
Saturday 3 August 2013

West Shoebury Online Ward Surgery

It’s really important to me that I am as accessible as possible to my residents, so I’m now piloting a series of ‘Online Surgeries’ using the latest in modern technology. Many of you will know about the usefulness of Skype, especially if you’ve got relatives in other countries. So I’m now using Skype to speak to West Shoebury residents.

The idea is simple; I will be online at a certain time and if you want to speak to me and use Skype, you can contact me. It’s a bit like a normal surgery, but instead it will be done online. In no way is it meant to replace face to face contact, indeed my colleagues and I hold regular ‘Street Surgeries’ all year round, and I hope my new ‘Online Surgery’ will complement them.

The reality is that these days, the vast majority of people who contact me use email or phone up for a variety of reasons. Perhaps they work away from home and cannot meet up and speak face to face, but can take 10 minutes out to write and email or call.

Of course, with Skype there is the added benefit of being able to speak face to face (if we both have webcams) and the calls over Skype are free. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes. Whatever happens, I feel it is important that as a local councillor I am accessible and give residents as many ways to contact me as possible.

So if you have an issue and are a Skype user, why not come to my 'Online Surgery’ – the first being Sunday 11 August. Simply add my Skype name (cllrtonycox) to your contacts, and then use Skype between 17:00-18:00 to get in touch.

Of course, if you’re not a Skype user but want to speak to me, I’m available via phone, post, email, Twitter or Facebook. See here for full contact details.

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