
Friday 21 October 2011

Condolences to Joseph Ball

Yesterday evening gave me the formal formal opportunity on behalf of the members to offer my condolences to the family and friends of Joseph Ball who was tragically killed last week whilst crossing London Road on his way home from Milton Hall School.

When I first heard the news I was numb with shock as I have a young daughter of two and couldn't possibly imagine having her taken away in such tragic circumstances.

I received a briefing on the incident from officers upon hearing the news and the Civic Centre was a very sombre place. The interview that I did with BBC Essex last week at the site where tributes are being laid was the most difficult that I have ever done.

It has been widely reported that a petition is imminent for a crossing at the site of where this tragic incident occurred but I would like to reassure residents that as soon as the full details of the incident are released by Essex Police a full safety review will be conducted on this stretch of of the London Road.  

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