
Friday 15 February 2013

Former Southend Labour Candidate Back in the News

Former Labour Thorpe and Belfairs candidate Matt Zarb-Cousin made an return to the news this week. Followers of this blog will recall that this time last year that the former Southend Labour candidate made national news for likening the Queen to benefits scrounger on the day that she marked 60 years on the throne.

Political blogger Guido Fawkes this week broke the news that Matt, now working as a lobbyist for the anti-betting Campaign for Fairer Gambling, still holds a House of Commons pass for Pamela Nash MP despite last working for her in 2011.

When contacted by Guido, Matt confirmed that he has used the pass to gain access to Parliament in his capacity at Fairer Gambling. Now over to Labour to see how they deal with this misconduct. Then again, did I just see a pig fly?  

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