
Monday 23 July 2012

The sun is shining, hopefully the grass will not grow as quick

As I am writing this post, I am looking out of my window at the clear blue sky which has greeted me this morning. It was ironic that when a hosepipe ban was announced for most of the country it was preceded by some of the wettest weather that has ever been recorded in this country. I suppose that this shouldn't come as a gret surprise.

The period of warm weather is welcome especially for the traders as visitors flocked to the town this weekend. Out of all the many services that Southend Council deliver, I am sure the predicted warm spell will be music to the ears of the Council's grounds maintenance department.

As those who have a garden can relate to, keeping the grass and weeds under control during the past couple of months has proved challenging. During the past two months, I have probably received more complaints about overgrown verges, parks, open spaces, cemeteries and weeds growing on pavements that I have in the six years that I have been a councillor.

Despite the inclement weather, the grounds maintenance team have done a sterling job trying to keep the town looking its pristine best and responding to the queries that I and many other councillors have had during this period. Hopefully, this weekend has marked the start of a fantastic summer.

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