
Sunday 16 May 2010

Happy Birthday's All Round!

It seems that the months of April and May are a time of celebration. In April it was the birthday's of my mother and mother in law and also that of Miss Cox who turned one, oh and by the way, Mrs Cox in the end made the most fantastic birthday cake after much ribbing from me.

It was my own birthday on 5th May which now makes me the ripe ald age of 32, and my father in law also clebrated his birthday on the 13th May. It is not the end of the celebrations as my sister in law to be also celebrates her birthday at the end of the month - we are just waiting for Sam to set the date and make an honest woman of her.

It is also interesting to note that there are a couple of important birthdays around Shoebury. Firstly, the Shoebury residents asociation has just celebrated it's 60th birhday but what you may not be aware of is that the Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay Baptist Church celebrate their Centenary Year. Based in Caulfield Road the church does a huge amount work within the community and Shoeburyness High School which shouldn't be forgotten. I look forward to their next hundred years.

So happy birthday's all round! Cheers

Thank You West Shoebury

My apologies to all the followers of this blog on the light content over the past couple of weeks. It has been a hectic time and would like to thank all the residents of West Shoebury who voted for me and gave me a overwhelming mandate to contine my work in making sure that West Shoebury remain a fantasic place to live. The full result for West Shoebury can be found here.

There are a few personal thank you's that I would like to mention as without their help and support wouldn't have made the result possible. Firstly, Mrs Cox who has been a rock throughout my entire campaign and worked relentlessly on polling day. Secondly, Cllr Roger Hadley, my agent and now good friend who was there to keep me going throughout the hard and low points of the campaign.

I now at times it has been a nasty campaign and some candidates acroos the town have fought campaigns from the gutter but I want to say a few words about Independent Party candidate Evelyn Assenheim. At the count on the 7th May Mike here husband and Independent Party ward councillor in neighbouring Shoeburyness ward said that if Evelyn's dad had been alive he would have been so pround as se was always the quiet one of the family.

With that in mind I congratulate Evelyn on having the courage to stand. James Moyies the UKIP Party candidate also fought a hard campaign but had the dubious honour of loosing two elections in two days. In 2004 I had the misfortune of losing two elections in the same day. I lost Kursaal Ward by 4 votes and was also a list candidate for the London GLA elections and lost that too.

Things have also moved on since election day and I have been asked to join the cabinet to look after the portfolio for Public Protection and Waste which I have accepted and should be ratified on Thursday.

This now means that Shoeburyness has three councillors in the top jobs which can only be a good thing in helping attract funding and investment. I will keep you posted on all developments.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Mrs Assenheim Emails - The shocking Truth

Followers of this blog will remember a previous post which revealed that West Shoebury Independent Party Candidate Evely Assenheim believes that the resdents of West Shoebury are cranks and that no Indpendent can get anything done.

Today, I can reveal the full shocking email exchange here.