
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Boundary Commission's Revised Proposals Published

Back in September last year, as part of the Government's aim to reduce the number of MP's from 650 to 600, The Boundary Commission conducted a review which proposed a number of changes to the current Rochford & Southend East and Southend West seats which cover Southend.

As part of the review, it proposed that the wards of Leigh and West Leigh would join Castle Point with Milton, Victoria & St Lukes moving from Rochford & Southend East to join with the remainder of Southend West. Rochford & Southend East would have been swelled by Hockley & Hawkwell. This would have meant that Southend would be represented by 3 MP's rather than the current 2. 

Following a consultation on the proposed changes, the Boundary Commission yesterday issued revised proposals. The suggestion to move Leigh and West Leigh wards into Castle Point have been dropped and it is proposed that only Victoria ward moves to the remainder of the current Southend West seat. This means that the wards of Milton and St Lukes stay within the current Rochford & Southend East seat with only Hawkwell transferring to Rochford & Southend East as part of the proposals. Interestingly, the revised proposals suggest the cosmetic name change to Southend East & Rochford from Rochford & Southend East.

Whilst I believe it is sensible to have only two MP's cover the town, this could however all prove academic as the Lib Dems are threatening to throw their toys out of the pram and scupper the move as they did not get their own way on House of Lords reform.

The revised proposals are currently out to consultation until December.   

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