
Sunday 12 January 2014

Pot and Kettle Part 2

After completing the final part of the delivery of my latest newsletter, I spent the afternoon in West Leigh, campaigning for the excellent Conservative candidate Georgina Phillips ahead of the by-election on the 23rd January.

Back in December, it was reported that an estimated 15,000 attack leaflets were posted through doors across the town by Independent Party councillor Ron Woodley pretending to be from Conservatives.

Following widespread criticism, a similar leaflet has been posted through doors in West Leigh, this time in the third tense, no doubt in the expectation that it will assist his UKIP coalition colleague in the by-election.

Whilst I am sure that the inaccuracies will be highlighted by myself  and other local bloggers in the future, it is Cllr Woodley's comprehension of Council borrowing that baffles me. My colleague, Cllr Holdcroft, has done an excellent piece on the true story of Council borrowing on his blog revealing that the cost of borrowing to the Council is only 3.8% of our current budget.

Still, how the author of the leaflet arrived at these figures should not surprise me considering that he was financial controller of a company that went bust. On a quick inspection of the leaflet, I was surprised that the Independent Party, who claim to represent Southend, chose to get the leaflet printed in Brentwood. Still, now we now that representing Southend does extend to local Southend businesses.

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