
Friday 17 June 2011

Southend Airport Takes Off

I was absolutely delighted with the news that EasyJet have signed a 10 year agreement to commence flights from Southend Airport.

EasyJet will begin flights from April next year to 10 European destinations creating approximately 150 new jobs.

Southend Airport is the single most important catalyst for economic creation and regeneration of this town. It was interesting to hear that Southend Airport was the the 3rd largest airport in the UK in the 1950's.

Democracy in Action

Since gaining Transport as part of my portfolio, I have quickly learnt that resident parking schemes are an emotive subject for many.

As the portfolio holder for Transport, one of my duties is to chair the Traffic & Parking Working Party. To help resident engagement in the political process, I decided to move the meeting from a traditional 14:00 start to 18:00.

Last week was my first Traffic & Parking Working Party meeting and residents responded by turning up in their droves - probably the largest turnout from residents that I have seen at a Council meeting in my five years as a councillor.

I think that the residents who attended were pleasently surprised that they could engage in the debate if parking proposals affected them in their roads and that decisions were taken taking into account all the residents feelings when they responded to the consultation.

Curiously though, Independent Party councillor for Thorpe Ward had difficulity understanding what a consultation was. This wasn't missed by the residents who attended. 

Street Surgery Welcomed by Residents

Despite the inclement weather, residents turnded out in their droves for our first Street Surgery on the Bishopsteignton Estate. If you di not get the chance to meet us, we will be holding another Street Surgery on Saturday 2nd July from 10:00 - 12:00 outside the Co-Op in West Road.

Sunday 5 June 2011

The Work Shy...

Whilst driving into work on Friday the news bulletins were reporting official Office of National Statistics figures revealing that under the past Labour Government long term unemployment doubled to 352,000.

What was even more surprising was that seven out ten people in this group claimed that they had no intention in the near future to find work.

On the back of these statistics I wonder how many people will support Julian Ware Lane's view that we should support the lazy

The Missing St Lukes Councillor...The Defence Begins

I wondered how long it would be before the missing St Lukes councillor Paul Van Looy went crying to the Echo claiming that it is all the nasty Tories fault why I am lazy arse and only sit on two working parties and an outside body which you could count on one hand the number of times they meet collectively.

In his defence Cllr Van Looy makes the revelation that the Independent Party will be issuing concise details soon of its policies. This raises some important questions.

1. If you are a so called 'Independent' why are they making policies collectively?
2. Surely you put forward policy ideas before an election and not after so the residents can decide?
3. How long do we have to wait for Independent Party policies as the West Shoebury Independent Party candidate two years ago said they were imminent?

Judging on past performance I think the residents of this town have more chance of seeing Halley's Comet than an Independent Party policy.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Street Surgery Returns

Along with my fellow ward colleagues, we will be holding our popular residents Street Surgery on Saturday 11th June from 10:00 - 12:00 on The Green, Bishopsteignton. If you have any pressing issues then pop along and come and see me.