
Friday 23 October 2009

Question Time? More Like Jerry Springer

Apart from Nick Griffin and Unite Against Facism the other big looser in last nights edition of Question Time was honest political debate itself.

With a cherry picked audience and the whole panel rightly against the BNP it turned into nothing more than a Jerry Springer slanging match. With Royal Mail on strike, the Home Office loosing 40,000 imigrants and the mess that this country is in right now political debate was what was needed.

The BBC in my opinion were right to extend the invite to Nick Griffin and for somebody who is Oxbridge educated gave a lamentable performace last night which is what I thought would happen once the BNP leader was subjected to scrutiny - even though he was challenged on his 'favoured' areas. I dread to think what his performance would have been like had he had been taken out of his comfort zone and gave his views/policies about the issues of the day.

It was left to Baroness Warsi to actually try and at least turn the imigration issue into a sensible debate. As an avid viewer of Question Time Baroness Warsi's previous performances have left a lot to be desired but deserves a lot of credit for being moderate and sensible on the issue.

Jack Straw's defence of the Government's policy made him look and sound like a wet blanket and was clearly flummoxed when NIck Griifin in effect called him the son of a coward.

The Lib Dem's Chris Huhne, an old hand at Question Time, was bizzarly trying to out do the BNP on immigration! Typical two faces you may say, especially as they supported the Government in allowing unrestricted entry to the Eastern European accession states.

For me it was a sad day for good honest political debate. Whilst I fully support the aims of Unite Against Facism their behaviour only made them to look and sound as thuggish as the BNP itself.

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