
Thursday 25 October 2012

Credit Where Credit is Due

It was interesting to read the article on the successful Echo campaign on getting CCTV in the lifts at four tower blocks in the town centre. The article mentions that the Echo started its campaign in March but fails to mention that it was Victoria Conservative candidate Del Thomas, who back in January, got this issue on the agenda by launching a petition which he handed into Southend Council and has also campaigned for a concierge service to improve security.

Whilst I accept that most successful campaigns need the backing of the press, what was more galling was the sheer opportunism of Victoria ward councillor Ian Gilbert trying to jump on the bandwagon by having his photo taken by an offending lift in the article and no doubt will try and claim the credit. More so, back in April, Cllr Gilbert kindly lists all his 'achievements' and 'campaigns' yet campaigning for CCTV in the town centre tower blocks lifts were not one of them. One can only assume that he did not think that there was problem.

Not wanting to be accused of misleading his residents, I'm sure Cllr Gilbert in his next Labour Victoria Rose will mention that this success only came about following a local Conservative campaign. Then again, I hope Spurs win the Premier League every year!

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