
Monday 23 January 2012

Parking on Pavements

Earlier this month the Traffic & Parking Working Party passed new measures to prevent parking on pavements in roads where cars continually obstruct pedestrians and have caused damage to the grass verge of footpath.

It was argued by some members that there should be a blanket ban on parking on pavements like there is in London but it was generally excepted that this would be too draconian and should only be applied to road where there is a significant problem. It was recognised by the committee that there are some roads in town that parking on the pavement was a necessity on very narrow road.

It was ultimately agreed that the council will introduce pavement parking restrictions when:

• There is evidence of a problem demonstrated by at least 5 complaints during the last 12 months or clear damage to footways or verges caused by parked cars

• Legitimate on street parking will not result in the obstruction of traffic (i.e. where there is an ideal carriageway width of 7.3m (recommended DfT guidelines) and no less than 7m

• There are no existing waiting restrictions or such plans under consideration

• Existing waiting restrictions exist, but short term loading / unloading occurs with vehicles on the footways (e.g. London Road)

• The scheme has the support of all Ward Councillors

If any resident feels that their road could benefit from these new restrictions then please get in touch and let me know.

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