
Tuesday 11 August 2009

Rattled By 'Labour Link'

Earlier this morning my In Box contained a rather worried and snooty email (pictured above) from one of the East Beach gang Louise Wilcox.

You may remember that in a previous post that I mentioned an election leaflet from Comrade Anne Chalk came through the door which for the first time also included Louise Wilcox name and address and promoted the website.

Following the mystery around the website which has links to Southend Labour Party it seems that Ms Wilcox doesn't wish to be alligned to the Labour Party.

This is perfectly understandable as Labour lurch from one crisis to another and continue to trail in the polls. Well Lousie all you have do if people are not to question your alledged affiliation to Labour or the Independent Party for that matter is to withdraw your name and contact details from future Independent Party election literature and denounce the sudo Labour Party website which Comrade Anne uses your name on otherwise these allegations will gather pace.

What Louise will not tell residents however is the underhand ways that she and the East Beach gang operate - including trawling through hardworking Conservative Shoebury councillors declarations of interest to find loopholes to try and get them removed as councillors. Louise you will have to get out of bed half an hour earlier to try and catch me out love.

When Ms Wilcox name appears on political websites and literature then she will continue to be treated as a political opponent by me. When I first started this blog I was fully aware that it would be read by my political opponents. And no Louise I will not bow to your interfearing, controlling and meddling New Labour tendancies by seeking your approval as to what I should publish on my blog. If you wish to play politics then people have the right to play politics back.

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