
Wednesday 18 September 2013

West Shoebury Success

It is an often said that it is the little things that have the biggest impact to people's lives and this past week has been no exception.

Last Thursday, I was successful in persuading members of the Traffic & Parking Working Party to agree that officers should go out to statutory consultation with residents to put junction protection, double yellow lines, at all junctions with Church Road, St Andrews Road and Caulfield Road.

I have received many queries from local residents concerned at the difficulty and danger of trying to manoeuvre safely out of local roads which border these junctions, due to vehicles parked flush to the junction. Barring any objections, these will be implemented in the future and will keeper readers updated of progress.

My second success this week was regarding Abbotts Walk and Cornworthy. Before the summer recess, I was delighted to hand into full council a petition from residents in both these roads asking for footpaths, lighting, shrubbery etc to be maintained by the council.

Many residents across the town will be unaware that we have a number of roads and closes which have not been adopted by the council meaning that residents in these areas have the expense of maintaining paths, street lights, pavements, shrubs and grass where they live.

I have a great deal of sympathy especially with Abbotts Walk and Cornworthy as these roads back onto an open public space in which the public can cut through these roads and continue their walk along Bishopsteignton. We also have the situation whereby more members of the public use the footpath and roads than the residents who live there on a daily basis.

This afternoon, the petition was considered by cabinet. Both my fellow ward colleague Cllr Jarvis and I spoke in support of the petition. I am delighted that cabinet have endorsed the recommendation that officers should enter into discussions with the residents management group regarding the council undertaking the maintenance of these areas with a report containing recommendations coming to a future cabinet following these discussions.

To coin a phrase, every little certainly helps.


Anonymous said...


Whilst I admire the work you do, I’m not sure I fully agree with you on this point.

When people buy houses, they are told by their solicitor that the roads are not adopted and as such they are responsible for the maintenance of them.

I live in a road which is adopted but looking at the state of it you would think the last thing the council needs is responsibility for more roads in the current economic climate.

The cold weather last year has caused numerous pot holes and cracks to appear and the amount of weeds and grass that are growing on the kerbsides makes the whole place look scruffy and untidy.

Surely before the council thinks about taking on more work they should be able to cover and maintain those for which they are currently responsible. Just a thought.

Tony Cox said...

Thanks for the comments. I do not support all the current unadopted roads becoming adopted by the council but do believe that this is an exceptional case.

I would be grateful if you could let me know the name of the road in question which has the pot holes and I will happily take the appropriate action.

If you do not want to give me the name of the road on the comments board here, please email me at