
Saturday 31 December 2011

Thorpe Bay Oracle

In between Christmas and New Year is a time when residents queries reduce but this year has seen a significant rise.

The reason can be attributed to an advert placed by the Burges Estate Residents Association (BERA) on page 13 of the December issue of the Thorpe Bay Oracle. The Thorpe Bay Oracle is distributed in parts of West Shoebury ward especially in areas covered by Burges Estate.

Worried residents in these areas, including the vulnerable and the elderly, have contacted me concerned that they are going to shortly receive a demand for thousands of pounds from representatives of Thorpe Estates Ltd.

The BERA advert claims that residents in West Shoebury can get access to information and advice to avoid paying thousands of pounds for an alteration license with the strap line at the bottom '£5 or £1000,s you have a choice!'.

Not only does the advert imply that residents are about to get costly demands but only paying BERA a £5 subscription fee will can stop this. One fuming resident even compared the advert to one of the money making scams that people receive via email.

What is also concerning is that the only two contact details on the advert are those of Ron Woodley and Mike Stafford...Independent Party councillors for Thorpe Ward.

The ad is poorly worded and does give cause for concern. It is also irresponsible for two councillors to compromise themselves in this way fuelling the argument that councillors should not chair resident associations. At the very least Ron should apologise for the distress that he has caused West Shoebury residents over Christmas.

Due to the number of queries that I have received on the interpretation of this advert I have asked the Advertising Standards Authority to investigate.   

Saturday 24 December 2011

Merry Christmas

To all the residents of West Shoebury and regular readers of my blog, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 

Friday 23 December 2011

Coming to a Door Mat in West Shoebury this Christmas

It's not often that I get the chance to blog about the local Labour Party in West Shoebury as for a number of years Labour had appeared to abandon West Shoebury. The lack of a mainstream alternative opposition here in West Shoebury has allowed, in my opinion, the BNP and the policy lite and principle free Independent Party to achieve second place in the majority of local elections in West Shoebury since I was first elected in 2006.

Creditable opposition is healthy and I welcome the selection of Gray Sergeant as the Labour candidate in West Shoebury as he appears to be more than the token 'paper candidate' put up by Labour in recent years, although even by Gray's own admission in his blog there were no other willing takers and a former Labour parliamentary candidate admitted on his blog that Labour can not win in West Shoebury.

As I have mentioned previously in this blog I am also encouraged that another young person is actively engaging in local politics. I also appreciate when I was a whippersnapper starting in politics that combining active politics whilst studying at university restricted campaigning to when term ends or in the summer recess. This can not be easy for Gray so credit where credit is due and I also have a gut feeling that for Gray the 'political bug' is here to stay.

When I was a full time student at university I quickly realised that standing in elections was not an option as the demands of being a committed, hard working councillor wouldn't be conducive to my studies. I didn't feel that if I were to be elected at that time of my life that the residents I was seeking to represent deserved a part time councillor. Local government has partially addressed this but needs to go further if we want representation on councils in the UK of all ages and walks of life. 

It has been said that challenging young people involved in politics was a political no, no but I subscribe to the view that age is no barrier and if you are willing to put your head above the parapet and stand for elected office then you open to challenge and scrutiny. I found it personally patronising and insulting when others wouldn't challenge me on my politics or beliefs because of my age.

Yesterday I was give a copy of the latest Labour Rose newsletter in West Shoebury and it would appear that it is coming the way of West Shoebury residents door mats shortly. It seems that the main focus of Gray's campaign will be on the West Road shopping area. Recently, I blogged at some length on West Road on the things that have been done and on it's future and it could be that the Labour candidate is leading on this after disclosing that he finds out what is happening in West Shoebury by reading this blog

Gray claims in his leaflet that he has taken small steps to make West Road a better place by reporting piles of rubbish and rusty bollards and street lights. As the portfolio holder for these areas/issues I have checked with the council department yet they have no records of any councillor or resident reporting any of these issues in West Road.

Gray also claims that he will shame local councillors into taking action on three immediate steps which could be taken to improve West Road.

Firstly, Gray claims that instead of boarding up empty shops with wooden boards, artwork should be used from either local artists or schools to 'brighten up' the area. There is one slight problem with this. Currently, no empty shop in West Road is boarded up!

Secondly, a notice board should be installed for commercial and community groups to advertise local events. I do not know if Gray's picture has been super imposed onto a photo of West Road but on closer inspection, he would have noticed the notice board on the side of the building on the junction with Sea View Road. As with most of these notice boards they are used by nightclubs in the town to fly post although this one in West Road is currently free of such activity.

Finally, Gray suggests that the local environment in West Road would be improved by hanging flower baskets from the street lights or planting a tree or adding a flower bed. I will let the residents of West Shoebury decide if this will measure will send shoppers or potential traders flocking to West Road.   

Thursday 22 December 2011

Campaigning All Year Round

December is always a busy month in the Cox household. It is Mrs Cox birthday at the beginning of the month and with family members scattered far and wide we try to make an extra effort to visit relatives as we are strong believers in Christmas being a time for families. This year we also have a very excitable two and a half year old who is also understanding Christmas much more.

December is also a time when here in West Shoebury we put the finishing touches to our campaign plan for the next five months in the build up to the local elections. Delivery of our winter leaflet was also completed last Sunday and although the temptation is there to utilise the Christmas and New Year period for campaigning but I do except that Christmas and Easter are times of the year when campaigning is a no, no.

We also found time this month to have a short break at Disneyland Paris to celebrate Mrs Cox birthday and Miss Cox love of anything Disney. If I was in a nice relaxed state after our short break, this was quickly knocked out of me due to a major incident at work which left me having little or no sleep at times last week.

After our quick whistle stop tour of Disneyland Paris we also saw the Aladdin pantomime at the Cliffs Pavilion starring Shane Ritchie. For those of you who are contemplating seeing this over Christmas book your tickets now as it fantastic and hilariously funny.   

Thursday 1 December 2011

Shoebury NAP

Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of attending the Shoebury Neighbourhood Action Panel (NAP) at Shoebury High School. The NAP is a forum of residents across Shoebury which help set local policing priorities for the local police.

Usually these meetings have representation from local councillors across the political spectrum, however at this meeting the two Independent Party councillors for Shoeburyness ward Mike Assenheim and Anne Chalk both gave their apologies.

Curious to their absense, as these two normally attend the opening of a letter, it transpires that they both thought it would be better to attend their party political meeting at the Civic Centre rather than hear the concerns of Shoebury residents.

Shoebury residents should also be aware that originally a meeting of the local Shoebury Conservatives branch was also scheduled for yesterday evening but was cancelled upon notification of the Shoebury NAP so local Conservative councillors could attend.

So, do the Shoeburyness Independent Party put local residents before politics? You decide.   

Thursday 24 November 2011

Shoebury Residents Association

As a councillor, two of my favourite meetings of the year are the open meetings of the Shoebury Residents Association where all members and non members of the Residents Association across the two wards of Shoeburyness (West Shoebury & Shoeburyness) are invited to attend.

As a councillor I like these meetings as they give me another opportunity to listen to what residents concerns are. These meeting are not scripted and I am not briefed beforehand on what issues will be raised.

Over the years, the Shoebury Residents Association have been very active and vociferous in major planning applications affecting Shoebury, re-launching the Shoebury Fair and campaigning on issues which are of concern to Shoebury residents.

The open meeting last night was no exception with a committment from the Residents Association to be very active in helping promote and support small businesses especially in West Road and the elderly population in Shoebury.

One thing from the meeting which particularly struck a chord with me was the Chairman's opening remarks especially in regards to the Burgess Estate Residents Association (BERA) recruiting leaflet which some residents when the misfortune to find on their door mats.

I have blogged at length the issues with BERA which for time and space considerations I will not repeat, but the Shoebury Residents Association Chairman gave me gentle reminder and others present how independent the Residents Association are from their elected politicians.

Back in 2006, when I was first elected as a councillor, I was forced to resign my membership of the Residents Association and in fairness to him even Shoeburyness ward Independent Party councillor Mike Assenheim resigned as Chairman and from the Association when he a candidate in the Shoeburyness by-election in 2007, albiet he did set up the Coalition of Borough Residents Association (COBRA) and remained in control until his election.

To see a Residents Association not run for political ambition and have the honest intentions of the residents it represents makes a refreshing change. 

Friday 18 November 2011

Local Shopping Centres

On Wednesday, there was an interesting feature on the future for the West Road Shopping Area in the Southend Echo.

In the tough economic climate, the retail sector in general has been suffering as hard pressed families watch their spending to ensure that they make ends meets. There is also the fact that the increase in Internet shopping and supermarkets have had an impact generally on the High Street and in particular on independent shops.

As a resident myself in West Road, one of the qualities of living there is that I have a local shopping arcade within walking distance of my front door. I am also blessed that I have the Ness Road Shopping Area also within a stones throw and where practically possible I use these local shops. 

What the article didn't really address or explore are some of the local issues in addition to the general issues of why local shopkeepers in West Road are finding times difficult. There is no doubt in my mind that West Road and Ness Road's struggles started when the Post Office closed some time ago and are further compounded by the fact that the nearest cash point is in the Asda complex.

Yes, I do agree the council has a role to play in invigorating West Road Shopping Area and encouraging people to shop. Along with my fellow ward councillors we have worked hard to get any graffiti removed when it appears, had more litter bin installed, ensure that West Road Shopping Area is cleaned every morning and to keep free parking.

I have also committed to local residents and shopkeers that I would personally object to any new application for a takeaway as I believe there are more than enough and anymore could make also make them commercially unviable - in past couple of years three takeaways have already folded in Ness Road. I know this approach could lead to some empty shops in the short term but I take the view that this approach encourages a better mix of shops and services in the long term.

But the shopkeepers have a role to play to. One of the biggest criticisms that I have from local residents is that they can never park in West Road - even at times when shopkeepers say custom is quiet. I suspect that this may be down to the fact that parking spaces are utilised by staff who work in the shops.

Around four years ago concerns were expressed to me by the shopkeepers that their premesis were suffering from vandalism and general anti-social behaviour. To try and combat this I arranged with the borough's Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator to set up a group with local shopkeepers here. I set up a meeting at a local community centre, spoke to all the shopkeepers about the idea and wrote to them all in advance yet not one shopkeer attended.

Yet on the other hand, the shopkeepers in Ness Road speak to each other and over the past two years have even chipped in together to get Christmas lights and decorations for the festive season.

I do not think all is doom and gloom in West Road as there has been a steady trickle of new businesses opening in the past couple of years with the Mayor opening a new venture just a couple of weeks ago.

It is undoubtable that the shopkeers in West Road and Ness Road have passion, determination and Shoebury at heart but ultimately I say to residents 'use em or lose em'.         

Thursday 10 November 2011

Readers letter

On Monday a clearly rattled Cllr Woodley took to the Echo letters page to defend his precarious position and attack hard working West Shoebury councillors following my expose on his stewardship of Burges Estate Residents Association (BERA).

The Echo did allow me a right of reply in today's paper albeit a heavily edited version. So for my regular readers here is the letter that I sent to the Echo in full:


I find it incredible that Ron Woodley continues to use the Burges Estate Residents Association (BERA) as a decoy to mask his true motives (Echo Letters 07/11/11). The real reason for the expansion of BERA into other areas from their Thorpe Bay base can be found in BERA's last statement of accounts which shows a fall in their membership subscriptions by over a third.

With a falling membership, Mr Woodley tries to deceive residents of West Shoebury and Southchurch into joining their ailing organisation by implying in their latest newsletter that only joining BERA will stop over development in these wards. It is also disingenuous of the BERA Chairman Mr Woodley to suggest that BERA stop councillors becoming complacent in the areas it represent, currently Thorpe ward at present, when Mr Woodley and BERA treasurer Mike Stafford are local Thorpe ward councillors! You really couldn't make it up.

I find it incredulous that Mr Woodley dares suggests that West Shoebury councillors do not care about residents who live in areas covered by Burges Estate in West Shoebury, especially as one of my fellow ward councillors lives in an area of West Shoebury that is covered by the Burges Estate.

To reassure Mr Woodley, Instead of trying to hide behind BERA for political purposes or use the Echo letters page to run nasty smear campaigns against political opponents I will be getting on with what residents of West Shoebury elected me to do - tackle the issues that matter to them most.

Yours Faithfully

Cllr Tony Cox
West Shoebury Ward
West Road

Monday 7 November 2011

Olympic Torch Relay

Excellent news breaking this morning that Southend will be hosting the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay on the 6th July. I will post more details as they emerge.

Saturday 5 November 2011

BERA - The Truth Unravels

Last week I posted regarding the expansion of the Burges Residents Association (BERA) in West Shoebury and this week the story made the Southend Echo prompting further intrigue.

It is the long held belief by many that Cllr Woodley has used BERA as his own personal political tool. This view may be more widespread than first thought as an eagle eyed contributor to the Echo message boards posted a link to the current BERA accounts which shows membership subscriptions to BERA have decreased by over a third!

Could it be that Cllr Woodley wants to use the funds of West Shoebury residents to prop up his fledgling association? Possibly, as I have never seen him utter a word in the council chamber about West Shoebury.

It was also brought to my attention in this Echo article of a similar charade in St Lukes ward. Having heard very little of Cllr Van Looy's dulcet tones since his election in May his first action was to set up a residents association.

As reported in the Southend Standard, Cllr Van Looy demonstrates his version of democracy by installing Brian Ayling, who featured recently on ITV's Homes From Hell, as chairman before its first meeting!

For those of you who haven't yet guessed it,  Brian Ayling is the Independent Party candidate for St Lukes in next years local elections.      

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Shoebury in the news

Yesterday at cabinet Shoeburyness featured heavily with some exciting developments for Shoebury residents. Firstly, it was agreed that fishing would return to Friars Park after an absence of 20 years. I welcome this move and agree with the police submission that an organised presence will deter anti-social behaviour in the park.

Hinguar School was also on the agenda as it was agreed following a formal consultation that nursery provision will also be made at the new Hinguar School site in the Garrison Development.

Shoebury's history was also discussed where it was agreed that The Cage, Shoeburyness Station Ticket Office and and the Hinguar Street victorian front fascia of the current Hinguar School would be locally listed.

The Hinguar School building has been the subject of much discussion and debate but I believe the proposal agreed by cabinet was the best outcome.

A couple of years ago I was successful in getting the front fascia of the old cinema on Ness Road locally listed and as most of the original features were removed from the original building only the frontage of the building had any architectural value.

The same applies with the current Hinguar School building and am hopeful that a good development could still happen with the victorian front fascia incorporated. 

I do reject the assetion made by the Independent Party that the current building should be for community use as we currently have two community centre's in Shoebury and the Drill Shed in the Garrison will hold a heritage centre for Shoebury.   

Making the best out of a bad situation

It is not often I get the chance to blog about what happens in the west of the town but yesterday I was given a copy of the latest Lib Dem Focus newsletter in St Laurence ward.

The newsletter editor is Carole Roast, a former Lib Dem councillor in St Laurence, who lost her seat in this years local elections to the Conservative candidate Adam Jones.

Many local commentators have suggested that her defeat can be blamed on Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems poor poll ratings since forming the coalition Government, although many residents in St Laurence have indicated that the reason why Carole lost her seat was because she was ineffectual.

Some residents may be aware that the David Lloyd Centre in Southend is part of the St Laurence ward. Recently, the David Lloyd Centre submitted a planning application to install new air conditioning equipment on the northern part of the complex.

The Focus newsletter spoke of how gamely Carole fought for local residents in trying to get this application refused due to concerns about noise and blames Southend's Development & Control Committee for allowing the application.

So good so far, except she forgot to tell St Laurence residents that her St Laurence Lib Dem colleague Cllr Ted Lewin actually sits on the Development & Control Committee. Doh!

Sunday 30 October 2011

Not in our name...

In West Shoebury, some of the ward is covered by Burges Estate a company which has it origins from a man called John Burges and he is known to be John Burges of Parkanaur, Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland which is why there are some Irish sounding roads in West Shoebury ward.

Following the death of Alfred Burges in 1984, the interest of the estate to the Burges family ended and any covenants on the Burges Estate were purchased by the Lintott Family and renamed Thorpe Estates Ltd. 

The majority of the Burges Estate falls within Thorpe ward and a Residents Association the Burges Estate Residents Association (BERA) was formed to be a voice for the residents in Thorpe ward covered by the Burges Estate.

I was interested to read in the last BERA newsletter that BERA were going to start spreading their wing to cover West Shoebury and Southchurch wards.

Their newsletter makes interesting reading as it claims that BERA helps to prevent the councillors becoming complacent in the areas that they represent - Thorpe ward at present.

This is interesting as West Shoebury residents may wish to know before they part with their fiver for membership that the Chairman of BERA Ron Woodley and its Treasurer Mike Stafford are Independent Party councillors for Thorpe Ward. You couldn't make it up!

Many Thorpe ward residents have held the belief for some time that BERA are the fundraising and campaigning arm of the Independent Party. One Thorpe ward resident quipped to me over the weekend that BERA are the Independent Party's guerrilla wing.

If there are still any lingering doubts that BERA are the recruiting wing of the Independent Party then these are quashed as the newsletter reveals that West Shoebury spokesman for BERA is James Moyies the UKIP West Shoebury candidate for the past two local elections.

Back in April this year, I exposed the close relationship between the Indepedent Party and UKIP on this blog but I wonder how much groveling James had to do to Ron to gain this position especially when in 2010 James Moyies claimed that he had no credability.

East Beach Touring Site

Yesterday afternoon I spent the afternoon in neighbouring Shoeburyness ward talking to residents in Blackgate Road, Gunners Road and East Beach Park regarding Tingdene's proposal to put 32 extra mobile homes on the last remaining touring site in the borough next to East Beach Park.

there were very mixed views from the residents regarding the proposal but there seemed to be strong representations made to me from residents that there is a demand for a touring site.

The current site has been closed by Tingdene's for a number of years now but residents said that they still get tourers asking them where the touring site is.

What was clear was that the residents apprecriated the local Conservatives spending time at the doorstep talking about the issue and encouraging them to make representations to the council either for or against the proposal.

As one resident in Gunners Road summed it up:

"It was nice to see local councillors take the time to come and speak to us regarding the situation and not inform us in a few lines on a tatty leaflet that Independent Party councillor Anne Chalk sent us during the week". 

Friday 21 October 2011

Condolences to Joseph Ball

Yesterday evening gave me the formal formal opportunity on behalf of the members to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Joseph Ball who was tragically killed last week whilst crossing London Road on his way home from Milton Hall School.

When I first heard the news I was numb with shock as I have a young daughter of two and couldn't possibly imagine having her taken away in such tragic circumstances.

I received a briefing on the incident from officers upon hearing the news and the Civic Centre was a very sombre place. The interview that I did with BBC Essex last week at the site where tributes are being laid was the most difficult that I have ever done.

It has been widely reported that a petition is imminent for a crossing at the site of where this tragic incident occurred but I would like to reassure residents that as soon as the full details of the incident are released by Essex Police a full safety review will be conducted on this stretch of of the London Road.  

Southend's Shrinking Carbon Footprint

In November I will have the pleasure of attending the House of Commons to receive on behalf of the Council the Green Apple Award from the Green Organisation - an independent environmental group which recognises and promotes environmental best practice for the Council's 'Looking for Carbon' initiative.

Details of the Southend project will also be published in an international reference book, to help others follow the Council's example.

'Looking for Carbon' was launched to help the Council reduce its overall carbon emissions, become more energy efficient and help tackle climate change. It has so far led to a huge range of changes, savings and achievements, including:

· Running the first national conference on the UK's transition to the low-carbon economy, called 'Funding a Green Future' held this year in Southend. Due to its success the event is due to be repeated in March 2012

· Identifying £20,000 annual savings in the Civic Centre. A new lighting system, expected to save another £1,000 per year, has also just been installed.

· An energy audit conducted by the Green Staff Forum - formed through the 'Looking for Carbon' project - helped reduce the Council's overnight energy use by 67 per cent.

· The Council's IT department recently introduced 'thin client', a new computer terminal which can reduce energy consumption by up to 90 per cent.

· The Council has started to ensure that renewable energy technologies are used in new builds and refurbishment work. Examples include:

(i) Futures Community College - ground source heat pumps and energy efficient lighting
(ii) Southend Pier - solar voltaic panels
(iii) Shoebury Connection - solar thermal and air source heat pump
(iv) Chalkwell Hall - Metal - wind turbines, solar voltaic and a woodchip boiler
(v) North Road Chapel - a European funding project that provided Southend with its most energy efficient building.

· The Council recently gave 48 schools free water-saving technologies, saving each one an estimated 1,000 cubic metres of water per year.

· The Council has just bought an electric street sweeper, which has zero emissions and saves the equivalent carbon output of 40 cars. It operates on lithium batteries which can work for up to eight hours at a time.

This award is very well-deserved indeed. The 'Looking for Carbon' initiative is prompting a whole range of activities within and beyond the Council which not only help reduce carbon emissions, but are also saving considerable sums of money too.

Staff at all levels throughout the Council have contributed to this achievement, through the Green Staff Forum and through the Carbon Reduction Group and the Climate Change Group These feed directly to senior management and Councillors - which helps keep climate change, sustainability and carbon reduction issues high on the Council agenda.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Organ Donation: Opt In or Opt Out...the debate begins

I have to confess that I have strange hobby of keeping an eye on what is going on over at the Welsh Assembly.

Since its conception in the Government of Wales Act 1998 following a referendum in 1997, the Welsh Assembly has reminded me of Lib Dem conferences in years gone by for having a tendency for discussing trivia and debating issues that the general public could not care less about, like when Assembly time was given to discussing the merits of whether Charlotte Church should win rear of the year.

This week however, I noticed that the Welsh Assembly are planning to issue a white paper in the Autumn on presumed consent on Organ Donation.

At present the UK adopts an opt in policy on Organ Donation but if this white paper becomes law in Wales then it would reverse to become and opt out policy and for those to chose not to opt out then the law would assume that you have given presumed consent to donate your organs.

A change in the law is one that I would fully support especially as there is a shortage in organ donation especially within ethnic minority communities.

I know a change in the law would raise huge civil liberties debates and there would also be the religious arguements as well.

I am a passionate believer in civil liberties and as long as there was an opt out facility then I do believe these arguments have been answered. If this white paper should become law then I also believe that there needs to be a widespread advertising campaign so that every family would be having this debate to ensure an informed decision can be made.

Those against such plans always point to the fact that the state has no business owning your body. This arument falls down for me as in any death the coronor always owns the body until they pass the body back to the family a coronors are employd by the state.

Whatever the final outcome, I just hope that parties give Assembly members a free vote on the issue. Should this become law in Wales I think this could follow suit in the rest of the UK.

The trust cost of PFI unravels

Staying with the NHS, the Health Secretary Andrew Lansley this week told The Telegraph that some NHS trusts are 'on the brink of collapse' because of of costly private finance initiative schemes.

I have always been a sceptic and an open critic of pfi schemes as under the PFI deals, a private contractor builds a hospital or school. It owns the building for up to 35 years, and during this period the public sector must pay interest and repay the cost of construction, as well as paying the contractor to maintain the building.

Hopefully this should be the final nail in the coffin for the pfi Shoebury Health Centre on the Garrison.

Labour: The party of the NHS

This week, after costing an estimated £12.7 Billion so far, the Government have pulled the plug on the disastrous vanity IT project.

The NHS IT project was a prime example of New Labour's prolifigacy in their 13 years of power. It is startling to believe that this figure would have paid the salaries for 60,000 nurses for a decade.

Nick Clegg was bang on the money for me when he told the Lib Dem conference this week never ever trust Labour with the economy again. Hopefully this will dispell the myth once and for all that Labour are the party of the NHS.

Monday 19 September 2011

2012 Council Budget - Have Your Say

This year to support budget decisions the Council has put forward an online budget simulator as its public consultation.

The simulator, which has gone live today until 30 October, will allow users to see the impact of what savings of 10% could mean for services.
It does this by showing the possible consequences when the user increases or decreases the budget for service areas.

The budget consultation activity is designed to help determine residents’ priorities and provide information to support the budget setting process. The simulator can be found at

Parliamentary Constituency Review

In an effort to reduce the number of MP's from 650 to 600 it was inevitable that changes would have to be made to the to the current constituencies which cover the Southend borough in the Boundary Commission review.

In the review, it is proposed that the wards of Leigh and West Leigh will join Castle Point with Milton, Victoria & St Lukes moving from Rochford & Southend East to join with the remainder of Southend West. Rochford & Southend East will then be swelled by Hockley & Hawkwell. This would mean that Southend would be represented by 3 MP's rather than the current 2.

Should the proposals be approved surely it would be better to rename Southend West Southend Central and rename Castle Point, Castle Point & Southend West?

The proposals are currently out to consultation and a final report will be made by 1st October 2013.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Shoebury Heritage Centre

This week saw the first cabinet meeting after the long summer recess. One item which I was delighted to see on the agenda was the proposal which will finally see a Heritage Centre created at the Drill Shed on the Shoebury Garrison site.

A Heritage Centre was always planned for the Grade II listed building as part of the agreement to award planning permission but a consortium of groups led by the Shoebury Society are set to form a management team to enable memorabilia and artifacts from the Garrison to be displayed to the public.

Despite these plans, back in February, Independent Party councillors for Shoeburyness Ward Anne Chalk and Mike Assenheim were openly campaigning for a Heritage Centre at the HInguar School site when the pupils move to the new school currently being buit on the Garrison development.

I always though that this campaign was odd, disingenuous at best, as Cllr Assenheim was on the Hinguar Schhol Project Board and never objected to the decision that the new school would be built and part funded by the sale of the current Hinguar School site.

Conspicuous by their absence over the summer, Anne and Mike made their 2011 political return with a traditional distortion of the truth, by trying to claim the credit for the Heritage Centre at the Drill Shed in the Southend Echo. You couldn't make it up.

Based on previous experience, it would appear that Mike's re-election campaign has started a little earlier than usual! 

Monday 5 September 2011

The truth behind the English Democracts Southend Branch

Over the weekend, I managed to obtain a copy of the latest English Democrat leaflet delivered to certain parts of West Shoebury.

The English Democrats are a small party with only 5 councillors although they do have have an elected Mayor - Peter Davies - in Doncaster who shot to national prominence when elected in 2009 on a pledge of reducing reducing waste and political correctness but failed to mention to the residents of Donny that he admired the Taliban for their record on 'family values' in his election material.

Whilst reading further down the leaflet I was surprised that it was promoting a link to the website

For all the politicos out there 'Patriot' is the name given to BNP literature. During the run up to this years elections, I blogged that this particular blog was suggesting that there was no difference to the BNP, UKIP or the English Democrats.

Over at the Southend Patriot it reported in a post back in March that the BNP Southend branch organiser, Stuart Freeman, had been ousted from his role following failed coup by party members to oust Nick Griffin as the leader of the party claiming that he had taken a well earned rest from local politics. Stuart is known to local Conservatives as he also lives in West Shoebury ward.

If you thought leadership contests were bitter in the Conservatives, Labour or the Lib Dems they are mere playground spats compared to the BNP contest which has lead to court cases galore and members leaving in their droves.

In a post during August, the Southend Patriot announces that a Southend branch had been established, I was surprised to see Stuart Freeman at the top table with Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats Leader).

The English Democrats links with the BNP do not end their as it has also been announced that Eddy Butler, a challenger to Nick Griffin has also joined the English Democrats.

So far the English Democrats have avoided scrutiny in its links with the BNP. As disenfranchised former BNP members find their new home in the English Democrats scrutiny will be far more intense.

Friday 26 August 2011

GCSE & A Level

Over the past two weeks, students all over the town received their A level and GCSE results. I offer my congratulations to all the students who received their results through their hard work and dedication to their studies.  

Road Works Update

Over the past week, road resurfacing works have been taking place in Church Road, West Road and St Andrews Road causing some difficulties for residents and businesses accessing the West Road Shopping Area.

The road resurfacing works have now been completed in Church Road and in St Andrews Road by the entrance to the one way section of the West Road Shopping Area and the West Road Shopping Area is now fully accessable to vehicles.

West Road remains closed today between Church Road and St Andrews Road whilst the old road surface is being removed and the resurfacing of this section of West Road will begin after the Bank Holiday weekend on Tuesday 30th August. 

As a reminder all Shoeburyness residents, the refuse collection for next week will be on Saturday 3rd September because of the Bank Holiday weekend. 

Friday 19 August 2011

Hands up who thinks the rioters need lenient sentences

Nearly two weeks on following the beginning of four nights of rioting, almost everybody has had a view regarding what should be done to ensure that there is no repeat of the violence which shocked and appalled the entire nation.

Of all the comment and analysis from the political and chattering classes, Simon Marcus, who runs a boxing academy in Tottenham and was a Conservative candidate at the last General Election has for me, given the most moving and quite brilliant analysis on the issue so far.

Attention now by some in the media are focusing on the severity of the sentences handed down to those who took part in the riots. The Guardian today has some very interesting analysis on the sentences handed down to date.

With 8 out of 10 people supporting the tough stance on the sentences handed to rioters it seems some still haven't captured the public mood. It seems odd that those on the left who were decrying Ken Clarke for being too lenient on sentencing are now saying that punishments handed to the rioters are too severe.

Maybe those who are advocating these lighter sentences should face the family in Tottenham, who nearly two weeks on, only have the clothes on their backs and the thousands petrified in local communities across England.

Or the local businessman in Clapham, who is struggling to keep his business alive while their is a shortage of glazers to repair the broken windows to his shop.

Even the 750 workers at the Sony Distribution Centre in Enfield who lost their jobs as the building was set alight by looters or possibly the Reeves family who saw their 140 year old family business go up in smoke in Croydon.

How about 180+ police officers who were injured during the disturbances and fireman who came under attack from thugs as they tried to put out their fires.

Better still, the family and friends of the five who sadly perished as they mourn and bury their loved ones.

The list is endless. Still think the rioters deserve lenient sentences?       

Shared Space Schemes in Highway law

Much has been written about the New City Beach scheme. I believe the seafront between the Kursaal and Pier Hill has been revitalised and is popular with visitors – especially the water fountains and wasn't in the least bit surprised to hear that City Beach has been shortlisted for an award.

Following an article that appeared earlier this week in the Echo, there seems to be some confusion as to what is 'Shared Space' in Highway law.

Shared Space is not a definition that has a background in Highway Law but is rather a relatively new concept in the UK which has been supported predominantly by research in Europe. The Department for Transport commissioned a report in November 2009 to develop guidance for UK shared space schemes.

The City Beach scheme has been designed in a way that adopts “Shared Space” principles and the DfT guidance.

LGN Award for Progress Road

I was delighted to hear earlier this month that the new Progress Road junction clinched a major award from the Local Government News. The successful scheme won the “Highway” category of the LGN‟s Street Design 2011 Awards. Progress Road junction is part of the Better Southend initiative, launched to help to make the borough a better place for residents, visitors and businesses to live, rest and work.

The LGN judges recognised how significantly the new Progress Road scheme was reducing traffic queues and delays at the junction, adding: ‘The work has provided local and national benefits and was completed on a tight budget.’

‘The infrastructure improvements achieved during the scheme will also enable further regeneration work to be carried out in the area.’

The new Progress Road junction provides additional lanes on both carriageways of the A127, allowing traffic to flow through the area more easily.

The £5m scheme, was delivered on time and on budget, and was funded by grants from the Homes & Communities Agency and from the Council‟ Capital Budget.

Friday 5 August 2011

City Beach Accident

Apologies to all of you that follow this blog that blogging has been a bit light recently but some recent home DIY has taken up much of my free time over the past month.
Whilst blogging has taken a bit of a back seat, I have added a new feature to this site which gives an indication of some of the work that I and the West Shoebury Action Team have done in West Shoebury since I was first elected as a councillor in 2006.

When I first set up this blog, I pledged that I would not shy away from talking about and giving my own personal opinions on the biggest issues both locally and nationally.

Since the last round of local elections in May, I was privileged to be asked to be the portfolio holder for Transport in addition to the responsibilities that I already had for Public Protection and Waste. One thing that I have quickly learnt is that roads and parking is probably the single issue that raises emotions and feelings in people. Yesterday was no exception especially after the incident at City Beach where a 6 year old boy was involved in an accident with one of the new council CCTV cars.

There have been numerous comments made on the ECHO website forums about this incident and also dominates 3 pages in today’s edition and also the main subject of the papers leader column.

Following an investigation yesterday’s accident is exactly what it was – an accident, which could have happened to any car in any road in this town. It is impossible to mitigate against the risk of a young, unaccompanied child suddenly running across a road into the path of traffic without looking. This was a very unfortunate accident and my thoughts go out to this young boy and I wish him a speedy recovery.

I also believe the 20mph speed limit in force on Marine Parade almost certainly prevented the boy’s injuries from being even more serious and potentially saved his life.

I would also like to wish the driver of the CCTV car a speedy recovery as he was naturally shaken by the incident as anyone would be.

Friday 17 June 2011

Southend Airport Takes Off

I was absolutely delighted with the news that EasyJet have signed a 10 year agreement to commence flights from Southend Airport.

EasyJet will begin flights from April next year to 10 European destinations creating approximately 150 new jobs.

Southend Airport is the single most important catalyst for economic creation and regeneration of this town. It was interesting to hear that Southend Airport was the the 3rd largest airport in the UK in the 1950's.

Democracy in Action

Since gaining Transport as part of my portfolio, I have quickly learnt that resident parking schemes are an emotive subject for many.

As the portfolio holder for Transport, one of my duties is to chair the Traffic & Parking Working Party. To help resident engagement in the political process, I decided to move the meeting from a traditional 14:00 start to 18:00.

Last week was my first Traffic & Parking Working Party meeting and residents responded by turning up in their droves - probably the largest turnout from residents that I have seen at a Council meeting in my five years as a councillor.

I think that the residents who attended were pleasently surprised that they could engage in the debate if parking proposals affected them in their roads and that decisions were taken taking into account all the residents feelings when they responded to the consultation.

Curiously though, Independent Party councillor for Thorpe Ward had difficulity understanding what a consultation was. This wasn't missed by the residents who attended. 

Street Surgery Welcomed by Residents

Despite the inclement weather, residents turnded out in their droves for our first Street Surgery on the Bishopsteignton Estate. If you di not get the chance to meet us, we will be holding another Street Surgery on Saturday 2nd July from 10:00 - 12:00 outside the Co-Op in West Road.

Sunday 5 June 2011

The Work Shy...

Whilst driving into work on Friday the news bulletins were reporting official Office of National Statistics figures revealing that under the past Labour Government long term unemployment doubled to 352,000.

What was even more surprising was that seven out ten people in this group claimed that they had no intention in the near future to find work.

On the back of these statistics I wonder how many people will support Julian Ware Lane's view that we should support the lazy

The Missing St Lukes Councillor...The Defence Begins

I wondered how long it would be before the missing St Lukes councillor Paul Van Looy went crying to the Echo claiming that it is all the nasty Tories fault why I am lazy arse and only sit on two working parties and an outside body which you could count on one hand the number of times they meet collectively.

In his defence Cllr Van Looy makes the revelation that the Independent Party will be issuing concise details soon of its policies. This raises some important questions.

1. If you are a so called 'Independent' why are they making policies collectively?
2. Surely you put forward policy ideas before an election and not after so the residents can decide?
3. How long do we have to wait for Independent Party policies as the West Shoebury Independent Party candidate two years ago said they were imminent?

Judging on past performance I think the residents of this town have more chance of seeing Halley's Comet than an Independent Party policy.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Street Surgery Returns

Along with my fellow ward colleagues, we will be holding our popular residents Street Surgery on Saturday 11th June from 10:00 - 12:00 on The Green, Bishopsteignton. If you have any pressing issues then pop along and come and see me.

Monday 30 May 2011

2011 Airshow

I was fortunate enough to visit both days of the Southend Airshow and what a fantastic event it was. Undoubtably the stars of the show were the Red Arrows but there were a couple of changes which for me helped the event.

Switching the days to the Saturday and Sunday from the traditional Sunday and Monday was a huge success as was having the aircraft displays from 2pm-5pm instead of over four and a half hours. For me it helped with the continuity of the event.

This was the 26th Airshow and hopefully still going strong.

Musings? More like Misgivings

Prominant Southend Labour Party activist Julian Ware-Lane's blog is always worth a good read and has some thought provoking posts like the excellent one on Anne Chalk. Like myself Julian is qualified football referee but where we differ is that he is an old Socialist.

Sometimes political dogma can get in the way of reasoned and sensible judgement. I mean, would any person not weighed down by dogma seriously advocate helping the lazy as Julian advocates?

The Missing St Lukes Councillor

A spat has broken out this week following Southend Council leader Nigel Holdcroft's revelation on his blog that newly elected Independent Party councillor Paul Van looy face will not be seen many times at the Civic Centre next year.

The story then went viral after it was published in an edition of last weeks Echo. With alarming predictability the Independent Party 'leader' Martin Terry rushed to his defence.

Without going over the rights and wrongs, I would like to pose one question to the residents of St Lukes, do  they think Cllr Van Looy costing them approximately £840 per meeting is good value for his representation?

Thought not...

The hunt is Over

After 16 years the hunt for Europe's most wanted man is finally over. General Ratko Mladic was the Bosnian Serb army chief throughout the Bosnian war - and the man many hold responsible for the worst atrocities in that bloody conflict.

Along with the Bosnian Serb political leader Radovan Karadzic, he came to symbolise the Serb campaign of ethnic cleansing of Croats and Muslims. Ratko Mladic was ferocious in pursuit of what he saw as the destiny of the Serb nation. He oversaw the siege and bombardment of Sarajevo, in which 12,000 died.

He was a pioneer of the technique known as ethnic cleansing. Hundreds of thousands of non-Serbs were driven from their homes in the brutal campaign to create an ethnically pure Serb state in Croatia and Bosnia and he commanded the men who murdered at least 7,500 Bosnian Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995.

When I worked for NatWest some years back I used to work with a guy who was part of the UN Peacekeeping Forces in Bosnia and he claimed that some of the acts that he witnessed were so horrific that they will haunt him for the rest of his life and he was powerless to stop it.

Let us hope that Mladic is brought to justice for war crimes quickly at The Hague. 

Resigning is an Honourable Thing to do....

It was sad to see my old stomping ground of Tottenham and Haringey Council hitting the headlines again this week for all the wrong reasons.

Sharon Shoesmith, the infamous director in charge of Childrens Services at Haringey Council at the time of Baby P's death won her case of unfair dismissal at the Court of Appeal when she was sacked live on TV by formoer minister Ed Balls.

Enough has been said and written about the Baby P case which I do not want to go over but can not help feeling that the case of Sharon Shoesmith should never have gone this far.

Like the leader of the council and portfolio holder did at the time, Sharon Shoesmith should have done the honourable thing and resigned.

Saturday 21 May 2011

The Past Week

As a belated birthday present, Mrs Cox and Miss Cox treated me to a week away at my favourite holiday destination - Cornwall.

Whilst I have been away, I am delighted to have been asked to serve in the cabinet for another year as portfolio holder for Public Protection, Waste and Transport - a position that I have accepted.

During our stay, it is always nice to visit my favourite place St Michael's Mount but also spent a few hours in the surfing capital Newquay. This was an interesting visit for a number of reasons but also for its new shared space area in the High Street.

It was busy and the scheme resembles the new City Beach and Victoria Circus schemes. Newquay is a vibrant resort which attracts many young revellers as well as many day visitors.

It was interesting to observe the behaviours of both the pedestrians and motorists in this area. The shared space idea seemed to working very well and some of the locals that I spoke to were very receptive to the scheme which has been in place for nearly two years.

It seems that the shared space concept is an idea which is being implemented by many local authorities. There has been many column inches written about City Beach and Victoria Circus. As these are new schemes in their infancy it is important to let them bed in. As the new portfolio holder for transport I am aware of the issues raised about these schemes and will be monitoring these over the next few weeks.

Thursday 12 May 2011

New Civic Year

Today was the annual council in which the mayor is elected into office and the leader of the council is elected.

Southend has a tradition whereby its Mayor's are decided by length of service which allows opposition members to become Mayor and not a privilege of the ruling party.

The outgoing May was Cllr Ann Holland who had a successful year by raising the profile of Southend locally, nationally and internationally.

The incoming Mayor is long serving Labour Victoria ward councillor David Norman. David is a rare type of politician who is by far the best speaker in the chamber and a real gentleman to. It is a tragic that a politician of David's calibre did not not make it onto the green benches of Parliament.

I wish David every success as Southend's first citizen  

Sunday 8 May 2011

Election Aftermath

As usual election day was long and demanding starting with opening up Friars Community Centre as it was being used as a polling station and eventually finishing at 03:30 Friday morning when the last result was declared. It was back to Garons Park again later that afternoon for the AV Referendum count.

There were some mixed emotions having lost two seats and gaining two seats at the expense of Lib Dems maintaining our overall majority of five. It is not unusal for the party of Government to suffer at local elections and considering the austerity measures having to be implemented following the reckless spendng of the previous Government, no change locally and a net gain of three council and 81 councillors nationally is an excellent achievement.

Here in West Shoebury I am naturally delighted at Derek Jarvis's empathic victory demonstrating the support he enjoys and the his excellent election campaign.

All three West Shoebury councillors will be consolidating this position and working to resolve the issues that matter to West Shoebury residents the most.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Southend votes 'No' to AV

Voters in Southend returned a resounding 'No' vote in Thursday's AV referendum. The result for Southend was as follows:

'Yes' - 13,488
'No'  - 34,365

Total Votes: 48, 107
%Turnout: 38.3%

Conservative s maintain control of Southend

It has been a very busy last 48 hours with very little sleep as we awaited the results of the election in West Shoebury and the results of the AV referendum and would like to thank all the residents who took the trouble to vote. Conservatives retain control of the council with composition of the council Conservatives: 28 seats, Lib Dems: 10 seats, Independent Party: 9 seats and Labour: 4 seats The result in West Shoebury was as follows:

Derek Jarvis  1517
UKIP               692
Labour            496
Lib Dem         232

Total Votes: 2355
%Turnout: 40.08%

The full results for the Southend Borough Council elections can be found here.


Wednesday 4 May 2011

Democracy...not if you are Comrade Chalk

As the finishing line is fast approaching in this years elections, it is known for some candidates to develop 'candidate itus' but it appears that Comrade Chalk may be wilting under the pressure.

Over at Comrade Chalk's propoganda site Shoebury News a rather bizzare rant has appeared from Comrade Chalk suggesting that I should not be setting up polls on my own personal blog. What business is it of hers I do not know.

Comrade Chalk also believes that I should leave people alone to make up their own minds in this referendum. Surely in a referendum everyone has the right to campaign for either the yes or no camp?

At present, readers of this blog who have taken the trouble to contribute are showing a prefeence for a YES victory. Comrade Chalk claims that:

"On his personal website Cllr Tony Cox is suggesting that a YES vote for the Alternative Voting (AV) system is the most popular choice of Shoebury residents.

and that

"Cllr Cox should not be setting up Polls like this one to try and promote his own personal preference".

This seems a bit odd considering that back in July 2010 on this blog I nailed my colours firmly to the NO campaign.

Comrade Chalk here is a piece of advice for you.

Although you may otherwise like, this is a democracy. I believe in the principles of freedom of speech and expression and subscribe to the view that you may not like what someone has to say but you defend their right to say it.

I have the right to have a poll on this blog as any reader has the right to contribute to the poll if they wish. Keep your extreme brand of Communism to yourself and do not lecture me or others on what I or others should and should not do on a personal site.

I find your lies and distortion of the truth and facts that you peddle on your website repulsive but respect your right to peddle them. My grandparents fought and died for freedom of speech and expression and I intend to exercise this liberty gifted to me.

Sunday 1 May 2011

The art of deceiving...part 2

Unfortunately Comrade Chalk’s tendency to dupe or blatantly lie to residents has spread to West Shoebury’s UKIP candidate James Moyies. In a desperate last ditch attempt to wrestle the seat, James has decided to ask residents to join him in stopping 2,000 homes being built north of the Angel Pub on Bournes Green Chase.

One resident, wiping away the tears through laughing, couldn’t believe the incompetence as there is a board on the land saying “Land for sale D2 leisure use” meaning that no homes can be built on the site!

The art of deceiving...

This week has been very exciting as Miss Cox turned two and all her friends joined her for a party at Thorpedene Community Centre yesterday.

Whilst an excitable Miss Cox has run me ragged I have also found time to help deliver our latest leaflet in West Shoebury.

On the subject of leaflets, I was handed a copy of our favourite Commie Anne Chalk’s leaflet, the former Labour now Independent/UKIP candidate in Shoeburyness ward.

The main theme of her latest propaganda, sorry, leaflet centres on the theme of dog fouling. According to Comrade Chalk I have slashed the budget for dog bins. Oh dear, more lies to the Shoeburyness electorate.

What Comrade Chalk fails to mention is that I have personally given the authorisation for three new dog bins in Shoeburyness Ward, one in Ravensdale Way, one in Collingwood Way and another in Wakering Road which is currently on order.

Recently, local Conservatives surveyed the residents of Collingwood Way who were delighted with the new dog bin. What was interesting is that a couple of the residents were under the impression that it was Comrade Chalk and her agent Cllr Assenheim who got the bin installed. I wonder how they could have formed this opinion?

It transpires that Comrade Chalk and Cllr Assenheim canvassed Collingwood Way previously and led them to believe it was them who got the bin installed.

Fortunately not all the residents were taken in. One resident, angered by Comrade Chalk’s shameless campaigning techniques commented:

“It would appear that it is not only Anne’s website that has had a makeover but so has the photo on her leaflet too. They have done such a fantastic job it would be interesting to know where she got it done as I and lot of women in Shoebury would like some of that”!

I couldn’t possibly comment…

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Official: Lib Dems have no policies for Southend...says a Southend Lib Dem councillor

You may remember what Southend was like the last time the Lib Dems had a taste of power locally in a coalition with Labour.

Southend was in the doldrums and suffering from neglect. Remember the crumbling Palace Hotel at the top of Pier Hill, the Victoria Shopping Centre past its best and the ageing South East Essex Colleage building?

Compare that to the current Conserative administration. The Palace renovated, the new Essex University Campus with the planned new library, the regenerated Warrior Square Gardens, the St Johns Church gardens, Cuckoo Corner & Progress Road improvements, City Beach, The Victorias scheme. The list is endless.

Have the Lib Dems learn't their lession from 2000? Not so according to Southend Lib Dem councillor Ric Morgan. In an astonashing attack on the Southend Lib Dems in yesterday's Echo newspaper Cllr Morgan is quoted as saying:

"We are not putting forward clear alternative policies, neither us nor the Labour Party. We are not clear on the specifics of local government and what a Lib Dem council would do. That is a serious concern for me.

"There is no clear direction. It's a failure of the Lib Dem group".

Wow. Hard hitting stuff. Best of British to all Lib Dem candidates standing in Southend following this...


Town Centre Parking Reversal

At full council last Thursday, fellow colleague and portfolio holder for Planning & Transport Mark Flewitt announced that he is going to reverse the decision to extend car parking charges from 6pm to 9pm in the Town Centre following feedback from residents.

Mark was in a situation where he was dammed if he did and dammed if he didn't. If he didn't reverse the charges he would have been accused of not listening to residents. Now he has made the decision to reverse the proposed extension he is accused of buying votes by opposition parties in the run up to the local elections.

The truth is that when we consult we listen to what people have to say and reevaluate proposals in the light of their comments. A consultation is not a referendum but if valid objections are raised it is right and proper that we react.

Educashion, Educahion, Educashion

Our favourite Commie Anne Chalk the Independent/UKIP candidate for neighbouring Shoeburyness Ward has given her website a timely makeover for the local elections shortly upon us. Reading her latest this morning, it seems as a former teacher that maths and checking over pupils work wasn't one of her strongest points.

For starters, there are nine cabinet members not ten and yes I was the latest addition to the cabinet last year, but the cabinet will be reduced by one after the elections bringing the size of the cabinet down to eight. Comrade Anne also suggests that Southend Council do not need a executive councillor for Public Protection & Waste (The portfolio I am executive councillor for).

Maybe Comrade Anne doesn't think that refuse collection, recycling, crime, CCTV, dog fouling and the taxi trade are not important to the town?

This is not the first time Comrade Anne has put her big size nines in it and followers of this blog will remember last year when she wanted permanent travellers pitches on Gunners Park with skips and toilet facilities for them to enjoy...ah bless.

Another sum that former teacher Comrade Chalk has difficulity with is that of interest repayments. It is common place for local authorities to have a level of borrowing. At present Southend Council has borrowing of £218 million. £11 million will be spent on interest repayments in this financial year.

Comrade Anne claims that borrowing is out of control with 16% of our council tax spent on interest repayments.

This is blatent scaremongering.

Southend Council this year will have an annual budget of £472 million. £69 million of the annual budget is raised through collection of council tax with the rest of the budget made up of central Government grant. With £11 million to be spent on interest repayments, this is less than 2% of the overall budget.

Intrestingly, the figure of 16% was calculated by an Independent Party/UKIP councillor in Thorpe ward who was a financial controller for a  business that went bust! Says it all really

Saturday 23 April 2011

Revised Collection Dates...

I would like to wish all Shoebury residents a happy Easter. This time is particularly busy and will shortly be out and about again in the ward delivering Cllr Jarvis's election address leaving little time to enjoy the sunshine.

This year, we will be having another extended long weekend due to the Royal Wedding in addition to the traditional Whitsun holiday which mean revised collection dates for refuse collections. The revised dates for Shoebury are worth noting to avoid bags being lined up in the streets:

1. Friday 29th April 2011 refuse will now be collected on Tuesday 3rd May 2011.

2. Friday 6th May 2011 refuse will now be collected on Monday 9th May 2011.

3. Friday 13th May 2011 refuse will now be collected on Saturday 14th May 2011

4. Friday 3rd June 2011 refuse will now be collected on Saturday 4th June 2011

If any of your refuse is not collected on these days  please get in touch

Sunday 17 April 2011

The Bell Un-Principles

The postal voters this week in neighbouring Shoeburyness Ward received some junk mail from our favourite leftie Comrade Anne Chalk.

In an expensive first class mailing, the poor Shoeburyness Ward residents had to suffer the usual annual election time rant. What was interesting was the endorsement from Independent Party/UKIP councillor Mike Assenheim.

In his opening gambit, cllr Assenheim claims that Comrade Anne only narrowly lost in the 2010 elections. Comrade Anne lost by 600 votes to popular local Shoeburyness resident Roger Hadley! I suppose this is close in Cllr Assenheim's world.

Further on Cllr Assenheim tells the residents that the 'Independent Group' on Southend Council only endorse Independent Candidates if they genuinely care for residents. Ommitted from the letter of support to Comrade Anne was the revelation in last Monday's in the Southend Echo that the 'Independent's' have formed an electoral pact with UKIP. Yes UKIP!

I presume the endorsement roughly translated means you can only join our gang if your face fits and you hate the Tories.

Cllr Assenheim then repeats the mantra that by definition Independents are free from Party Politics and each other. Lets look at Cllr Assenhiems actions on this statement:

1. Part of the 'Independent Group' on Southend Council which has a leader who draws a leaders salary from the council and holds party meetings at the Civic Centre at a cost to the taxpayer.

2. He is part of the 'Independent Group' which has formed at electoral pact with UKIP at this year's elections.

3. Stood for the Political Party Alliance Southend in the 2006 local elections

At the end of the diatribe, Cllr Assenheim claims that he and Comrade Chalk subscribe to the 'Bell Principles'. The Bell principle were those set out by former BBC jounalist Martin Bell. Martin Bell famously beat Conservative Neil Hamilton in Tatton over the 'cash for questions scandal'.

In 2005 Martin Bell, Dr Richard Taylor and Terry Waite the former Church of England envoy and assistant to the former Archbishop of Canterbury formed the Independent Network an online resource for Independent councillors or candidates.

The 'Bell Principles' were developed in 2009 by Martin Bell for the Independent Network and are the first code of conduct for elected representatives - they demand that independent politicians behave to those standards. The Independent Network asks that all endorsed candidates and supporters agree to the following principles.

1. Abide wholeheartedly by the spirit and letter of the Seven Principles of Public Life set out by Lord Nolan in 1995: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership

2. Be guided by considered evidence, our real world experience and expertise, our constituencies and our consciences

3. Be free from the control of any political party, pressure group or whip How does Cllr Assenheim explain the UKIP pact

4. Be non-discriminatory, ethical and committed to pluralism. How does Cllr Assenheim explain having four different views on East Beach and using others work as his own in an article for the Southend Older Peoples

5. Make decisions transparently and openly at every stage and level of the political process, enabling people to see how decisions are made and the evidence on which they are based

6. Listen, consulting our communities constantly and innovatively 

7. Treat political opponents with courtesy and respect, challenging them when we believe they are wrong, and agreeing with them when we believe they are right Does this count as respect and courtesy when exposed over the Southend Older Peoples scandal 

8. Resist abuses of power and patronage and promote democracy at every level

9. Work with other elected independents as a Group with a chosen spokesperson Yep Cllr Assenheim certainly does this but intrestingly this was the only 'Bell Principle' left of the endorsement!

10. Claim expenses, salaries and compensation openly so the public can judge the value for money of our activities.

All noble principles you may think, but the Bell Principles are very hypocritical. How do principles 3 and 9 work together?
It is even surprising that the Independent Network's resources page even gives tips on how to form your own local 'Independent Party. In a page on how to campaign, one of the founder members Dr Richard Taylor even claims that:
 'You are only allowed the one word “Independent” on the ballot paper unless you have registered as a political party with a title, with or without a logo, with the Electoral Commission (EC). For example our title is “Independent Community and Health Concern” with a heart in hands logo. The word “Independent” is vital to separate us from the main parties and we believe that an extended title is helpful as it gives voters an idea of your aims and may create interest lacking from the single word “Independent”'

Dr Richard Taylor was the creator of the Independent Community and Health Concern Party!

We now know where the Independents in Southed get it from! It is always worth remembering Cllr Assenheim's wife, Evelyn, words in an email to a resident in West Shoebury last year - No single councillor can get anything done on theri own.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Southend Judicial Review Fails

Good news to hear that yesterday morning judgement on the application by Laura Millard for leave to apply for Judicial Review of the Council’s decision to grant planning permission (reference SOS/09/01960/FULM) for the runway extension at Southend Airport. This followed an oral Hearing held last week.
The High Court refused to grant leave and the judge ruled that all 4 grounds of challenge advanced on behalf of Ms Millard were unarguable.

Hopefully that is the end of the matter, unless Ms Millard attempts to pursue an appeal to the Court of Appeal or some type of action in Europe.