
Friday 24 February 2012

Not the Finest Month for Southend Labour

Some within the Labour Party love nothing better than trying to make out the Conservative Party are the 'nasty party' but when it comes to disagreeing with their Conservative opponents, Labour have taken this to a truly unpleasant level this month.

At the start of the month we had Sunderland City councillor Florence Anderson who "Likes" the idea that the IRA should blow up the Conservative Party Conference and this week we have seen Falkirk West MP Eric Joyce charged with three counts of common assault after allegedly giving Conservative MP Stuart Andrew a 'Scottish Kiss' in a fracas in the Strangers Bar in the House of Commons which was rumoured to have started after Eric Joyce thought that there were 'too many Tories in the place' - Both have been suspended by the Labour Party.

Unfortunately the unpleasantness from the Labour Party has spread to Southend. Earlier this month we had former Thorpe and Belfairs candidate Matt Zarb-Cousin publicly apologise for likening the Queen to a benefit scrounger, last week we had the Leader of the Labour Group Ian Gilbert comparing Conservative opponents to Vermin and West Shoebury Labour candidate Gray Sergeant offending Christian Conservative councillors and suggesting they should pray for forgiveness for having to make budget savings this year after the financial mess his Labour Government left the country in.

This has certainly not been labour's finest month!


Del Thomas said...

Dont forget Tameside Metropolitan's councillor Ann Holland (no relation I am sure!) who said she dearly wished Margaret Thatcher would go blind.

The link is on the Southend Conservatives facebook page.

Unknown said...

Tony, we all have feet of clay, and even a fine young man like yourself can be guilty of the odd foot-in-mouth moment. Ian was quoting Nye Bevan and has clarified his intentions. I cannot access Gray's blog so do not know what he has written. Matt has apologised.

I am curious though what you think of Blaine's courting of right-wing extremists?

Matthew S. Dent said...

Yes, how dare Matt Zarb-Cousin criticise the Queen? What does he think, that we're living in a democratic country with free speech?

Ian Pope said...

Will Anna Waite be apologising to single mothers for her unacceptable comments?