson wants to kill children, the New Statesman article which claims that Cameron has borrowed a facist statement and Cllr Assenheim's assertions that my campaigning taticts are bully boy tactics of the BNP.

These examples just show how extreme some in politics can be. Some of us for a number of years, from all parties, have been working to stave off the BNP in our wards.

The examples above were unwise and can stoke racial tensions when none exist. For the likes of Cllr Assenheim that use the BNP to make racist slurs, it makes me wonder if these people who talk about BNP and its voters know what the BNP is about.

For a number of years I have been talking to people about politics in places as diverse as East London and I have talked to and listened to many people who have said that they would vote for the BNP not just in West Shoebury but around the country.

Roughly, there are 3 types of people who say this (there may well be more, but these are the ones that I instantly recognise):

(1) there are people who, when they realise that you are from a 'mainstream' party, want to shock you by the extremes that they will go to to impress on you their dissatisfaction with politics and politicians in the UK.

(2) there are people who are very concerned about immigration in their community and the percieved advantage that immigrants have over the 'native' population in terms of housing and jobs.

(3) there are people who sign up to unpleasant racist and authoritarian views that makes my skin crawl. The number who fall into this category is, thankfully, very small.

There is a common theme in all of this - these are people who feel as if they have no access, no say and are not listened to.

As politics has been professionalised, we have grown used to seeing our politicians on television, hearing them on radio and having coverage in the print media, we have seen less and less of them in person on street corners.

During the last round of local elections in 2008, I cannot tell you how many times people told me that it was the first time they had met a councillor or candidate in person.

The oft-heard complaint of voters on doorsteps is that we only get to hear from politicians 'when you want our vote'. The days when it was acceptable for politicians to turn up periodically and sporadically are over.

My view is that it is through engagement that we will overcome the prejudices people have - about politicians, let alone about people who come from different races and credes.

As a candidate, my aim is (and, with luck, will be) to communicate - to listen, to learn and to explain - as a person, I am imperfect and I have imperfect knowledge about the things that I experience, let alone the things of which I have no experience.

As a result, for me, the primary aim of politics is to listen and to learn and to apply that listening and learning to find ways to improve our lot. I suspect that most people on all sides of the political divide will agree with that - but there will be some who say that this is racist BNP bully boy taticts campaigning!

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Lies, Damed Lies & Comrade Anne

Another day, and another porkie from Comrade Anne on her Independent Party Shoebury News website.

This time their website claimes that a poll on Shoebury Conservatives shows that 84% were against the East Beach improvements, yet the full result showed that 66% were actually in favour whilst 32% were against.

The results were published in the Southend Echo and even has a quote from her regarding the results. You just couldn't make it up.

What our little porkie did was take a snapshot of the poll on just one day and portray this as the result. Just like her politics, Comrade Anne has been caught RED handed!

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Crumbling under scrutiny?

Over at the fledging Shoebury News website Cllr Assenheim has decided to send a Dear Comrade Anne letter to Shoebury News containing a racist attack on me as Cllr Assenheim and his party crumble under the mounting scrutiny.

With seven councillors and some limited electoral success they deserve the same level of scrutiny as the three main parties - something that they believe to be above.

It is worth taking a brief look at the history of the so called Independents. During the middle of this decade, Martin Terry, a disgruntled Labour party member, decided to stand as an Independent in Westborough ward. The public spoke and Martin Terry was elected.

The following year, another disgruntled Labour party member, Marimuthu Velmurugan, decided to stand as an Independent in Westborough and again was elected.

Following this electoral success two disgruntled Conservative councillors decided to defect and along with the two elected councillors for Westborough formed the political party Alliance Southend. Despite claiming that they were an 'alliance of Independents' they were:

1. Registered with the electoral commission as a political party
2. Had a party leader
3. Held party meetings
4. Had a party logo

In 2006 Cllr Assenheim included, all former Independents stood for the Aliance Southend party. Facing mounting criticism based on the facts above they dropped Alliance Southend for a 'group of Independents'. People with only average intellengence will realise that they are both the same thing and because of its wording can not be Independent if you form a group.

Sinice this 'grouping' they now have:

1. A party Leader who draws a leaders salary from the council
2. Hold Political meetings in the Civic Centre
3. Collective voting - On the issue of Dog Control Orders the 'group' all voted against this measure, the only party to vote all the same way

This effectively means that all bar one of the 'Group of Independents have either belonged to or stood for a political party at some point.

What Comrade Anne and Cllr Assenheim don't realise is that with seven councillors they should be open to scrutiny. As this is a blog Independent of Shoebury Conservatives I will not take dictacts as to when I can have a view. Freedom of speech is something that is sacred and is taken for granted but this is the Independent Party all over - do as I say and not as I do.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Is the thing blue line getting thinner in West Shoebury?

The government has recently forced all police authorities to publish the lastest crime figures to the public. The good news is that crime is overall down throughout Southend but I was interested in the figures for West Shoebury ward.

West Shoebury is generally a low crime area but the latest crime figures for April, May and June compared with the same period for 2008 do not make good reading. Overall crime is up nearly 22% in West Shoebury ward. Burglary is up nearly 73%, robbery is up 100%, violency is up 3% and anti-social behaviour is up 7%. Only vehivle crime saw a reduction.

I believe that crime is down across Southend because of some very good policing initatives but has this been at the expence of West Shoebury?

Despite the large increase in crime, crime is still rlatively low. From previous attendence at Residents Association metings the public are still largely supportive of the local police but if crime rises as sharply as it has done you have to question for how much longer.

Friday 23 October 2009

Question Time? More Like Jerry Springer

Apart from Nick Griffin and Unite Against Facism the other big looser in last nights edition of Question Time was honest political debate itself.

With a cherry picked audience and the whole panel rightly against the BNP it turned into nothing more than a Jerry Springer slanging match. With Royal Mail on strike, the Home Office loosing 40,000 imigrants and the mess that this country is in right now political debate was what was needed.

The BBC in my opinion were right to extend the invite to Nick Griffin and for somebody who is Oxbridge educated gave a lamentable performace last night which is what I thought would happen once the BNP leader was subjected to scrutiny - even though he was challenged on his 'favoured' areas. I dread to think what his performance would have been like had he had been taken out of his comfort zone and gave his views/policies about the issues of the day.

It was left to Baroness Warsi to actually try and at least turn the imigration issue into a sensible debate. As an avid viewer of Question Time Baroness Warsi's previous performances have left a lot to be desired but deserves a lot of credit for being moderate and sensible on the issue.

Jack Straw's defence of the Government's policy made him look and sound like a wet blanket and was clearly flummoxed when NIck Griifin in effect called him the son of a coward.

The Lib Dem's Chris Huhne, an old hand at Question Time, was bizzarly trying to out do the BNP on immigration! Typical two faces you may say, especially as they supported the Government in allowing unrestricted entry to the Eastern European accession states.

For me it was a sad day for good honest political debate. Whilst I fully support the aims of Unite Against Facism their behaviour only made them to look and sound as thuggish as the BNP itself.

Thursday 22 October 2009

First With The News

Back in May Shoebury Conservatives decided to set up a website to keep all Shoebury residents informed of the latest news, events and how the big issues of the day affect Shoebury.

No other political party had attempted to create a website solely for Shoebury. Following on from the initial success Comrade Anne Chalk, well known to readers of this blog, decided to set up her rival Shoebury News website for self gratification and as a mechanism to peddle her mistruths to Shoebury residents.

Recently, as viewers of her website have dwindled, Commie Anne has resulted to publishing stories from as breaking news or as ideas from the Independent Party.

For example, a few days ago Anne publishes on her website 'that she is reliably informed' that new Changing Rooms are to be provided at Shoebury Leisure Centre. Yes Anne was reliably informed - by local Conservatives back in May!

Local Conservatives were also delighted to bring you the news that Shoeburyness Park was to have a new outdoor gym facility in the form of an adiZone. Yet knock me down with a feather duster it appears on Shoebury News a day later with almost the same wording! But wait, Cllr 'says a lot but does nothing' Assenheim has campaigned for a long time to get an adiZone. The first resident to provide me with evidence of Cllr Assenheim campaigning for an adiZone in Shoeburyness Park will receive a bottle of Champaign.

They say copying is the best form of flaterry but I supposed Comrade Anne has been used to coming second for sometime now.

Friday 16 October 2009

Millennium Beacons in Shoebury

One of the legacies left to many areas of the millennium celbrations are the little known Millennium Beacons. Sadly many of these across the country have been left to go to rack and ruin and sadly are becoming an eyesore in most parts of the coutry.

An interesting news story has appeared on the Southend Lib Dems website regarding Millennium Beacons being brought back into use for the London 2012 Olympics. Cllr Graham Longley who is the Lib Dem parliamentry candidate for Rochford & Southend East is backing the cause to get the Millennium Beacon in Shoebury restored for the 2012 Olympics.

There is a snag to this - Shoebury doesn't have a Millennium Beacon! There was a beacon used on the Pier for the Y2K celebrations but was taken down after. If Cllr Longley came out of Leigh bunker once in a while instead of every four of five years when there is a General Election on he would know these things.

What a Waste of Money

There are on occasions round robin emails that are sent to all councillors. Most are not worthy of a comment and just get deleted. Over the past couple of days however there has been a interesting conversation brewing with one of two councillors getting a little bit hot and bothered.

There has been some refurbishment works happening at the Civic Centre to replace some old windows. It transpires that the glazers have put in standard glass when frosted glass should have been installed.

Sensing a passing bandwagon Shoeburyness ward Independent Party councillor Mike Assenheim decided that the Conservative administration was wasting money by now deciding to have frosted glass. Without checking the facts and establishing that the installers had made a error and that there were no extra additional costs, Cllr Assenheim was quickly rounded upon.

What seems strange is that all of a sudden Cllr Assenheim has now become the defender of taxpayers money. It is intresting that prior to becoming a councillor Mike Assenheim wasted nearly £4,000 of taxpayers money refering six Shoeburyness Councillors to the Standards Board of England on a pathetic claim that 'we had hurt his feelings'.

Maybe Cllr Assenheim should have developed some feelings when over a £1,000 of that total was spent on reporting a Shoeburyness councillor to the Standards Board when he had terminal cancer and then appealed the decision when he only had days to live and died having this claim on his mind during his final hours.

I will certainly remember this when Mike calls for personal attacks to be kept out of politics because he is a poor little 'Independent'.

Monday 5 October 2009

Porridge at the Palace

It was difficult weekend for me and Mrs C as it was the first time that our daughter stayed at Nan and Grandad's for the weekend and the flat felt large and quiet.

Whilst the little one was away Mrs C treated me to an evening out to watch the stage production of Porridge at the Palace Theatre. I was a little worried as the last two events that I was due to see was Michael Jackson at the o2 and the 5th day of the final Ashes test - enough said!

It is sometimes the case that stage productions of films/tv shows can be a bit of a let down when you love the original. Porridge, however, was excellent and very enjoyable and Shaun Williamson (Barry from EastEnders) was fantastic as Fletcher.

As Porridge was mainly cast indoors, the transition from small screen to stage was seamless. I do feel that this could have a huge run in the West End.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Its May 6th

Although 3rd June 2010 is the last date that the Prime Minister can call the next General Election, Bloomberg are reporting that Labour are urging activists to work to a timetable of 6th May.

A 34-page Labour document titled, “General Election Handbook Part 1 -- A day-by- day planner for your general election campaign,” was issued to candidates and local activists this week at the conference.

The document’s description of an April campaign suggests that Brown is planning to hold the general election the same day as voting for the local elections.

The handbook gives activists specific tasks to perform on every day, granting them 17 days off between Oct. 1 and March 31. On Thursday, March 18, it instructs them to “follow up budget coverage.” The Treasury usually publishes its budgets in March or April, though the date is a closely guarded secret until a few weeks before.

The detailed instructions stop at the beginning of April, when candidates are told “increase the campaign activity to a maximum level” and turn to the “Short Campaign Handbook,” which covers the final four weeks of an election.

The list of tasks for that month includes organizing a “Flying Start” blitz of activity for the first 48 hours after Brown names the day for voting. It orders activists to “correctly submit your candidate’s nomination papers

The document leaves open the possibility of an earlier election date, telling campaigners in that case to turn to the “Short Campaign Book.” That document has not yet been published.

The first item in the campaign schedule comes on Saturday, Oct. 3, when activists are asked to set up stands in their town centers to canvass for support. It’s followed by fundraisers, leaflet drops and evenings phoning voters. They’re given three days off in October, none in November, and a single Saturday, on Dec. 5, in the month before Christmas.

Can't wait to see how many signatures they get at their stall in Southend High Street!

Monday 28 September 2009

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside - Part 2

Following the Lib Dems in Bournemouth this week it is the turn of Labour at their Party conference in Brighton.

After an uncomfortable interview with Andrew Marr, things have started to go wrong on day one as the Labour faithfull desert the Prime Minister in his speech to a halk empty hall

The row over the Andrew Marr show overshadowed the Prime Minister's attempt to launch what has been dubbed 'Operation Fightback'. This 'Operation Fightback' slogan clearly displayed on banners, cauesed conference organisers some hedaches when it was pointed out that this slogan was deployed by the BNP earlier this year for a campaign against media slurs.

This of course follows Labour's infamous 'British jobs for British workers' slogan which was orginally used in racist literature by the BNP.

More news will follow from the asylum otherwise known as the 2009 Labour Party Conference throughout the week.

Is the Prime Minister Really Mental?

Followers of this blog will recall that I posted of a story by Fraser Nelson of the Spectator and columnist for the Sunday rag the News of the World alledging that Gordon Brown has used prescription drugs to cure depression.

I wondered who would be the first MP publically to raise this issue, but first off the block is Andrew Marr. On his Sunday morning show on BBC1 Marr asked Gordon if he is addicted to prescription drugs. Brown asnwered empathically no.

This now leaves two possibilities, one that Gordon may have used prescription drugs in the past as Prime Minister to cure depression which leaves a lot of questions to be answered or two, this may pan out like the Charlie Kennedy situation a few years back when he repeatedly denied that he had a drink problem.

One thing is for sure, the BBC could not have been happy with Andrew Marr for upsetting their New Labour love in. Don't be surprised if Marr is given his P45 or moved to 'lighter duties'.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside

It's conference time and the Lib Dem's kicked the 2009 conference season off with their shindig at Bournemouth.

The conference didn't get off to the best of starts with Vince Cable embrassingly admitting in an interview with Andrew Neil for BBC programme straight talk that he made some 'errors of judgement' in the way the economic crisis panned out blowing poor Vinny's reputation as the 'best handler of the economic downturn'.

We also saw the unedifting site of one time Lib Dem leadership challenger Mark Oaten promoting his autobiography presumably trying to cash in on his rent boy sex scandle a few years back.

Lib Dem conference's always make interesting affairs due to their obsession with trivia. The best example was when a conference motion was passed making it party policy to abolish the sale of goldfish at fairgrounds.

Trying to make the Lib Dem's look more sensible Nick Clegg spoke of 'savage cuts' needed to public spending and the now under fire Vinny Cable announcing the flagship policy of a tax on homes over £1 million.

After being rounded upon by his own MP's the 'savage cuts' line was droped and Vinny was having round the clock 'talks' with MP's to get them to back his tax increase.

If things couldn't get any worse the Scottish MSP's were openly talking of backing the SNP in holding a referendum to break up the union.
The Scottish Lib Dem leader even accused his MSP's of spending too many late nights at the bar and having too much sea air.

We were then treated to the unedifying specticle of Nick Clegg in his unmemorable speech practically begging for anybody to vote for the Lib Dem's.

There was aslo a sinister side to the conference that went almost unreported. At the start of the conference The Times reported that an anti conservative attack unit was set up. This not the first time that the Lib Dems campaign techniques have been somewhat suspect. I posted yesterday of the disgusting Lib Dem leaflet which was produced for a by-election in Harlow but it is also worth a look at what their campaign manuals tell party activists to do.

The guide advises:

“Go into the middle of a council estate and shout at all the kids ‘any of you lot want to help deliver all these?’.
Then proceed pied-piper like doling out badges, toffee’s and leaflets with the last to be pushed through the door by the shouting, squealing quarrelsome horde.”

Thier campaign guide is also worth a close look as well. It tells activists and candidates to:

“Be wicked, act shamelessly, stir endlessly” (p.21)

“Oppose all service cuts...No cut is going to be popular and why court the unpopularity that goes with the responsibility of power.” (p.25)

“Positive campaigning will NOT be enough to win control of the council.” (p.4)

“Don’t beafraid to exaggerate. For example, responses to surveys are always ‘massive'.” (p.23)

Let's hope we do not hear of any Lib Dem moaning about dirty tricks. As the saying goes, what goes around comes around.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Being the political animal that I am, there is a fantastic website which lets residents up and down the country put pictures of political literature that they receive through their letterbox.

It is interesting to look at the differing local campaigns but also at how nasty some of the literature is. Here is a Lib Dem leaflet from Harlow which actually looks like a Labour leaflet.

Let's hope we never hear the Lib Dems complaining of dirty tricks

Councillor Points at Pothole Shocker

It is not without hypocrisy that I point you towards Glum Councillors – a collection of hard-working councillors working hard at pointing out potholes.

I confess I was impressed by the care taken by some in donning high-visibility clothing before venturing onto the road.

The ‘councillors points at pothole’ is a classic, and seems to be something of a Lib Dem favourite.

Some cynically suggest they even get lists of work programmes from their local councils to take photos just before they are repaired.

But however it’s done, you can’t deny it presents a, um, memorable image. I don’t think I’ve ever pointed at a pothole, but I’m sure I’ve committed other councillor photography sins (I’ve certainly watched a phone box being removed, and pointed at a wall that I cleaned which had graffiti on it).

My favourite, however, is the one featured above..."We’d managed to get a fairly grubby patch of land on Falcon Lane (the road that runs between Lavender Hill and Falcon Road past Asda) cleaned up".

What better way to celebrate this than have three men stand on the now clear patch of mud. In front of an ‘Out of Service’ bus!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Overdue Enquiry into how rape victims are treated

The BBC are today reporting that the Government has orderded Baroness Stern is to conduct an enquiry into how rape victims are treated.

This has been long overdue in my opinion and welcome the fact that ministers are looking into the matter, although it seems that Health Secretary Allan Johnston and Justice Minister Jack Straw were somehow oddly opposed.

As I posted yesterday, action needs to be taken to push up rape conviction rates and and a thorough examination is needed as to why conviction rates presently are so low.

Whilst I'm not this Government's biggest fan, a lot of work has been done on this area but more is desprately needed.

Lets hope the government manage to stay united on this issue.

Monday 21 September 2009

Katie, It's time to name

It seems that one or two people have got a little bit hot under the collar following a tweet that I made on twitter yesterday regarding Katie Price.

Since her split from husband Peter Andre the tabloids have been dominated by who is the celebrity who is alledged to have 'raped' Katie Price.

Let me be absolutely clear, the tweet wasn't designed to poke fun at Katie or rape suffers. The reason why I made the tweet is because there is a serious element which shouldn't be ignored but hasn't been mentioned to date in the media but hope it has been provoked as I don't find celebraties making rape allegations in newspapers funny or makes intersting reading.

Firstly is that the alledged 'rape' was supposed to have happened years ago but has only come into the spotlight as Katie embarks on a charm offensive following her well publicised public ending of her marridge.

Secondly this has the hallmarks of the John Leslie incident some years back when Ulrika Johnsson made a rape allegation in her autobiograpry.

Thirdly and most importantly, Katie Price is doing no favours to those that have genuinely been victims of rape in encouraging them to come forward, report the incident to the police and bring those guilty to justice.

The police at present find it very difficult to take rape cases through the courts and gain a successful conviction. At present less than half of rape cases result in a successful conviction.

Many people follow Katie's antics on TV and through the media and Katie for me, isn't presenting herself as a beacon for rape victims.

The stat that I mention above is disturbing and does need addressing which I think allowing victims to remain anonymous has helped but more clearly needs to be done. What we can not have is trials by media as this not only hinders any successful conviction. This is why it is time for Katie to name.

I have always said that I would never shy away from talking about the serious issues of the day. We politicians are regularly accused of not giving an answer or having a view on issues but criticised when we do. This for me is why a lot of us politicians have been dubed bland.

Update: Had a intresting chat with Echo reporter Geoff Percival who believes that the Katie Price alledged rape allegation is bogus. I wonder if he will add this into the piece that he puts into tomorrow's Echo?

Wednesday 16 September 2009

The unaswered questions on the new Shoebury Health Centre

Earlier this week I attended a regular briefing with all 6 Shoebury councillor's from the PCT on the proposed new Shoebury Health Centre on the Garrison development.

Following the appaling consultation originally undertaken by the PCT the PCT should be congratulated in keeping all the Shoebury councillor's up to date with developments on this project - although it still hasn't altered my opinion that on balance this a poor, ill judged development and in my view not a good use of public money.

If you conduced a poll and asked local Shoebury residents if they would like better health facilities no sane person would say no.

There is a general anti feeling from local residents on this project for a number of reasons but the real disaster facing Shoebury if this project goes ahead I feel has been hidden.

I have worked tirelessly over the past three and a half years to attract investment into Shoebury and it is easy to be fooled that this proposal is exciting and will regenerate the area.

What is not widely known that if this development goes ahead it will leave prominent sites in Shoebury empty and desolate and set Shoebury back years.

For example, the health centre on Campfield Road will be closed as well as Deejay Pharmacy and the the Ambulance station.

Gone will be Shoebury House on Ness Road. The Cambridge Dental practice in West Road will close as well as the opticians. Thorpedene Clinic will also be forced to close

Whilst it is admirable that the PCT are looking to reduce operating costs by housing all these services under one roof I believe that they also have a social obligation to Shoebury as well.

This project has been delivered as a fate accompi but I main aim is to ensure that large parts of Shoebury are simply not just boarded up with 'Danger Keep Out' signs.

Labour Lies Exposed

Today leaked documents to the Conservatives have exposed that Labour are planning 9.3% cuts in public. Whilst we all agree that public spending needs to be reduced it has exposed the lies if not at best mistruths that Gordon Brown has been peddling at PMQ's for weeks before the summer recess and makes a mocery of his line that the next election will be down to "Labour investment over Tory 10% cuts.

Just after the local elections few will have seen the Downing Street media briefing which Gordon explicited said that there will be no cuts in Public Spending under Labour.

For those who didn't see it here is the link below

Roll on the next general Election!

Is The Prime Minister Really Mental?

One of the most successful and popular political blogs is by Guido Fawkes aka Paul Staines who operates For the past year or so Guido has been convinced that Gordon Brown has been suffering from a Psychological Personality Disorder and has dubbed him the Prime Mentalist.

Having just returned from a nice week with the family in Turkey I have been trying to catch up with all the news. Whilst I have been away rumors have been awash over the internet that Gordon is suffering from depression.

It is rumoured in Westminster that the Prime Minister is said to be taking powerful mood altering anti-depressants, specifically Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) which are very rarely prescribed since the arrival of Prozac derivatives, used only sparingly when dealing with severely depressed patients.

We all know the stories of rages, flying Nokias, smashed laser printers, tables kicked over and crying Downing Street secretaries subjected to foul-mouthed tirades. We have seen the deranged YouTube performances, the bizarre facial contortions, the incongruent emotional responses – smiling when offering condolences, frowning when giving best wishes but Fraser Nelson in his News of the World column last Sunday tells us quite bluntly how it is:

Rumours are swirling around Westminster. Our PM is cracking under the strain, it is said, and may quit on health grounds. …

First, the rumours are true. Brown is shouting, screaming, hurling objects around the room, behaving like a maniac. In other words, business as usual. This is how he operates — and has done since he cocooned himself in the Treasury 12 years ago.

It may seem bonkers to promise free healthcare to the Nepalese when so many British kids can’t read and write. But he’ll do so this month. It seems crazy apologising for the way gay computer pioneer Alan Turing was treated in 1954 — when Gordo was three years old. Our PM was 49 when he sold the nation’s gold reserves for $275 an ounce. It passed $1,000 last week. Where’s our apology for that?

It’s amazing that he dares to speak about the economy at all. Because for him to keep on spending like this IS a form of madness. … The national debt was £340 billion when Labour came to power. Next year, £970 billion. In four years’ time, £1,370 billion. We will NEVER be able to reduce this burden on our families to pre-Brown levels. A trillion-pound debt may be with us forever.

The impact of this debt on ordinary households — higher tax bills, worse schools, worse healthcare — will just be incalculable. It’s an act of vandalism — on the prospects for future generations.
All because a PM could not bring himself to cut spending now. This is the real insanity. Throwing mobile phones around the room is the least of it… But it will do nothing to change his place in history . . . as a man whose economic madness brought a country to its knees.

As Guido puts it, I wonder when Parliament resits shortly who will be the first MP to ask Gordon at PMQ's "Prime Minister, have you been taking medication that may have affected your judgement?"

Thursday 3 September 2009

Lies, dammed lies & the Independent Party

In true New Labour fashion Commie Anne has once again been telling porkies on her Shoebury News website to engineer support for her doomed East Beach parking campaign.

Now residents have seen the scheme taking shape one of the things local residents have been saying is the parking improvements are not as big as they thought - well they wouldn't be because of the mistruths told by Commie Anne and Louise Wilcox on their leaflets.

Anne mischieviously tells residents on her Labour come Independent Party website that over 84% of residents on an online on the website are against the scheme.

The overall poll actually showed that over 65% of residents backed the scheme. What Commie Anne did was a screenshot of the poll on just one day when there was a majority for the no campaign.

We here time and time again from the leader of the Independent Party Cllr Terry that trust has been removed from the main political parties and that there is a shift to Independent politicians. I trust Cllr Terry will haul Commie Anne over the coals for this - I thought not!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

The NHS at 60

In it's 60th year the NHS probably hasn't been debated quite like it has over the past week. Dan Hanan a Conservative MEP caused a storm recently by saying on American TV that he wouldn't inflict the NHS on anyone.

In the political silly season there have been over 12,000 tweets on the welovethenhs page. It is being described as a huge internet political campaign. I question this as over 66,000 people have signed an online petition calling on Gordon Brown to resign and over 3.5 million people have viewed Dan Hanan making mince meat out of Gordon Brown in the European Parliament.

My own view is that NHS as an institution needs to retained but it is urgent need of reform. I mean should it be the world's third biggest employer behind the Chinese Red Army and the Indian State Railway?

Both Gordon and Sarah Brown have tweeted welovethenhs yet Gordon Brown had over a £1,000 of private work done on his teeth. One word springs to mind - Hypocrite!

Friday 14 August 2009

Comrade Anne 'A loose Cannon'

Earlier this week I received a copy of a damming Independent Party document written by Indy Party Cllr Mike Assenheim who represents Shoeburyness Ward.

I have thought for a little while now that the Independent Party's coalition of mainstream political party drop-out's bound by no ideological beliefs was fragile, but here in Shoeburyness the Indies seem to be imploding by the day.

In the last two months we have witnessed Cllr Assesheim's for it, might be for it, against it and now like a mixture of both scheme's view on the East Beach improvements, Commie Anne's skips and perminant travellers pitches on Gunner's Park, the Labour Party website's sudo Independent Party's list is endless.

The document sent to me in good faith claims that Cllr Assenheim believes Commie Anne only is interested in Shoebury Village and not the rest of the ward, calls her a loose cannon, claims that she has been a disaster in the past for Shoeburyness and also claimes that they have had to get Commie Anne to sign a document saying that she won't cross the floor and join her Labour colleagues should she be elected.

Now and then all politicians get in their posession a daming document from a rival but this is really dynamite!

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Election Candidates

It is normally traditional for political parties to select local election candidates at the beginning of the year that the elections falls in.

Most of the political parties in Southend will be sounding out their members now for formal selection meetings to commence in early 2010.

The two Shoebury wards have already gone through this process to ensure that candidates are now just foisted upon residents just for election time.

I am pleased that West Shoebury ward committee have re-selected me as the Conservative candidate for West Shoebury ward for the 2010 local elections but I would also like to congratulate Roger Hadley who has also been re-selected as the candidate for Shoeburyness ward where he will be facing Comrade Anne Chalk from the Independent Party.

Rattled By 'Labour Link'

Earlier this morning my In Box contained a rather worried and snooty email (pictured above) from one of the East Beach gang Louise Wilcox.

You may remember that in a previous post that I mentioned an election leaflet from Comrade Anne Chalk came through the door which for the first time also included Louise Wilcox name and address and promoted the website.

Following the mystery around the website which has links to Southend Labour Party it seems that Ms Wilcox doesn't wish to be alligned to the Labour Party.

This is perfectly understandable as Labour lurch from one crisis to another and continue to trail in the polls. Well Lousie all you have do if people are not to question your alledged affiliation to Labour or the Independent Party for that matter is to withdraw your name and contact details from future Independent Party election literature and denounce the sudo Labour Party website which Comrade Anne uses your name on otherwise these allegations will gather pace.

What Louise will not tell residents however is the underhand ways that she and the East Beach gang operate - including trawling through hardworking Conservative Shoebury councillors declarations of interest to find loopholes to try and get them removed as councillors. Louise you will have to get out of bed half an hour earlier to try and catch me out love.

When Ms Wilcox name appears on political websites and literature then she will continue to be treated as a political opponent by me. When I first started this blog I was fully aware that it would be read by my political opponents. And no Louise I will not bow to your interfearing, controlling and meddling New Labour tendancies by seeking your approval as to what I should publish on my blog. If you wish to play politics then people have the right to play politics back.

Thursday 30 July 2009

The Med Heading For East Beach?

Fresh from his four different views on East Beach it would appear that Cllr Assenheim has finally lost the plot over East Beach.

In yesterday's Southend Echo Cllr Assenheim was quoted as saying that he wants Palm Trees to appear on East Beach.

A mole inside the Civic Centre told me that Cllr Assenheim and Comrade Anne Chalk attended a meeting regarding the East Beach improvements.

My mole tells me that all is not well between Cllr Assenheim and Comrade Chalk as a row erupted regarding trees on East Beach.

Apparently Comrade Chalk wanted 'English' Trees while Cllr Assenheim wanted Palm Trees. The report in yesterday's Echo quoted Cllr Assenheim as saying that portfolio holder Cllr Anna Waite will consider the idea. My council insider tells me that this is not true as Cllr Waite claimed that Palm Trees were not, rightly, suitable for East Beach.

Following their bust up it seems that Cllr Assenheim 'won' the battle as Comrade Anne Chalk has published on her Shoebury News website that 'A councillor wants Palm Trees on East Beach'.

Oh what fun it must be in the Independent Party!

Are They Really Independent?

Following the last full council meeting before the summer recess a letter appeared in the Southend Echo from Cllr Martin Terry leader of the 'Independent Party' on Southend Council.

In his letter Cllr Terry goes on his usual rant that a whip was applied to all Conservative councillor's on the night.
Cllr Terry get away with murder in the local press possibly because he is fodder for the local media and can be relied upon to be a rent a quote to fill their content.

I have been a councillor for nearly four years now and I have never had a whip applied to me. I have also been the councillor who has probably sided with opposition members the most out of all Conservative councillor's.

Further on Cllr Terry argues that party politics should be removed from local town hall's. If we were to accept Cllr Terry's point then I presume that Cllr Terry will hand back his leaders salary that he receives for being leader of the Independent Party and stop with immediate effect using council facilities to hold Group meetings.

I mean, how can you hold group meetings if you were elected as an Independent? With seven elected councillor's I feel that the media need to scrtinise the activities of 'Independent' councillors.

While they face so little scrutiny it enables councillor's like Mike Assenheim (Independent Party councillor for Shoeburyness Ward) to have four different opinions on the issue of East Beach for example.

The Independent Party have been rattled of late as they come under scrutiny. It is little reported that at least three of their members were Labour Party members within the last five years!

Labour Link Removed From Shoebury News Website

Following mounting pressure Comrade Anne has bowed to public pressure and removed the decitful link to her Shoebury News website, designed to entice Labour supporters to her website.

Just in case Commie Anne tries to deny this nearer the elections here is the damming evidence.

Monday 27 July 2009

Congratulations Chloe

Due to watching Spurs playing in the Wembley Cup over the weekend I offer my belated congratulations to Chloe Smith who was the deserved winner of the Norwich North By-election on Friday.

Chloe at 27 will be the youngest Mp in the House of Commons which made me think back when to when I was elected to Southend Council 3 years ago.
Aged just 26, like Chloe, I was also the youngest elected member on Southend Council a position that is currently held by Cllr Ian Gilbert who represents Victoria Ward.

David Cameron has already publicly stated that Chloe is exactly the type of person that parliament needs. I agree that Chloe is extremely bright but I do not believe that just because somebody is young and into politics then should automatically be given a seat to contest either in Parliament or Town Hall's.

I believe that people should be selected and ultimately elected based on ability and not just because you are young, female or an ethnic minority.

Southend is quite groundbreaking in that there are a large number of women who are members, at one point had two members under the age of 30 and has two ethnic minority councillors who, I must say, were elected on ability.

It's A Fair Cop Comrade

I notice that today's Southend Echo is running a story in which Inspector Jeff Appleby is backing the £350,000 improvements to East Beach. This is welcome as the whole scheme was created to improve residents lives who live near East Beach as they have been plagued with noise and anti-social behaviour for years by inconsiderate users.

This scheme now have the back from residents associations, the police, conservative councillors and James Duddridge MP but curiously I do not understand why the Independent Party don't support the concept.

A couple of weeks ago I got a tatty and poorly produced leaflet from Comrade Anne Chalk. Normally only Comrade Anne puts her contact details on her leaflet but intestingly a name going by Louise Willcox appears on the leaflet.

Mrs Cox who has great intiuition and believes that Ms Willcox may have decided to stand against me for the Independent Party.

I have blogged here previously about Commie Anne's shoeburynews website. After a little digging I discovered that website links directly to the Anne's shoeburynews website.

It is interesting that at least three of the Independent Party have previously been members of the Labour Party. Knowing this does MS Willcox still support the Independent Party cause? Or is she just another disgruntled Labour Party member who has jumped ship?

Wednesday 22 July 2009

All the fun of Full Council

After a nice long weekend away so Mrs Cox and I could celebrate our first wedding anniversary I am back in the world of blogsphere.

Just before my trip to the West Sussex coast there was the last full council before the summer recess and councilllor's jet off on their hols.

Normally Full Council is nothing more that opposition parties to score political points of the Conservative administration and Cllr Terry to jump on any passing bandwagon moving through the Civic Centre which he thinks makes him look good and wins votes, but this Full Council was very different.

Due to be debated was the Dog Control Orders, which included banning dogs from beaches for the summer months and there was also the small matter of 30 questions from members of the public - a record I'm sure.

Of the 30 questions there were four from Comrade Anne Chalk and her gang regarding East Beach. Before we got the matter of dog control orders we had a small debate regarding Grammar School's - a subject that I have blogged on previously.

It is still my deep held view that some school Head's are politically motivated when it comes to Grammar School's and if they do not believe in the Grammar School system then they will not encourage children to take the 11+.

They were some passionate speeches given by some members and yes whilst I agree that Secondary School's have improved and there is an element of parential choice this isn't the only reason why only half of the Grammar School places are taken from kids in Southend.

What really shocked me more was the comments made by Lib Dem leader Graham Longley especially as he was a former teacher himself.

Cllr Longley made the comment that the only reason why parents send their children to Grammar School's is because the secondary school's in the town are rubbish. Well I would like to remind Cllr Longley that we have the excellent Shoeburyness High School in my ward under the stewardship of Sue Murphy.

For some members the Dog Control Orders was the biggie for the night and in terms of bizzare comments and actions it certainly didn't disappoint!

1. We had Dim Leb, sorry Lib Dem, Cllr Barry Godwin who said disgracefully that all the town's dog owners care more for their dogs than they do their own kids.

2. Independent Party Councillor Ron Woodley said that the beach of Thorpe Bay was a beach that can only be used by beach hut owners and Thorpe Bay residents. I don't why Cllr Woodley doesn't just a moat around Thorpe Bay, declare independence and it The People's Republic of Thorpe Bay!

3. Lib Dem Cllr Lewin voted for the Dog Control Orders but voted against them in scrutiny a week earlier.

4. Lib Dem Cllr Crystal also votes for the bans but sat on his hands at scrutiny

Intrestingly the vote was 27-13 in favour of the Dog Control orders and had cross party support but more worringly we spent more time debating dogs on beaches than our children's education! Shame on you all.

Thursday 9 July 2009

A Particular Variety of Lib Dem Bull****

A funny story appeared in today's Western Morning News, a local newspaper in the West Country from Lib Dem parliamentary candidate Sally Morgan, who will contest the newly created Central Devon seat.

Sally was also a Lib Dem county councillor on Devon County Council but lost her seat during the Conservative landslide victory on 4th June.

Still annoyed at loosing her seat, dear old Sally took offfence at Lib Dem HQ telling her how best placed the party was for the next General Election. Following a tip off from a little Yellow Bird here is the email in full.

Dear Cowley St and Campaigns Dept.

Please do not employ apparatchiks to telephone me at home to tell me how well the Party did in the local elections only days after I and many of my colleagues lost our seats.

I do not appreciate being told how the public decided to teach Gordon brown a lesson nor that a General Election is around the corner and we have never been in a better position.I no longer subscribe to that particular variety of bullshit.

I was particularly taken aback to be asked if I would make a substantial donation and increase my standing order. Is that not the equivalent of frisking a mugging victim for any more pickings?

The party has benefited from several thousand pounds of my money as well as my blood, sweat and tears and yet the Party chooses to spend such money on employing ‘organisers’ whose sole purpose it seems is to forward centrally-generated emails that I have already received.

I would happily save the Party thousands of pounds a year by offering the services of my 11-year-old daughter who would be more than capable of performing such tasks for the price of a tenner and a few bags of Haribo cola bottles.

They obviously do little else as I have not seen sight nor sound of such organisers for many, many months despite being a Parliamentary Candidate.

Perhaps the Party thinks PPCs who are councillors and mothers have not time for such fripperies. The lack of support would lead me to believe so.For that reason I’ve cancelled my, already generous, standing order and when my membership expires in October the Party can sing for it.

Yours, with bugger all left to lose.


I suppose loosing her seat had nothing to do with her performance as a local councillor?