
Tuesday 27 October 2009

Crumbling under scrutiny?

Over at the fledging Shoebury News website Cllr Assenheim has decided to send a Dear Comrade Anne letter to Shoebury News containing a racist attack on me as Cllr Assenheim and his party crumble under the mounting scrutiny.

With seven councillors and some limited electoral success they deserve the same level of scrutiny as the three main parties - something that they believe to be above.

It is worth taking a brief look at the history of the so called Independents. During the middle of this decade, Martin Terry, a disgruntled Labour party member, decided to stand as an Independent in Westborough ward. The public spoke and Martin Terry was elected.

The following year, another disgruntled Labour party member, Marimuthu Velmurugan, decided to stand as an Independent in Westborough and again was elected.

Following this electoral success two disgruntled Conservative councillors decided to defect and along with the two elected councillors for Westborough formed the political party Alliance Southend. Despite claiming that they were an 'alliance of Independents' they were:

1. Registered with the electoral commission as a political party
2. Had a party leader
3. Held party meetings
4. Had a party logo

In 2006 Cllr Assenheim included, all former Independents stood for the Aliance Southend party. Facing mounting criticism based on the facts above they dropped Alliance Southend for a 'group of Independents'. People with only average intellengence will realise that they are both the same thing and because of its wording can not be Independent if you form a group.

Sinice this 'grouping' they now have:

1. A party Leader who draws a leaders salary from the council
2. Hold Political meetings in the Civic Centre
3. Collective voting - On the issue of Dog Control Orders the 'group' all voted against this measure, the only party to vote all the same way

This effectively means that all bar one of the 'Group of Independents have either belonged to or stood for a political party at some point.

What Comrade Anne and Cllr Assenheim don't realise is that with seven councillors they should be open to scrutiny. As this is a blog Independent of Shoebury Conservatives I will not take dictacts as to when I can have a view. Freedom of speech is something that is sacred and is taken for granted but this is the Independent Party all over - do as I say and not as I do.

1 comment:

Shoebury Preservation said...

What an absolutely shocking comment from Cllr Assenheim linking Cllr Cox to the BNP. He should know better especially in the current climate. It is this type of behaviour which prevents politicians having genuine debate on immigration