
Wednesday 6 March 2013

Cat Let Out Of The Bag

At some point in the not to distant future, a decision will be made by councillors as to whether the council decides to hold all up elections once every four years or retain the present system of electing in thirds, where 17 councillors are elected every year for three out of four years.

By holding all out elections once every four years and combining them to coincide with either a General Election or European Election up to £200,000 a year could be made in savings. The savings are made as the Government pays half the costs of holding a national set of elections.

A sensible idea you would think. Well, not according to Cllr Terry the leader of the Independent Group. When asked by the Echo for his views he gave some cock and bull that:

“To me, national politics should not get involved at the town hall, and this risks that happening"

When abviously pressed by the journalist he replied:

“I’ll be honest - it would hurt our vote" 

It will hurt our vote! And there was me thinking that they were Independent.

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