
Thursday 5 June 2014

The Deed Has Been Done

Unlike the new rainbow coalition, I have decided to wait until the end of Full Council to offer my comments on the new administration.

I know my former colleague Nigel Holdcroft and Labour Milton councillor Julian Ware-Lane have made their feelings known about jumping the gun, but I do find it truly astonishing that Ron Woodley and the rest of the Independent Party had the audacity to continuously claim that the past Conservative administration was 'undemocratic' yet in the Echo yesterday, Ron was paraded as the new leader before Full Council had even elected him.

With the parade in yesterday's Echo, clearly breaking the Bell Principles that he and the Independent Party supposedly sign up to, Ron can no longer claim to be independent of party politics as he will lead a cabinet which includes two. Gone also is the claim to be a 'Conservative at heart' as the two political parties he has jumped into bed with are left wing. These actions now confirm what some have thought for a while that he is nothing more than a phoney with an ego the size of Southend Pier to match.

Whilst the electorate made clear on the 22nd May that they did not wish to see a Conservative administration, with the battering the Lib Dems took, the residents of Southend did not want them in an administration either.

Of the new portfolio holders, the one inspired choice for me is Cllr Anne Jones who will hold the Education portfolio. From my time on the council I always felt that Anne, party politics aside, had the best interests of Southend children at heart.

Will the rainbow coalition last? I have my doubts. It is going to be very different for the Independent, Labour and Lib Dem parties fighting the next local elections in 2015 defending their record as an administration rather than criticising from opposition. I think we are going to be in for some very interesting times.

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