
Sunday 13 December 2015

Southend Energy Company

Recently, Southend Council has set up its own energy company with the noble aim of trying to reduce fuel poverty in the town. I would always encourage residents to compare energy prices to see if they can get a better deal elsewhere.

Yesterday evening, Mrs Cox received a personalised letter from Leader of the Council Ron Woodley encouraging Mrs C to switch to OVO Energy. Curiously, my name was left off the letter. Is this a deliberate ploy to target female members of households?

My colleague, Cllr James Courtenay, raised a question on the cost of marketing of this letter at Full Council last Thursday. The answer was revealing. In effect, the Leader of the Council has had a £7,000 marketing campaign paid for at Council Taxpayer expense. Does the Leader of the Council really have such a big enough ego to think that his name alone will encourage people to flock en mass to OVO Energy.

Never in my time as part of the previous administration did, I, my colleagues, or the Leader of the Council ever have such a luxury of a personalised £7,000 self promotion budget. The responsible thing to do would have the letter sent in either the Corporate Director or Chief Executive's name.

To be clear, I do not have a personal problem with Southend Council creating its own Energy Company. If residents can get the best possible deal with OVO Energy then great. There were some aspects of the report when the energy company was set up - especially with the Solar Panels option which in effect mean that Southend Council are nationalising your roof.

After receiving the letter, I did look at what OVO Energy could save me on my current energy bills. Unfortunately, there was no such luck. Moving to OVO Energy would have actually cost me an extra £216 a year.

Friday 11 December 2015

Questions From Members of the Council

A permanent feature at Full Council meetings is the half an hour allocated to members to ask questions to either the Leader of the Council of Portfolio Holder on any subject of their choice.
As it is coming to the budget setting time the Leader is trotting out his well used line that borrowing was too high under the previous administration.
I decided to use one of my two permitted questions yesterday evening to finally get to the bottom of the Leader's well rehearsed line.
On page 5 of the tabled questions, I asked the Leader to tell the Council which schemes under the previous Conservative administration that were financed by borrowing he would not have proceeded with.  
As you can see from the written response, it was a long winded answer to say none! As a suplimentary question, I asked the Leader of the Council if he could tell the Chamber which schemes he voted against in opposition.
Again, the answer was quite revealing. He couldn't name any! To view the exchange, you can watch the webcast here

Choices, choices, choices

Choices. This was very much the buzz word during the HIV motion which was debated at Full Council last night.

Cabinet had made the decision not to proceed with the motion based purely on costs. Full Council voted last night to ask Cabinet to reconsider the decision.  

During the previous Cabinet cycle, the current administration put through a paper to take out over £500,000 from the Public Health budget. If you have a look at where the savings were made these were to some of the most disadvantaged in society.

When savings have to be made, this can, on occasions, be seen as inertia not to do anything. It is claimed that there was no money for HIV testing yet money was found by the public health team to sponsor the recent Southend United v Blackpool fixture.

A quick look at the sponsorship packages on the Southend United website show that match sponsorship packages range between £1,000 - £1,200. These packages include:
  • An Executive Box for 10 people
  • Champaigne Reception
  • Wines, beers and soft drinks
  • Pre match hot buffet
In austere times, is this a priority on what public money should be spent on? For me, it sends out completely the wrong message.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Jeremy Corbyn's First 10 Weeks as Labour Leader

There was a supurb breakdown in the Telegraph Online of Jeremy Corbyn's first 10 weeks as Labour Leader:

The full Telegraph Online article can be found here.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Shoeburyness Remembers

Mike Lucas-Gill Selected

Mike Lucas-Gill has been selected as the Conservative candidate for the Rochford by-election. Mike is standing in this by-election, which has been called due to the sudden and sad loss of his wife Jill Lucas-Gill.

Mike is standing to continue the work that Jill started, but unfortunately did not complete. Mike has lived in the district for over 50 years, 30 of these in Rochford itself. Some of you might remember Mike from the hardware shop (Home Plus 2) that he ran with Jill in the market square for over 10 years.

As for experience, Mike has served as a parish councillor at Rochford Parish Council for a period of time, so have had experience of local government at that level. Having lived in the ward for 30 years, Mike is passionate about keeping Rochford a safe, healthy and enjoyable place to live, for all residents.

The residents will be Mike's first priority, with District matters coming second, unless they directly affect residents.

Plan Launched to end Shoebury Transport Woes

Following concerns raised by the Shoeburyness Residesnts Association (SRA) at the general increase traffic in Ness Road and congestion at the Campfield Road junction, Shoebury Conservatives have been working with local architect Nick Kenny, to develop a plan for the area which Shoebury Conservatives hope the Council will adopt.

The plan features a new mini roundabout at the Campfield Road junction to alleviate current congestion and an increase in the number of parking spaces along Ness Road. Although not shown on the map, Shoebury Conservatives are also pressing for West Road to revert back to a two way road to help local businesses.

Nick Kenny, who owns the draughtsman in Ness Road commented:

“I was approached by local councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox to address concerns along Ness Road which are shared by a number of residents.

“I believe this plan addresses long held concerns by local residents and hope that the Council will adopt this plan for the road layout in Ness Road.”

Starting later this month, Shoebury Conservatives will be taking the plans on a ‘road show’ across Shoebury so residents can view the plans and sign up to show their support.

If residents support the plans, councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox will submit the plans to Full Council. It is envisaged that the proposed plan for Ness Road will be funded either by new Capital Money or from developer contributions.

Upon the unveiling of the plan Cllr Derek Jarvis commented:

“Congestion at the junction with Campfield Road is horrendous which will only get worse should any further development in Shoebury take place.

“If the plans have the full support from local residents, I will be pressing the Council to adopt it as its preferred plan for Ness Road.”

Conservative candidate for Shoeburyness ward Sue Abrahams also commented:

“Whilst out campaigning, the junction at Campfield Road is coming out high on the list of residents concerns. Improving this junction will be part of my manifesto at the local elections next year.” 

Latest West Shoebury Newsletter

Sunday 20 September 2015

The Lost Memory

One of my favourite pages in the Southend Echo has always been the letters pages. It is here where we see many councillors and party activists pen their musings to a wider audience. Unfortunately, on many occasions what they tell us differs greatly to their own or their local party's actions in the Civic Centre.

This week, for example, there was a letter from former Shoeburyness councillor Anne Chalk criticising the new library in Delaware Road and claiming the Administration has made Shoeburyness  the forgotten part of Southend.

What Anne Forgot to mention in her letter was that up until May this year, she was a member of the current Administration and had voted for the new library proposals which she now criticises. Some people will just never learn!

Monday 14 September 2015

RIP Cllr Jill Lucas-Gill

Whilst this blog predominantly looks at the local political scene in Shoeburyness and Southend, I was made aware last week of the very sad news that Rochford District councillor Cllr Jill Lucas-Gill, a councillor in my own constituency of Rochford & Southend East suddly passed away. My thoughts are with Jill's husband Mike during this very difficult time.

Shoeburyness High School Planning Application

Shoeburyness High School is one of those rare examples in Southend where the schools exam results rival that of the town's Grammar school. This is no mean feat considering the areas of deprovation which form the school's catchment area.

The head teacher and all the school staff rightly should be commended and all the awards and congratulations are richly deserved.

There is, however, an issue which since my return on the Council has been gathering momentum and is causing a major headache to residents who live in nighbouring and surrounding roads to the school which is that of inconsiderate parking.

There is a tendancy for some who live close to schools to complain about absolutely everything, I except that, but during term time I receive numerous calls from residents about inconsiderate parking ranging from blocking drives, parking on pavements and yellow lives and parents droping their children off in the mornings and afternoons.

During the six weeks school holidays, I did not receive one single query. One Council meeting which still meets over the summer is that of Development & Control which judges the merits of planning applications.

I and my fellow colleagues were concerned with a recent planning application from Shoeburyness High School. I have no problem with good schools wanting to expand. In fact they schould be encouraged to do so as long as school recreation and playing fields are dispensed with in the process.

The concerns I had was with the loss of four parking spaces which was being proposed in the planning application. I was also furious that the School, as part of the planning application, had included all the car parking spaces in the public car park behind the school which serves the leisure centre, Shoebury Youth Centre and the new Library as current car park spaces within the school grounds.

Considering the issues with parking in the neighboring and surrounding roads I was pleased on this occasion that planning permission was refused. At present there are no current time restrictions on parking in this car park which invites school staff to park there all day.

This picture was taken on day two of the new school year and the new Library had not as yet opened its doors. There were only four available spaces. With the new library opening today, I expect my phone will be red hot today.

To help resolve this problem, I am please that the Conservatives suggestion of placing a time limit on this car park is on the agenda of this weeks meeting of the Traffic & Parking Working Party. It is a measure which will receive my full support.

New Shoebury Library

As a councillor, I always get copied into all the official press releases that the Council issues. As you would expect, press releases are usually bland with the Council press office unwilling to engage as spin doctors for the relative political parties.

The press release issued on the opening of the new Shoeburyness Library today was an exception and I have made my feelings to the Town Clerk and the Corporate Director known.

To be clear from the outset, I am delighted that Shoeburyness has got a new library and it is welcomed that the current Administration came to this conclusion following their review of the previous Conservative Administration's proposals.

It is here that the congratulations have to stop. The press release issued late last month implies that under the Conservatives, the new Library would have been staffed by volunteers. This simply wasn't the case.

Under the Conservatives, the new Library would have been run by fully paid staff, under this Administration, the new Shoeburyness Library will only have one fully paid member of staff with the remainder being volunteers. I will leave it for residents and readers of this blog to decide whether the existing arrangements at the new Library under this Administration was better than was proposed by the last Conservative Administration.

Conservative Southend Borough Council candidates

A task this summer for my local Conservative Association was to select candidates to fight the local elections in May 2016. I am pleased to announce that the candidates selected in the East of the town are as follows:

Kursaal - Simon Gittus
Milton - Deborah Lennen-Wood
Thorpe - Jon Bacon
Shoeburyness - Sue Abrahams
Southchurch - Alex Bright
St Lukes - Del Thomas
West Shoebury - Cllr Derek Jarvis
Victoria - Denis Garne

One noticeable name omitted for the list of names is that of current sitting Southchurch councillor David Garston. On the contary to what has been published on the local blogssphere, David has moved to Leigh and decided to fight a seat in the West of the town.

I was delighted to hear that David has been selected as the Conservative candidate for Prittlewell and look forward to seeing David return to the Council albiet in a different ward. I wish David all the very best during his campaign.

New Police & Crime Commissioner Candidate

Over the weekend, I was part of the Essex wide selection panel to choose a new Police & Crime Commissioner (PCC) candidate following the current PCC Nick Alston's decision to step down when his term of office finishes in May.

Following a long an exhausting day, Essex councillor and Deputy Leader of Brentwood Council Cllr Roger Hurst was selected. I look forward to working with Roger over the coming months.

Back After The Break

I have had a few emails recently asking if I am continuining with my blog. Fear not, all the latest news, views and comment will continuite to feature, it just took a short break over the political silly season.

Although this blog took a break, my work didn't. Normally, over the school holiday period the workload eases somewhat as there are no formal scheduled Council meetings but the queries and dealing with residents concerns were particularly high this year. Here are some of the things which I had been involved with:
  • Dumped rubbish and missed waste collections
  • Highways and pavement defects
  • Overgrown weeds
  • Parking issues around Shoeburyness High School
  • The new Shoeburyness Library car park
  • The Tennis courts in the Garrison
  • Travellers at the Shoeburyness war memorial
  • Street Surgery in West Road
The two main stories over the summer locally were the shambles that the Independent Party have become on Southend Council and the Labour leadership election. I will explore these subjects in separate posts.

Saturday 27 June 2015

St Lukes Walk In Centre Consultation

Last month, I wrote a post last month on the local Clinical Commissioning Group's (CCG) plans to close the St Luke's Walk-in centre and merge it into A&E at Southend Hospital. My concerns then are my concerns now, as the St Luke's walk-in centre provides out of hours GP services for residents in West Shoebury.

Prior to any decision being made on the future of the St Luke's walk-in centre, the Southend CCG are launching a consultation into its future and how local services are commissioned. If you have concerns at the potential closure, I urge you all to complete the consultation. To make it easier for residents, the consultation can be downloaded below.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Leigh Town Council Newsletter

Southend Business Partnership Newsletter - June 2015

2016 Battlegrounds

The current political make up of Southend Council makes for an interesting set of local in 2016. One of the key battlegrounds will be that of Shoeburyness Ward where the Independent Party incumbent Mike Assenheim is up for re-election.
Following Anne Chalk's defeat to Roger Hadley last month, I had wondered if Anne would have another go next year against Mike especially since their relationship over the past year was, at best, frosty. After being given a copy of her latest leaflet I would say this is a pretty safe bet.

Mike standing against Anne will undoubtedly make an intriguing contest as they will no doubt split the Independent Party vote.

Anne doesn't hold back in her leaflet confirming what 99.9% of the population in Southend knew all along that the Independents are party in all but name. She also has a sideswipe at Cllr Terry.

These comments follow on from the sideswipe at the Council Leader Ron Woodley when giving her speech at the count, where Anne accused him of messing up her election expenses returns. The look on Ron's face was certainly a Kodak moment!

There is one article that does stand out in the leaflet. The future of Friars Library when the new Library at Shoebury Youth Centre opens has been a topic of much debate.

During the election campaign, Anne proclaimed that Friars Library was to remain open, which I covered in a previous post here. The claim was also repeated at a meeting of the Shoebury Residents Association last month.

Now, to be clear, I welcome volunteers in all aspects of civic life and have no problem with a pop up Library at Friars or anywhere else in the borough. The only problem is is that the Independent Party keep telling us that a Library will continue at Friars yet the officers at Southend Council are telling me that they have not had a single expression of interest from any community group to run one.

Over the past week or so, I was copied into correspondence from the Leader of the Council Ron Woodley who has assured me that a Library will continue at Friars. Yet, in saying that, the leader of the Council prommised as part of his budget speech in February that every resident in the town would be given an Advantage Card so residents could get discounts at Council facilities and attractions. Four months on, residents are still waiting.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

How People Voted Against Newspaper Endorsement

Following the results of the 2015 General Election there is a temptation to treat opinion polls with a pinch of salt as the polling companies got it so badly wrong. There was however a good article in the Guardian over the weekend which looked to see if newspapers endorsements matched readers votes.

The results made interesting reading and are summarised below:

The Independent

Endorsement: Continuation of Conservative/Lib Dem Coalition

Readers Voting Behaviour

Labour - 47%
Conservative - 17%
Lib Dem - 16%
Green - 11%
UKIP - 4%

The Guardian

Endorsement: Labour

Readers Voting Behaviour

Labour - 62%
Green - 14%
Lib Dem - 11%
Conservative - 6%
UKIP - 1%


Endorsement: Conservative

Readers Voting Behaviour

Conservative - 69%
UKIP - 12%
Labour - 8%
Lib Dem - 8%
Green - 1%

The Times

Endorsement: None Given

Readers Voting Behaviour

Conservative - 55%
Labour - 20%
Lib Dem - 13%
UKIP - 6%
Green - 3%

Daily Mail

Endorsement: None Given

Readers Voting Behaviour

Conservative - 59%
UKIP - 19%
Labour - 14%
Lib Dem - 5%
Green - 1%

The Express

Endorsement: UKIP

Readers Voting Behaviour

Conservative - 51%
UKIP - 27%
Labour - 13%
Lib Dem - 5%
Green - 1%

The Sun

Endorsement: Conservative

Readers Voting Behaviour

Conservative - 47%
Labour - 24%
UKIP - 19%
Lib Dem - 4%
Green - 1%


Endorsement: Labour

Readers Voting Behaviour

Labour - 67%
Conservative - 11%
UKIP - 9%
Lib Dem - 5%
Green - 2%

The full Guardian article can be found here.

Friday 22 May 2015

7 Days A Week NHS

Of all the manifesto promises made by the Conservatives during the election campaign, the one which seemed to go under the radar is the pledge to make the NHS a 7 day a week service. Following a speech made by the Prime Minister this week on the subject, bizarrely, the Royal College of Nursing threatened strike action.

Whilst looking at some data over the past few days, there was the startling stat that you are 16 times more likely to die in Hospital on a Sunday.

Under the current arrangement, you need to fall ill between 9-5 on a Monday to Friday. I feel desperately sorry for those who need to see a doctor or have toothache out of hours or at the weekend as getting access to any of these is nigh on impossible.

In the east of the town, to get access to a GP out of hours or at weekends the only chance of seeing one is the St Luke's walk in centre. There was an article in yesterday's Echo that the local NHS Clinical Commissioning Group are proposing to close the St Luke's walk in centre and 'relocate' it to A&E at Southend Hospital. This was confirmed in an email that I received today.

You really have to wonder at the interlect of those making this decision. The whole point of devolving NHS services into local communities is to take the strain of A&E departments. The Shoebury Residents Association have been campaigning for a local Shoebury Health Centre, a cause that I fully support, for precisely this reason.

Residents are acutely aware of the parking problems at Southend Hospital currently. Sure relocating the St Luke's walk in centre here is only going to exasperate the problem. Also, those who rely on buses to get to Southend Hospital from Shoebury are aware of the difficulties.

I have been assured that this item will be debated at a scrutiny meeting in the future. A 7 days a week NHS that delivers local NHS services can not come soon enough. In the meantime, I will doing all I can to fight the proposals to close the St Luke's walk in centre as not only those in St Lukes, but also residents in Shoeburyness and the east of the town rely upon it.

Thursday 21 May 2015

The New Shoebury Library

Within minutes of being elected, I received an email informing me that work will shortly begin at Shoebury Youth Centre to create the new library for Shoeburyness. Both Thorpedene and Friars Library will remain open until the new library is operational.

Last week, I had the pleasure of attending the AGM of the Shoeburyness Residents Association. At this meeting, councillors were asked to give an update on the new Shoebury library works. It was during these discussions, that the Shoeburyness Independent Party councillors claimed that Friars library will still remain open once the new library is operational.

Eagle-eyed readers of this blog may be remember that this was also a claim made by former Independent Party councillor Anne Chalk during the election campaign. As this information was contrary to the Cabinet decision, I decided to investigate further with officers at the Council.

The information that I received was quite revealing, confirming my understanding that the Council will not be maintaining a Council-run library at Friars once the new library opens. There was of course the option of Community Groups running a library provision at either Thorpedene or Friars once the new library opens. As yet, officers have not received any applications from Community Groups to run a library provision at Friars.

I will let readers draw their own conclusions.

Monday 18 May 2015

Essex Property Assets Map

Every now and then there is a little snippet from the mountain of press releases that is worthwhile sharing. Today, there was the release of the Essex Property Assets Map which offers a simple way to search, by location, public sector assets across Essex, enabling people to find the information they seek very quickly. The Essex Property Assets Map can be accessed here.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Move Over UKIP, Here Come Southend Independence Group

After the separation, we now have the divorce as the three expelled/suspended UKIP councillors have now formed their own group Southend Independence.

According to an article in Friday's Echo, it would appear that their first action will be to join the Rainbow Coalition. On a leaflet that I delivered on polling day, it warned that if there wasn't a majority Conservative Administration there would be a rag tag coalition running the Council. We now have the Independent Party, Labour, Lib Dems and Southend Independence (UKIP) running Southend Council.

From this new grouping there are two questions which need answering. Firstly, we have heard much noise from Labour councillors about their opposition to UKIP. Are they happy with the arrangement of being in coalition with what are effectively UKIP councillors in all but name.

The second is Southend Independence Group agreement of supporting the Administration in exchange for a review of car parking charges. It is worth remembering that only a few months ago, the UKIP rebels voted with the Administration to increase car parking charges on average by 11% and in some areas by 20%.

I would imagine that the Leader of the Council is still holding his belly from the laughter at Tyrone Road Towers if Southend Independence can be brought off that easy. They seriously must think that we are all stupid.

Shoeburyness Cake and Craft Fair

Sunday 10 May 2015

1999 - But No Party

After finally catching up on the last few sleep deprived days, this is the first opportunity that I have had to thank the residents of West Shoebury who put a cross by my name last Thursday and re-elected me as a councillor for West Shoebury.

Whilst it is an honour to top the poll last Thursday, I have to say that I have very little appetite to celebrate the result. If the truth be told, I shouldn't have been elected. It was only due to the resignation of my former colleague Liz Day, who passed away on the 23rd April, that I was a candidate at these elections.

Liz's sad passing caused a 'double header' election in West Shoebury. Liz had a year remaining of her term of office and it was my colleague Derek Jarvis who was defending the four year term. How the system works, whoever tops the ballot wins the four year term with the candidate who finishes second taking the remainder of Liz's term of office.

If there was any justice in the world it should have been Derek who topped the ballot. When the result was declared at 14:30 on Friday, I suppose it was a quirk of fate that Liz's funeral had started half an hour earlier. Liz, this victory is for you.

Now the real work starts. I want to re-assure residents that Shoebury Common in safe in our hands. I pledged that it will be residents, not the politicains who will decide what flood defence scheme happens at Shoebury Common and will work constructively with the Administration with the current on-going review.

This week, I intend to meet with officers to discuss the apparent lack of progress on junction protection and road safety schemes which have been agreed by Council.There are a number of pockets of fly tipping across the ward which will be reported first thing tomorrow morning.

One cast iron guarantee that I can give residents of West Shoebury is that they will get the representation that they deserve.

Southend Borough Council Election

Following the local elections last Thursday, this is the current state of the parties on Southend Council:

Party                            Seats                                 Change

Conservative                   22                                        +3
Inspendent                      11                                         -2
Labour                             9                                   No Change
UKIP                               5                                   No Change
Liberal Democrats          4                                          -1
Green                              0                                           0

An Old Face Returns

One result that I was delighted to see was my colleague and good friend Roger Hadley re-elected in Shoeburyness ward. Roger's gain was one of two Independent Party losses at the local election. The result in the Shoeburyness local election was as follows:

Anne Chalk - Independent Party - 1,783
Roger Hadley - Conservative - 1,991
Maggie Kelly - Labour - 929
Norman Redican - Liberal Democrats - 138
Susan Smith - Green - 289

Southend West Constituency Result

Below is the Southend West constituency result from last Thursday:

David Amess - Conservative - 22,175
Paul Collins - Liberal Democrats - 4,129
Jon Fuller - Green - 2,083
Jeremy Moss - English Democrats - 165
Brian Otridge - UKIP - 7,803
Julian Ware-Lane - Labour - 8,154

Rochford & Southend East Constituency Result

Below is the result from the Rochford & Southend East Constituency last Thursday:

Simon Cross - Green - 2,195
James Duddridge - Conservative - 20,241
Ian Gilbert - Labour - 10,765
Peter Gwizdala - Liberal Democrats - 1,459
Floyd Waterworth - UKIP - 8,948

2015 West Shoebury Election Result

Below is the result in West Shoebury last Thursday:

David Betson - Liberal Democrats - 170
David Carrington - Labour - 656
Tony Cox - Conservative - 1,999
Margaret Haydon - Independent Party - 816
Derek Jarvis - Conservative - 1,734
Eddie McNally - UKIP - 1,125
Alex Moyies - Independent Party - 875
Nigel Outten - Green - 360
Charlie Row - Liberal Democrats - 249
Matt Zarb Cousin - Labour - 529

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Final Campaign Leaflet

The Home Straight

In a few hours time, residents in West Shoebury will be voting for the future of Southend and the country. Residents will be faced with the choice of the chaos of Ed Miliband proped up by the SNP in Downing Street or a Conservative Government finishing the job of securing the economy from the near bankruptcy of the last Labour Government.

Although it has had little coverage in the media, residents will also be voting for who they want to be running Southend Council. I wasn't intending to be a candidate at these elections but Cllr Liz Day had to step down due to ill health.

Sadly, Cllr Liz Day passed away on the 23rd April. When Liz resigned her seat, Liz asked that I consider re-standing in West Shoebury.

Last year, residents in West Shoebury elected a UKIP councillor in James Moyies. Due to party infighting, James Moyies was expelled from UKIP. The UKIP civil war has now spilled over to the ballot paper as James Moyies has got his son and mother in law to stand for the Independent Party to spite UKIP.

One thing I can certainly guarantee is that if I am elected as a Conservative, I will serve my full term as a Conservative. The losers in the UKIP civil war has been local residents. Instead of fighting for residents, UKIP chose to fight each other.

Whilst James Moyies has been busy fighting his colleagues, West Shoebury residents have suffered. When talking to local residents I have heard horror stories of residents concerns goin unanswered for 8 months. We shouldn't also forget the saving of the non existent toilets from closure.

Under this Independent Party led administration Shoeburyness has become the forgotten part of Southend. This year, Shoebury has not seen a single penny spent on road or footpath improvements. As part of this years budget residents have seen an unnecessary rise of 1.95% in Council Tax and an 11% hike in car parking charges, litter bins in residential areas abolished, our public toilets on borrowed time and 5 officers who deal with fly tipping and dog fouling are now on the dole. All these  were voted for by James Moyies. Do residents really want another two members of his family giving this sort of representation?

Up until the last few days, the local elections campaign was good natured until the Moyies family Independents decided to conduct their last minute campaign from the gutter by putting out their election material under the name of a local pressure group. How do I know? I caught them red handed on Monday afternoon delivering the leaflets.

Despite what the Independent Party claim, the Conservatives will not re-introduce previous flood defence proposals for Shoebury Common. These proposals are dead in the water. New proposals for flood defences are currently being drawn up by Council consultants.

It will be you, the residents, who will decide if the new proposals are sufficient as I will only support them if they have the support of local residents.

Sunday 12 April 2015

Local Elections Some Statistics

Across the country there will be elections in 279 local authorities and 6 Mayoral elections. Across all the 279 local elections, there are 187 wards which are uncontested. Of the 241 councillors that will be elected unapposed, 188 are Conservative.

Of the 5 major parties, here is national percentage breakdown of candidates standing:

Conservatives - 93%
Labour - 75%
Ukip - 47%
Lib Dems - 46%
Green - 38%

I have always been of the belief that the political parties should be aiming for a 100% slate of candidates. I am delighted that across Southend the Conservatives are above the national Conservative average with 100% coverage and fielding a full slate of 19 candidates.

Candidates For Southend West

As I get a lot of followers on this blog from the west of the town, here are the declared candidates for the Southend West constituency:

Candidates For The Rochford & Southend East Constituency

On the same day as the local elections, residents will also cast their votes to elect a new member of Parliament. The candidates for Rochford & Southend East are as follows:

Local Election Candidates 2015

All the nominations are in and the candidates for the 2015 local elections have been declared. All the candidates contesting the 17 wards and the two by-elections in West Shoebury and St Laurence can be found below:

Friday 10 April 2015

Manifesto For Southend

This morning, Southend Conservatives launched their manifesto for the local elections on the 7th May. We have devised a comprehensive set of local polices which we will implement should we form an administration.

Highlighted in the manifesto is a clear choice that residents will have when they cast their votes at the ballot box. It will eiher be the Indpendent Party/Labour/Lib Dem plan for Southend, supported by Ukip, of wasteful spending, more borrowing, higher taxes and charges. Or the Conservative plan of delivering quality value for money services for a Southend we can be proud of.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Map For Gilbert & Kelly

This afternoon, I got a telephone call from a confused party helper whilst out delivering our latest leaflet in Vincent Close.

The conversation was slightly surreal in that they were repeatingly asking if Vincent Close was in West Shoebury ward. Having been a councillor for 8 years in West Shoebury and a candidate again in May I could assure my helper that Vincent Close was indeed a part of West Shoebury ward.

It would appear that the confusion had arisen, as a Labour leaflet featuring Labour parliamentary candidate Ian Gilbert and Labour local election candidate Maggie Kelly had been delivered to the road. The only problem is that Maggie Kelly is a candidate for neighbouring Shoeburyness ward.

I know fellow blogger Matthew Dent likes to point out candidates lack of geographical skills so I wait in eager anticipation for his post condemning this faux pas. I am not sure how far this leaflet has been delivered in West Shoebury but as we are now in the tightly regulated election expenses period I will be making sure that the leaflets delivered in West Shoebury forms part of the Labour candidates for West Shoebury election expenses.

Still, this mishap pales into insignificance compared to the Ukip councillor in West Shoebury who claimed to save the non existent toilets in West Road from closure!

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter To All Residents

Clean and Green...But For How Long?

On my to do list each month is to look out for Cllr Woodley's Thorpe Bay Oracle article. They can be quite revealing. Last month we had the revelation that dispite huge public opinion the public toilets are still not safe from closure.
This months topic is a clean and green Southend. If you were looking at the face of it there could be little to disagree with in this article. Except of course, his Administration are removing 55 litter bins across the town and there will five less officers to patrol the borough after they were made redundant!

Residents Parking Questionnaire

Latest West Shoebury In Touch - Council Elections Special

Under 42 Days To Secure The Future

Friday 20 March 2015

A Loss to West Shoebury

I was saddened to hear earlier this week that Cllr Liz Day has decided to resign as a West Shoebury councillor with immediate effect. Liz has been figting a gutsy, brave and determined battle against breast cancer. Unfortunately, Liz's health has detoriated and feels that it is time to hand over her duties.

Liz was more than just a ward colleague over the past 10 years, she became a personal friend. I believe that Liz's departure from civic life will be a loss to West Shoebury and the Council chamber - especially her work on fostering and adoption.

This means that when residents go to the polls on the 7th May, they will be electing two councillors as well as a member of Parliament. A selection process is currently underway to find a candidate to replace Liz.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Woodley's Musings

Another of the Independent Party leaflets that warrants further scrutiny is that of Leader of the Council Ron Woodley.

Again, another common feature of all the Rainbow Coalition leaflets is the collective amnesia of Council Tax rising by 1.95%, car parking charges hiked on average by 11%, 55 litter bins being removed across the town, public toilets on borrowed time and 5 officers who deal with fly tipping and issuing on the spot fines for dog fouling finding their way to the labour exchange.

There is a candid admission that under any Independent Party led administration in Southend there will be further services lost although there are no precice details on what these will be. There is also the usual Woodley Council fianances maths lesson. I would love to be a fly on the wall in 'Tyrone Road Towers' to see if he actually believes the nonsense he espouses.

Another service which will be abolished on the 1st April will be the textile recycling service. Again, this does not feature in the leaflet but the little nugget is that Ron is offering to deliver top up white textile recycling sacks to Thorpe residents doors. So, if Thorpe residents are running low on white textile recycling sacks, remember, you only have 16 days to use Ron's generous offer.

Chalky's Porkies

I do not usually make a habbit of commenting on opponents literature but the latest leaflet delivered from Comrade Chalk, the former Labour now Independent Party councillor for Shoeburyness ward needs further analysis.

I am usually kind and describe Cllr Chalk's missives as mistruths, however, on this occasion I have to make an exception and call them downright lies. Strong, I know, but no other words seem applicable. I have a feeling it will be a lonely election campaign for Anne if the whispers from inside the Indies camp are to be believed.

Rumour has it that her fellow ward party colleagues Mike Assenheim and Nick Ward despise her and are refusing to endorse her campaign. I would suspect this is not to far from the truth as I am mentioned in her leaflet more than her ward colleagues.

The first big fat porky is regarding the saving of the two care homes. Under previous Conservative plans Delaware House was to remain open and yes, Priory House was to close to provide a new care facility on the Delaware House site.

Following the Rainbow Coalition review, Delaware House is to close, Priory House will close in three years and a new care centre will be built on the Priory House site.

The second porkie is that I am still continuing to openly support the previous flood defence plans for Shoebury Common. Had Cllr Chalk had a half a brain she would have been aware that I had said in a previous post on the 28th January that if a better scheme is proposed from the review then it will get my full support.

The third porkie is that the death nail for the previous plans at Shoebury Common will come at a special scrutiny meeting on the 23rd March. Unless I need emergency treatment, I can not see Shoebury Common as an agenda item on the agenda below:

Porkie number four is that Friars Library is to remain open. Following yet another Rainbow Coalition review, they endorsed the Conservatives plan for a new Library to be based at the Shoebury Youth Centre complex. Friars Libary will remain open until the new Library is operational. It should be noted that Cllr Chalk voted to endores these proposals.

If anyone wishes to doubt me, the cabinet paper can be found below:

The fifth and final porkie is that the proposals to close the toilets at East Beach and Campfield Road have been overturned. Yes, the proposals have been put on ice - for now. A recent Oracle article from the Leader of the Council makes it clear that he may revisit their closure in the near future.

It is what's missing in Comrade Chalk's leaflet that is worth noting. It would seem that she does not have the balls to tell Shoeburyness residents that she voted for 11 litter bins to be removed, council tax to rise by 1.95%, car parking charges to be raised on average by 11%, textile recycling abolished and the firing of 5 officers who deal with fly tipping and issue on the spot fines for dog fouling.

Hypocrite Number 2

This little nugget appeared in last weeks Echo which has seemed to gone un-noticed on Southend's political blogsphere.

In her first year we have heard very little of the dulcet tones of Cllr Mulroney yet in true Rainbow Coalition fashion her first words of note are blatent hypocrisy.

In a previous post, I exposed the hypocrisy of Cllr Assenheim in criticising the removal of the litter bins in Shoebury but later that evening voting for their removal.

In the latest case of this illness spreading through the Rainbow Coalition, we now have Cllr Mulroney claiming that parking charges in Belton Way are harming local shops.

This would have been a noble cause hadn't Cllr Mulroney voted to increase car parking charges on average by 11% and parking charges in the High Street by 20% two weeks ago which are surely going to impact local business.

Friday 27 February 2015


This article in yesterday's Southend Echo is arguably the most staggering bit of hypocrisy I have ever witnessed.

Despite being one of the 'gang of 7' Councillors who proposed to axe 55 litter bins, residents in Shoeburyness, who stand to lose 11 litter bins from April, would have been led to believe from this article that Cllr Assenheim had a change of heart.

Sadly, Shoebury residents were to be disappointed, as Cllr Assenheim voted to axe the 55 litter bins.

The Great Southend Litter Bin Debate

The debate at yesterday's Budget Full Council reminded me of a Sunday Express headline from last month.

From my 8 years experience as a Councillor, I have found that the majority of residents take a great interest in their local environment. Litter strewn streets, dumped rubbish and missed waste collections were some of the common complaints which filled my inbox.

I have always believed that all people really want is a clean, safe and plesant environment to live in and be left alone to get on with their lives. If any proposals were put to me that did not meet this criteria, they would not be implemented.

As the environment is so important, it is why, I believe, the issue of litter bins was discussed at great length yesterday evening and featured in many members contributions to the budget debate.

The responses from some of the Independent Party to some well founded concerns were truly staggering.

First up we had the leader Cllr Ron Woodley who called the Conservatives budget amendment to save the litter bins from the chop as 'pathetic' and then claimed that litter bins in residential areas were not need and unnecessary, as there would be more street sweepers to clear up the rubbish in the new waste contract.

We then had Cllr Steve Aylen who proposed that more litter bins (in addition to the 55 earmarked for the chop) should be removed.

Next up was Cllr Ric Morgan who described the debate on litter bins as petty, nicely rounded off by Cllr Martin Terry, who claimed that putting litter in bins was a waste of taxpayers money and then preceeded to vote for the Conservative proposal to keep litter bins before hurridly asking the Town Clerk if he could change his mind.

I just have a sneaky suspicion that with attitudes like this at the heart of the Civic Centre, Southend will not be winning many awards for the cleanliness of our streets in the near future.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Listen To Green Party Leader Natalie Bennett's Car Crash Interview on LBC

As political interviews go, this was arguably the biggest car crash interview I have ever heard. Listen to Green Party leader Natalie Bennett struggle to explain how to pay for her manifesto commitments. This interview makes Ed Miliband sound remarkably coherent as a leader.

Southend Conservatives Alternative Budget

Tomorrow night, all 51 Councillors perform arguably their most important role as a Councillor which is to set a budget for the next financial year.

If members are unhappy with seeing Council Tax rise, an increase in car parking charges, higher Pier entry charges, litter bins and white textiles recycling sacks abolished there is an alternative to the Independent Party/Labour/Lib Dem proposals - the Conservative alternative budget.

Thursday 12 February 2015

The Litter Bins Set For The Chop

You may recall that the leader of Southend Council last month claimed that this would be a budget that would ensure that the streets were kept clean. Well, one of the proposals to ensure the streets are kept clean was to save £20,000 by removing litter bins in residential areas.

Yesterday, I received the list of the locations where the litter bins are to be culled:

It would appear that Shoebury, once again, is to be disroportionally impacted than the rest of the town with 11 due to face the axe.

I am starting to wonder whether this Administration really hates Shoebury. I mean, we were due to lose 2 public toilets until local residents revolted. Shoebury did not receive a single penny in highway and footpath improvements, had all but one full time librarian removed as part of their library review and now 11 bins to face the axe.

You would never believe that a member of the Cabinet is actually a Shoeburyness ward councillor.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Is This The Representation That West Shoebury Residents Voted For?

Following local Conservative opposition, I was delighted that the proposal to close two public toilets in Shoeburyness has been shelved by the new Independent Party led Administration.

Whilst delighted that the toilets have been spared the axe, I am a little concerned that a further £40,000 is to be taken out of the waste budget as a result. Curiously, the details in the budget papers claim that the saving will be:

“ … provision for the gain-share mechanism in place with the existing waste collection contractor, which will not be required under the proposed contractual arrangements for the new waste collection contract”

Whatever this drivel means in reality who knows. So much for openness and transparency in the new Administration! Whilst I am sure back bench members of the new Administration will be claiming credit for their 'efforts', I was somewhat surprised at UKIP's (or not UKIP) James Moyies latest tweet on his efforts to spare the public toilets from closure:

It has been highlighted on this blog before that James has previously tried to claim credit for Conservative initatives. This time however, he has come unstuck. How James has managed to keep the toilets in West Road open is beyond me, as in the 15 years that I have lived in West Road there has never been any public toilets.

The proposal from the Independent Party led Administration was to close the toilets on East Beach and Campfield Road. 

I know James has been very busy lately fighting his UKIP parliamentary candidate rather than fighting for West Shoebury residents but this really takes the buscuit! West Shoebury residents are good folk and deserve better representation than this. 

Say No To The Increase In Cremation Fees

Southend's Council Tax Bombshell

You Can't Trust The Southend Lib Dems Either

Thursday 29 January 2015

Readers Letter

After Cllr Terry blamed Council Officers for the proposal to close four public toilets in Southend, below is a letter that I have sent to Echo letters page:
In your Big Conversation feature (Echo 26/01/15), I was somewhat surprised and alarmed to read that Cllr Terry was blaming Council officers for the proposal to close four public toilets in Southend.
As the former portfolio holder for Waste Services I have experienced  first hand how the budget setting process works. Initially, officers would meet with the portfolio holder to identify the areas where savings can be made. Officers would then discuss potential savings with Cabinet where Cabinet members would either agree with the proposals or ask officers to come up with different proposals where identified savings were unacceptable. Once Cabinet were agreed on the budget proposals would they then be announced at a formal meeting of the Cabinet.
It would surely be during these discussions with officers that Cllr Terry would have challenged the closure of the toilets. I mean, when cabinet members are paid over £18,000 a year, the least residents would expect is Cllr Terry to realise that closing four public toilets was a pretty stupid idea.
This does now beg the question as to whether the Independent Party/Labour/Lib Dem coalition are actually in control or are Council officers now running Southend Council.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Shoebury Common Flood Defence Review

On Monday, I attended a meeting of the Place scrutiny committee which, in addition to the budget papers, was also scrutinising the review of the flood defences at Shoebury Common. Over the past couple of days, I have read a couple of posts from Labour bloggers Matthew Dent and Julian Ware-Lane. From these posts I think a couple of points firstly need to be made. Firstly, I was not the portfolio holder responsible for flood defences it was my colleague John Lamb.

Secondly, whilst I have a lot of time for Julian personally and politically, I do not subscribe to wanting to protect people's homes, lives and livlihoods as a vanity project. I think Julian may regret using that term but understand his rationale for the post as he based his position on the costing of the schemes.

If we were to base decisions on cost alone you wouldn't close four public toilets to save £40,000 whilst spending £190,000 for a gold plated toilet in Thorpe Bay for example.

My decision at the time was not just on cost but other factors including asthethics and environmental impact. Out of the three Council options presented at the time the preferred option, for me, was the best of all the options. In an ideal world I would not have changed anything at Shoebury Common but we are not in an ideal world.

In the Black & Vetch assessment, it was predicted that the level of protection at Shoebury Common at the weakest point was 1 in 5 years. In the report produced by Mott MacDonald the weakest point at Shoebury Common is predicted to be 1 in 14 years. All things considered something needs to be done and fast.

Going back to the three Council options, options 2 and 3 were not an option for me and would have made Shoebury a gated community. In the original study, the BERA option was ruled out as this would have destroyed a SSSI site. The Mott McDonald report confirms likewise.

With the Friends of Shoebury Common scheme I had said all along that if you raised the Beach Huts residents views in Leitrim Avenue would have been affected. This was confirmed in the Mott McDonald report.

I also said at the time that the Friends of Shoebury Common scheme would still have used the soil stored at Gunners Park. This was also confirmed in the Mott MacDonald report. I would also add that I did not then and do not now support using taxpayers money to lift the Beach Huts and raise the promenade. Raising the promenade would also have caused overlooking issues with some properties over the road in Lodwick.

What I think was being glossed over at the scrutiny committee is the fact the Mott MacDonald report produced by this administration still showed that of all the schemes they were asked to assess, the Council's preferred scheme was the best option but discounted on public opinion.

In the Mott McDonald report I have to say that I am surprised that Cllr Terry has been allowed to state in a meeting with stakeholders on the 10th September 2014 that the Council's preferred option would not be going ahead. I thought democratic processes had to be followed to overturn Council policy. Just to think, Cllr Terry had the audacity to call the last Administration a dictatorship!

It is also somewhat surprising that people who live in the floodplain were not considered to be a stakeholder by Cllr Terry and participate at the meetings.

The Mott McDonald report also makes the point that the need to improve flood defences at Shoebury Common is not linked to the planning application to build homes on the former Gunners Park site.

Having been at the scrutiny meeting on Monday which discussed the Mott McDonald report, I believe that a decision which has widespread public attention should be debated by all 51 councillors not just a handful on a scrutiny committee and support the move to refer the matter to Full Council. It is after all democracy. Although it would appear that UKIP's (or not UKIP's) James Moyies took exception to this on twitter yesterday.

When the Council's preferred option scheme was going through Cabinet, at the time, I made the point that the Council needed to learn a lesson in the way it consults people, as the consultation into the flood defences at Shoebury Common was not the Council's finest hour.

My main priority still is the protection of people's homes, lives and livelihoods. I do believe that whatever the results were at last May's elections it was almost inevitable that the decision would have to have been reviewed.

If the current administration as part of its review come up with a scheme better than was originally proposed then it will get my full support. If it doesn't, then I will vigorously oppose it. Where I do think the rainbow coalition will struggle, is to get a common consensus on a scheme that is acceptable to all.