
Sunday 13 October 2013

Parking At Royal Mail Depot in Short Street

Despite the efforts of my colleague Cllr Hadley and I in getting Royal Mail to reverse their crackpot decision in closing the George Street Delivery Office, Royal Mail were unrepentant and still went ahead and forced Shoebury residents to collect their parcels and signed for Mail from Short Street.

This weekend, for the first time since the new arrangements, I had to visit Short Street to collect a parcel. It was utter chaos. Trying to find one of the four customer parking spaces was impossible as staff we're utilising the spaces and the queue was out of the door. In the end, I used the station car park to park.

Parking was one of my main concerns but Royal Mail were insistent that I was the mad one and that the new arrangements would work swimmingly. I would have loved to have been proved wrong but sadly I haven't. Come on Royal Mail, admit failure and please reinstate the Delivery Office in George Street.

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