
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Jeremy Corbyn's First 10 Weeks as Labour Leader

There was a supurb breakdown in the Telegraph Online of Jeremy Corbyn's first 10 weeks as Labour Leader:

The full Telegraph Online article can be found here.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Shoeburyness Remembers

Mike Lucas-Gill Selected

Mike Lucas-Gill has been selected as the Conservative candidate for the Rochford by-election. Mike is standing in this by-election, which has been called due to the sudden and sad loss of his wife Jill Lucas-Gill.

Mike is standing to continue the work that Jill started, but unfortunately did not complete. Mike has lived in the district for over 50 years, 30 of these in Rochford itself. Some of you might remember Mike from the hardware shop (Home Plus 2) that he ran with Jill in the market square for over 10 years.

As for experience, Mike has served as a parish councillor at Rochford Parish Council for a period of time, so have had experience of local government at that level. Having lived in the ward for 30 years, Mike is passionate about keeping Rochford a safe, healthy and enjoyable place to live, for all residents.

The residents will be Mike's first priority, with District matters coming second, unless they directly affect residents.

Plan Launched to end Shoebury Transport Woes

Following concerns raised by the Shoeburyness Residesnts Association (SRA) at the general increase traffic in Ness Road and congestion at the Campfield Road junction, Shoebury Conservatives have been working with local architect Nick Kenny, to develop a plan for the area which Shoebury Conservatives hope the Council will adopt.

The plan features a new mini roundabout at the Campfield Road junction to alleviate current congestion and an increase in the number of parking spaces along Ness Road. Although not shown on the map, Shoebury Conservatives are also pressing for West Road to revert back to a two way road to help local businesses.

Nick Kenny, who owns the draughtsman in Ness Road commented:

“I was approached by local councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox to address concerns along Ness Road which are shared by a number of residents.

“I believe this plan addresses long held concerns by local residents and hope that the Council will adopt this plan for the road layout in Ness Road.”

Starting later this month, Shoebury Conservatives will be taking the plans on a ‘road show’ across Shoebury so residents can view the plans and sign up to show their support.

If residents support the plans, councillors Roger Hadley, Derek Jarvis and Tony Cox will submit the plans to Full Council. It is envisaged that the proposed plan for Ness Road will be funded either by new Capital Money or from developer contributions.

Upon the unveiling of the plan Cllr Derek Jarvis commented:

“Congestion at the junction with Campfield Road is horrendous which will only get worse should any further development in Shoebury take place.

“If the plans have the full support from local residents, I will be pressing the Council to adopt it as its preferred plan for Ness Road.”

Conservative candidate for Shoeburyness ward Sue Abrahams also commented:

“Whilst out campaigning, the junction at Campfield Road is coming out high on the list of residents concerns. Improving this junction will be part of my manifesto at the local elections next year.” 

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