
Thursday 18 March 2010

Independents....Don't Agree with Political Opponents? Just Threaten Them With Violence

Oh dear, a new low today it seems from the Independents. Cllr Ron Woodley has got a bit above his station this afternoon as he has taken offence for some reason to my earlier post this week on vote Independent get Lib Dem.

In a nasty telephone call earlier, Cllr Woodley threatens to do me serious damage if I come near him after reading my post. Whilst I can assure readers that I haven't yet pooed my pants over his threat, the amusing part is that all calls to my work telephone are all recorded! Stupid, stupid man.

Whilst I am treating this a case of sticks and stones and all that as I do not believe in the Standards Board or plod getting involved in politiking it is shame that Cllr Woodley had to committ such cowardly and threatening behaviour and not speak to me face to face on the matter in a professional way.

Why is he so annoyed at the post? I can only presume he is angry for some strange reason me mentioning that his daughter has joined the Lib Dems.

I personally can not see why as I think that this is a fantastic thing that young people are getting involved it just might persuade other youngsters to get involved...surely a good thing?

It maybe even just a case of the Independent Party's cosy relationship with the Lib Dems hit a raw nerve? Who know's with them!

Update 19/03/10: In an upleasant exchange of emails from the Independent Party, Cllr Woodley now accuses me of Child Abuse! Whatever low will they now stoop to.


Anonymous said...

You obvious don't have children otherwise you would understand a father trying to protect his child and her privacy.

Tony Cox said...

Happy to correct but I have a young daughter too. Again I welcome comments but don't hide behind the anonymous button reveal yourself and lets have a decent political debate!