
Wednesday 22 July 2009

All the fun of Full Council

After a nice long weekend away so Mrs Cox and I could celebrate our first wedding anniversary I am back in the world of blogsphere.

Just before my trip to the West Sussex coast there was the last full council before the summer recess and councilllor's jet off on their hols.

Normally Full Council is nothing more that opposition parties to score political points of the Conservative administration and Cllr Terry to jump on any passing bandwagon moving through the Civic Centre which he thinks makes him look good and wins votes, but this Full Council was very different.

Due to be debated was the Dog Control Orders, which included banning dogs from beaches for the summer months and there was also the small matter of 30 questions from members of the public - a record I'm sure.

Of the 30 questions there were four from Comrade Anne Chalk and her gang regarding East Beach. Before we got the matter of dog control orders we had a small debate regarding Grammar School's - a subject that I have blogged on previously.

It is still my deep held view that some school Head's are politically motivated when it comes to Grammar School's and if they do not believe in the Grammar School system then they will not encourage children to take the 11+.

They were some passionate speeches given by some members and yes whilst I agree that Secondary School's have improved and there is an element of parential choice this isn't the only reason why only half of the Grammar School places are taken from kids in Southend.

What really shocked me more was the comments made by Lib Dem leader Graham Longley especially as he was a former teacher himself.

Cllr Longley made the comment that the only reason why parents send their children to Grammar School's is because the secondary school's in the town are rubbish. Well I would like to remind Cllr Longley that we have the excellent Shoeburyness High School in my ward under the stewardship of Sue Murphy.

For some members the Dog Control Orders was the biggie for the night and in terms of bizzare comments and actions it certainly didn't disappoint!

1. We had Dim Leb, sorry Lib Dem, Cllr Barry Godwin who said disgracefully that all the town's dog owners care more for their dogs than they do their own kids.

2. Independent Party Councillor Ron Woodley said that the beach of Thorpe Bay was a beach that can only be used by beach hut owners and Thorpe Bay residents. I don't why Cllr Woodley doesn't just a moat around Thorpe Bay, declare independence and it The People's Republic of Thorpe Bay!

3. Lib Dem Cllr Lewin voted for the Dog Control Orders but voted against them in scrutiny a week earlier.

4. Lib Dem Cllr Crystal also votes for the bans but sat on his hands at scrutiny

Intrestingly the vote was 27-13 in favour of the Dog Control orders and had cross party support but more worringly we spent more time debating dogs on beaches than our children's education! Shame on you all.

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