
Saturday 24 October 2009

Is the thing blue line getting thinner in West Shoebury?

The government has recently forced all police authorities to publish the lastest crime figures to the public. The good news is that crime is overall down throughout Southend but I was interested in the figures for West Shoebury ward.

West Shoebury is generally a low crime area but the latest crime figures for April, May and June compared with the same period for 2008 do not make good reading. Overall crime is up nearly 22% in West Shoebury ward. Burglary is up nearly 73%, robbery is up 100%, violency is up 3% and anti-social behaviour is up 7%. Only vehivle crime saw a reduction.

I believe that crime is down across Southend because of some very good policing initatives but has this been at the expence of West Shoebury?

Despite the large increase in crime, crime is still rlatively low. From previous attendence at Residents Association metings the public are still largely supportive of the local police but if crime rises as sharply as it has done you have to question for how much longer.

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