
Saturday 5 January 2013

Targeting Posties in Retaliation not the Answer

There is widespread anger at Royal Mail for inflicting the closure of the Shoebury and Leigh Delivery Offices due on the 11th February.

I am disgusted at this decision and more so at the shoddy treatment by Royal Mail to residents in their handling of the closures. I am also acutely aware that the majority of postmen are deeply concerned at the proposals with real fears that this may lead to future job losses.

Many Posties have supported the campaign led by Cllr Hadley and I here in Shoebury to try and prevent the closure of the Delivery Office in George Street with some even signing our online petition.

If these closures do go ahead as planned their is naturally the temptation by some to want to get even with Royal Mail. Targeting rank and file Posties as suggested by two Independent Party councillors this week isn't the way to go about it.

By banning Royal Mail from chaining mail trolleys to fences or lamp posts and issuing tickets to vans parked briefly on yellow lines will only increase burdens on Posties with inevitable consequences and further damage to our daily delivery service. Also it is highly likely that any fines incurred will have to be paid for by Posties out of their wages.

Whilst it is tempting to poke fun at Cllr Aylen and Cllr Assenheim for this suggestion I am going to resist as like me and all other councillors they too are concerned by these proposals.

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