
Sunday 12 April 2015

Local Elections Some Statistics

Across the country there will be elections in 279 local authorities and 6 Mayoral elections. Across all the 279 local elections, there are 187 wards which are uncontested. Of the 241 councillors that will be elected unapposed, 188 are Conservative.

Of the 5 major parties, here is national percentage breakdown of candidates standing:

Conservatives - 93%
Labour - 75%
Ukip - 47%
Lib Dems - 46%
Green - 38%

I have always been of the belief that the political parties should be aiming for a 100% slate of candidates. I am delighted that across Southend the Conservatives are above the national Conservative average with 100% coverage and fielding a full slate of 19 candidates.

Candidates For Southend West

As I get a lot of followers on this blog from the west of the town, here are the declared candidates for the Southend West constituency:

Candidates For The Rochford & Southend East Constituency

On the same day as the local elections, residents will also cast their votes to elect a new member of Parliament. The candidates for Rochford & Southend East are as follows:

Local Election Candidates 2015

All the nominations are in and the candidates for the 2015 local elections have been declared. All the candidates contesting the 17 wards and the two by-elections in West Shoebury and St Laurence can be found below:

Friday 10 April 2015

Manifesto For Southend

This morning, Southend Conservatives launched their manifesto for the local elections on the 7th May. We have devised a comprehensive set of local polices which we will implement should we form an administration.

Highlighted in the manifesto is a clear choice that residents will have when they cast their votes at the ballot box. It will eiher be the Indpendent Party/Labour/Lib Dem plan for Southend, supported by Ukip, of wasteful spending, more borrowing, higher taxes and charges. Or the Conservative plan of delivering quality value for money services for a Southend we can be proud of.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Map For Gilbert & Kelly

This afternoon, I got a telephone call from a confused party helper whilst out delivering our latest leaflet in Vincent Close.

The conversation was slightly surreal in that they were repeatingly asking if Vincent Close was in West Shoebury ward. Having been a councillor for 8 years in West Shoebury and a candidate again in May I could assure my helper that Vincent Close was indeed a part of West Shoebury ward.

It would appear that the confusion had arisen, as a Labour leaflet featuring Labour parliamentary candidate Ian Gilbert and Labour local election candidate Maggie Kelly had been delivered to the road. The only problem is that Maggie Kelly is a candidate for neighbouring Shoeburyness ward.

I know fellow blogger Matthew Dent likes to point out candidates lack of geographical skills so I wait in eager anticipation for his post condemning this faux pas. I am not sure how far this leaflet has been delivered in West Shoebury but as we are now in the tightly regulated election expenses period I will be making sure that the leaflets delivered in West Shoebury forms part of the Labour candidates for West Shoebury election expenses.

Still, this mishap pales into insignificance compared to the Ukip councillor in West Shoebury who claimed to save the non existent toilets in West Road from closure!

Sunday 5 April 2015

Happy Easter To All Residents

Clean and Green...But For How Long?

On my to do list each month is to look out for Cllr Woodley's Thorpe Bay Oracle article. They can be quite revealing. Last month we had the revelation that dispite huge public opinion the public toilets are still not safe from closure.
This months topic is a clean and green Southend. If you were looking at the face of it there could be little to disagree with in this article. Except of course, his Administration are removing 55 litter bins across the town and there will five less officers to patrol the borough after they were made redundant!

Residents Parking Questionnaire

Latest West Shoebury In Touch - Council Elections Special

Under 42 Days To Secure The Future