
Thursday 22 October 2009

First With The News

Back in May Shoebury Conservatives decided to set up a website to keep all Shoebury residents informed of the latest news, events and how the big issues of the day affect Shoebury.

No other political party had attempted to create a website solely for Shoebury. Following on from the initial success Comrade Anne Chalk, well known to readers of this blog, decided to set up her rival Shoebury News website for self gratification and as a mechanism to peddle her mistruths to Shoebury residents.

Recently, as viewers of her website have dwindled, Commie Anne has resulted to publishing stories from as breaking news or as ideas from the Independent Party.

For example, a few days ago Anne publishes on her website 'that she is reliably informed' that new Changing Rooms are to be provided at Shoebury Leisure Centre. Yes Anne was reliably informed - by local Conservatives back in May!

Local Conservatives were also delighted to bring you the news that Shoeburyness Park was to have a new outdoor gym facility in the form of an adiZone. Yet knock me down with a feather duster it appears on Shoebury News a day later with almost the same wording! But wait, Cllr 'says a lot but does nothing' Assenheim has campaigned for a long time to get an adiZone. The first resident to provide me with evidence of Cllr Assenheim campaigning for an adiZone in Shoeburyness Park will receive a bottle of Champaign.

They say copying is the best form of flaterry but I supposed Comrade Anne has been used to coming second for sometime now.

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