
Thursday 20 March 2014

Pie In The Sky Idea

The name Boris Johnson is synonymous in this part of the world with a Thames Estuary Airport. Whilst I have a lot of respect for Boris Johnson, especially in his ability of appealing to a lot of non Conservative voters, the one area that I fundamentally disagree with Boris on is his passion for a Thames Estuary Airport.

This week, I was delighted to re-iterate my, and the Council's, opposition to to a Thames Estuary Airport at Cabinet.

My opposition relates to the damage that such a proposal would do both economically and environmentally to not just Southend but real damage here in Shoebury.

It is a little known fact that the only political party having a Thames Estuary Airport as official party policy was UKIP.

On page 12 of the UKIP 2010 General Election manifesto was UKIP policy of opposing a sixth Heathrow terminal in favour of a 'Hong Kong style' Thames Estuary Airport. Now, if you try searching for the document you will not be in luck as UKIP have pulled the document from their website following closure scrutiny of some of their more crackpot policies just recently. Not one for being defeated, I have managed to obtain a copy:

You would have thought that the impact that such a proposal would have here in West Shoebury and across Southend, that any UKIP candidate seeking to represent Rochford & Southend East would be bitterly opposed to such a policy would wreak so much havoc on Southend and West Shoebury.

Unfortunately, it appears not. Having looked through all the literature for the UKIP Rochford and Southend East candidate at the 2010 General Election not one single word was written in opposition to such a policy. Who would the candidate be I hear you ask. Step forward my old foe James Moyies the UKIP candidate here in West Shoebury. A man who lives in the ward that he and his party seeks to destroy

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