
Wednesday 9 April 2014

"Vote For Me To Lose The Spy Car That I Advocated"

In the Echo today was this little gem of an article on Derek Kenyon, the Independent Party candidate for Southchurch in next months local elections.

Many of you will not be aware that Derek Kenyon, until his retirement earlier this year, was the Parking Enforcement Manager at Southend Council - the man in charge of the CCTV Vehicles.

In one of those' you couldn't make it up moments' in a recent leaflet circulated by Derek, his key pledge, astoundingly, was to abolish the CCTV Vehicles!

The Echo article reports that the leaflet tried to conceal his real position as Parking Enforcement Manager, he described himself as a 'section manager'. Bizarrely, in the leafle,t Derek calls for a 'review' of the operation of the CCTV Vehicle. If Derek had been paying attention, he would have been aware that his department undertook a full and comprehensive review of the CCTV Vehicles only last year. Surely we wouldn't see the Independent Party having double standards would we?

The article also confirmed that Thorpe Independent Party councillor Ron Woodley was to be Derek's election agent. Embarrassingly for Ron, before the item went to Cabinet in January 2013, it was also debated at what was then Economic & Environmental Scrutiny Committee - of which Ron was Chairman!

Intrigued to see the leaflet I managed to get hold of a copy:

We again see another Independent candidate having his picture taken with Ron Woodley as though he is some Messiah. We again have the usual about the Independent Party not being bound by a whip.

If I could give Derek and the rest of the Independent Party candidates for that matter some advice, although like the Conservatives the Independent Party may not have a whip, beware, as if two votes that I have witnessed this week is anything to go by, you will be expected to vote the way Ron Woodley tells you to.

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