
Monday 14 December 2009

No slowing down in the run up to Christmas

The slogan 'working all year round' has pretty much been true. With the wet weather hampering delivery of our winter In Touch in West Shoebury, catching up with family that we haven't seen for a long time and preparing for Miss Cox's first Christmas it has been a busy few weeks.

I was also busy last week preparing for the meeting of full council last Thursday. I was delighted to be able to hand in the petition for the Four Rivers Estate on behalf of the residents but my work didn't finish there.

Since the last Children & Lifelong Learning scrutiny I have been conducting some research into the use of biometric data in Schools across the UK.

I had decided that strong opposition to the use of biometric data in Southend schools was needed but was disappointed that only two other councillors spoke out aginst this practice. I am pleased that the Echo have recognised the imporance of this issue by reporting the debate in today's issue.

My full speach in the debate can be found here

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