
Saturday 17 May 2014

It Has Been A While

It has been a while since I last blogged, too long for my linking, but I have unfortunately had one or two issues with the blogger platform over the past couple of weeks. Finally, after a little bit of toeing and throwing with Google, I am back up and running.

Just to alley any fears from my Labour opponent, whilst I haven't been able to blog for the past couple of weeks, I have managed to fill the void by delivering 11,000+ pieces of literature and visiting thousands of homes in West Shoebury instead.

I understand from Matthew that he was surprised by my absence at the Shoeburyness hustings. I didn't attend as it was not for West Shoebury but for Shoeburyness ward candidates only. I believe there was some confusion on the hustings. This shouldn't really come as a surprise as anything that comes from Cllr Chalk usually results in a cock-up of seismic proportions!

From Matthew's conversation and the resulting surprise at my Ukip opponents assertion regarding my supposedly low profile, as one resident said to me earlier today, residents have seen more of Halley's Comet than the Ukip candidate in the past couple of years. As I have said previously, I work all the time. The opposition in West Shoebury only work at election time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're okay, Tony; I was starting to worry!

And I didn't say James was spectacularly active, just that he said you weren't (though if you ask him, he'll probably tell you he's had tea and biscuits with every vote in the ward).

As for the hustings, I've just read Anne Chalk's blog about the hustings, and am wondering what fantasy hustings *she* attended.