
Sunday 8 November 2015

Plan Launched to end Shoebury Transport Woes

Following concerns raised by the Shoeburyness Residesnts Association (SRA) at the general increase traffic in Ness Road and congestion at the Campfield Road junction, Shoebury Conservatives have been working with local architect Nick Kenny, to develop a plan for the area which Shoebury Conservatives hope the Council will adopt.

The plan features a new mini roundabout at the Campfield Road junction to alleviate current congestion and an increase in the number of parking spaces along Ness Road. Although not shown on the map, Shoebury Conservatives are also pressing for West Road to revert back to a two way road to help local businesses.

Nick Kenny, who owns the draughtsman in Ness Road commented:

“I was approached by local councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox to address concerns along Ness Road which are shared by a number of residents.

“I believe this plan addresses long held concerns by local residents and hope that the Council will adopt this plan for the road layout in Ness Road.”

Starting later this month, Shoebury Conservatives will be taking the plans on a ‘road show’ across Shoebury so residents can view the plans and sign up to show their support.

If residents support the plans, councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox will submit the plans to Full Council. It is envisaged that the proposed plan for Ness Road will be funded either by new Capital Money or from developer contributions.

Upon the unveiling of the plan Cllr Derek Jarvis commented:

“Congestion at the junction with Campfield Road is horrendous which will only get worse should any further development in Shoebury take place.

“If the plans have the full support from local residents, I will be pressing the Council to adopt it as its preferred plan for Ness Road.”

Conservative candidate for Shoeburyness ward Sue Abrahams also commented:

“Whilst out campaigning, the junction at Campfield Road is coming out high on the list of residents concerns. Improving this junction will be part of my manifesto at the local elections next year.” 

1 comment:

h2g2bob said...

Making this a roundabout would help congestion, esp for Campfield Road, where new development is, which is welcome.

I think this would be a great opportunity to improve the pedestrian environment at the junction. Changing from t-junction to roundabout would make it harder to cross Campfield Road, so adding a zebra crossings would help there.

I'm concerned that the additional parking further up Ness Road. It looks like the pavement gets really narrow. Having a pleasant pedestrian experience is good for small shops: most people go to local shops by foot.