
Friday 21 February 2014


So it has finally been confirmed, Independent Party leader Cllr Martin Terry will cause a by-election in his Westborough seat on the 22nd May to fight the Thorpe seat.

The question many will be asking is why? I believe there is two answers, firstly, his star is fading in Westborough and clearly wanting to cling onto power feels his best shot is to stand in Thorpe where there are currently two Independent Party councillors.

The second reason is pure and simply to intimidate Alex Kaye who was elected as an Independent four years ago but left to re-join the Conservatives after, in her words, became 'disillusioned' with the Independent Party.

This move by the lame duck leader of Independent Party actually poses more questions than it answers. Was he forced into this move as I suspect by UKIP following the announcement of their coalition here in Southend.

The second is why a press release on this issue from Cllr Terry would be send to a Lib Dem activist as this story broke on an activists blog yesterday. Press releases sent to the Lib Dems, a coalition with UKIP and accepting Cllr Morgan into the Group despite being a member of the Liberal Party, how they claim to be Independent of party politics with such a straight face is beyond me.

Although the ward has three Independent Party councillors, the ward is still very much a Conservative ward. The Independent Party know this as at every election in recent years we see their candidates telling residents on the doorsteps that they are 'Conservatives at heart'. Still, it will be interesting to see how Martin explains this one away on the doorsteps considering that he, by his own admission in the Echo article today, was a former Labour Party member and former Labour candidate.

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