
Sunday 26 May 2013


I have always wondered if UKIP actually really want to leave the EU. Despite many UKIP candidates in this months local elections claiming that they would leave the EU to provide more funding for local councils, UKIP MEP's saw no problem in voting for an increase in the EU budget recently.

We also saw the UKIP 2013 local election manifesto claiming that they would cut excessive councillors expenses but their MEP's saw no problem in voting themselves a pay rise. Whilst UKIP will deny it, they are on the EU gravy train. Their entire party structure and funding is dependent on the EU.

Whilst Nigel Farage is undoubtedly a personable character, I do believe he prefers to snipe from sidelines like a child seeking attention, without any real intentions of wanting to get UKIP into Westminster, the only elected place which can sanction the UK withdrawal from the EU. I suspect that UKIP's motives for the 2015 General Election is to split the Conservative vote to allow for a Labour Government - A government led by Ed Milliband who has already said we should not have an In/Out referendum on our membership of the EU.

There are a couple of recent events have further confirmed my suspicions. Firstly, we have had my old foe in West Shoebury, James Moyies, claiming the Conservatives should stop banging on about Europe.

A truly remarkable statement from the UKIK Eastern Region Chairman considering the whole premise of the party is supposedly based on leaving the EU. There has been another story from his region this week which beggars belief.

The 15 newly elected councillors on Norfolk County Council have formed a coalition with Labour and the Lib Dems with support from the Greens - the three most pro EU parties! This just shows that UKIP the the stunt men of politics, promising supposed change whilst propping up arguably the three most wasteful parties in the history of Local Government.

The comment of the year so far comes from Toby Cook, the UKIP leader on Norfolk CC who said his party members were new to the council and would be taking more of a back seat role, claiming

"We need to learn to walk before we can run. It takes experienced people to run a large council like this," 
Just a few weeks in, it is clear that UKIP are the new Lib Dems, being all things to all men in different parts of the country, simply becoming the repository of the dustbin vote.

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