
Thursday 9 July 2009

A Particular Variety of Lib Dem Bull****

A funny story appeared in today's Western Morning News, a local newspaper in the West Country from Lib Dem parliamentary candidate Sally Morgan, who will contest the newly created Central Devon seat.

Sally was also a Lib Dem county councillor on Devon County Council but lost her seat during the Conservative landslide victory on 4th June.

Still annoyed at loosing her seat, dear old Sally took offfence at Lib Dem HQ telling her how best placed the party was for the next General Election. Following a tip off from a little Yellow Bird here is the email in full.

Dear Cowley St and Campaigns Dept.

Please do not employ apparatchiks to telephone me at home to tell me how well the Party did in the local elections only days after I and many of my colleagues lost our seats.

I do not appreciate being told how the public decided to teach Gordon brown a lesson nor that a General Election is around the corner and we have never been in a better position.I no longer subscribe to that particular variety of bullshit.

I was particularly taken aback to be asked if I would make a substantial donation and increase my standing order. Is that not the equivalent of frisking a mugging victim for any more pickings?

The party has benefited from several thousand pounds of my money as well as my blood, sweat and tears and yet the Party chooses to spend such money on employing ‘organisers’ whose sole purpose it seems is to forward centrally-generated emails that I have already received.

I would happily save the Party thousands of pounds a year by offering the services of my 11-year-old daughter who would be more than capable of performing such tasks for the price of a tenner and a few bags of Haribo cola bottles.

They obviously do little else as I have not seen sight nor sound of such organisers for many, many months despite being a Parliamentary Candidate.

Perhaps the Party thinks PPCs who are councillors and mothers have not time for such fripperies. The lack of support would lead me to believe so.For that reason I’ve cancelled my, already generous, standing order and when my membership expires in October the Party can sing for it.

Yours, with bugger all left to lose.


I suppose loosing her seat had nothing to do with her performance as a local councillor?

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